Читать книгу Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Weddings - Darryl Dean Wright - Страница 15

Chapter 12 BETRAYAL


Derek ordered the Turtle once again to send out all of the large Turtle ships to go and gather as many Tauri people as they could find. "We beat the Leonsians here, but they're not that far behind us. Have all the ships manned with droids with my brother and me to represent us and explain why we are here as we pick up our passengers."

After the Turtle gave its affirmative, it took thirty minutes to unload thousands of her largest children to spread out on Tauri. Derek asked Noah if he could see Daque's ship anywhere, but Noah said no. Derek then asked the Turtle the same question, and it said that it was cloaked and orbiting their lunar satellite about four million miles away. Derek knew the ship would know. There was not much the ship could not do, and only he and Austen were aware of all of its capabilities.

Derek told Kim to get hold of him, and when Daque appeared on the screen he said, "Well hello stranger. We're back for another load of refugees. We passed the Leo-fleet on our way here, so we won't spend as much time here as we did last time. They'll be here in a day maybe."

Daque said, "Yes they will, because a farm-freighter landed on my planet to gather up more of my people and we killed them all. By now they'll be late getting back or checking in."

Derek said, "Good to know. Where is this freighter? We will go and pick it up and put our flag on it. Your brother became part of our crew, so he is still with us, and don't worry, we'll keep him safe. Do you want to see him?"

Daque said, "That would be great. We are coming to you now, and I'll give you the coordinates of the freighter when I arrive." The captain became slightly unnerved at his response because Daque ignored his order to give the co-ordinates.

Derek took Kirk and went to the Q-bay. When they arrived, they entered the Leonsian ship as the Turtle was launching the last ship to go fishing on the planet. Derek thought it was really weird that the Q-bay looked a little empty. They entered the engine room where Brion and Leo were with quite a few Nano-droids hard at work on the Leonsian ship. As they passed Clark, Derek winked at her, and she blushed as Kirk rolled his eyes.

Derek asked Leo how it was going because he might need the ship soon. Leo just grunted as Brion helped him remove a piece of the jump engine. Derek walked over to the Nano-droid that looked like Carter and asked if the ship was going to be ready soon, but N-Carter just laughed at him. Derek said, "You know that I don't have patience for this, and I'm armed."

N-Carter said, "Patients are for doctors; mechanics just do breakdowns, Sir. It's going to take a week at this rate to have this ship space worthy. The black-hole killed all this." He spread his arms and circled them emphasizing the entire engine room.

Derek said, "So, two hours then? Carry on." He told Brion, "I believe your brother is arriving in the Q-bay right now if you want to go and see him, Cadet. But make no mistake, if he or any Tauri take arms against my friend Leo there …" Leo looked up at Derek from where he was knelt down, and then to his side at Brion. Derek finished his statement,"… we will put them down. Got it?" Brion put his hand up on Leo's shoulder and told Derek that he would explain it to his brother.

Derek nodded and went over to talk to Clark while Kirk went to talk with Leo and Brion. She was up against the bulkhead as Derek slowly whispered in her ear, "You look… Delicious." She let out a moan. They both had their hands at their sides, but Derek had his lips against her ear. As he started whispering again she let out another moan, "Commander, I mean Jeanette … I'll have four Lizardians guarding the ship coming …" and she closed her eyes and let out another moan. He said, "… into…," and she licked her lips which accidently had her tongue slide on his neck. As she opened her eyes, she started moaning faster but kept it low enough that no one else in the room could hear her. It just looked like the admiral was whispering orders in her ear, but her breasts were pushed up against Derek's chest, and his knee was pressing up against her precious center. She was breathing faster and her heart was thumping away as he continued, "… the Q-bay along with the Nano-droids. I'd like for you to join Deana and me in her quarters in fifteen minutes or so if you'd like. I know I will. Besides, you aren't allowed to pull a double shift, so I want to relieve …" She was pressing hard on his thigh, and she didn't think she could take anymore as he continued, "… you."

Then he turned his face to be right in hers. Her face was a dark red and her wanting lips were almost touching his. She swallowed hard and started sweating fiercely. She moaned as her eyes got bigger and rounder, even though now only her breasts were touching, crushing the admiral. She breathed hard and fast and wanted more than anything to kiss him. His lips couldn't have been but a centimeter away and it was killing her. He was looking in her eyes and their lips accidently barely touched. She hit Xanadu!

She was cumin in her suit over and over, and as she was still moaning when she whispered, "I… would… love to…, join you, Sir."

As the last word came out of her mouth she fell forward. Derek backed up a little before he caught her preventing their mouths from touching. As he held her in an upright position he said in a normal voice, "So call in another babysitter and go get yourself some sleep, Commander." This was sudden and unexpected, but she knew she wasn't dreaming, and she wanted him so bad!

Her face was blood-red as she took out her smart phone and called Lynn Jackson to come to the Q-bay. She answered that she was going off-shift too but that she would send Noah to the Q-bay for her replacement.

Derek said, "Come on Kirk, let's go."

Kirk turned around and said good bye to his friends Brion and Leo. He was certain they were both his age in Earth terms. He started to leave the engine room with his dad when he noticed the commander holding her phone with one hand, but it looked like her other hand was holding herself upright with her back to everyone. She was visibly trembling.

When they left the ship Kirk said, "I'm telling Deana, and don't play innocent with me."

Derek smiled at his son and said, "She already knows. She wants to meet with some of Austen's crew, and I'm just the messenger. Besides, I never touched the commander. I only whispered in her ear some secret orders passed on from Deana."

Kirk said, "Please… Beware of the Dog!" And then he said, "I heard a bunch of Austen's crew were now yours. The commander is one of them, huh?" They both looked at each other and howled together.

Derek went over to one of the Lizardians, he didn't know which one, and pointed at the Kirk probe icon symbol on the Leonsian ship and asked him to see that it was removed. The Lizardian said that Austen had already given that order.

The Turtle ships were all over the globe, but they were running out of time. The Leo-fleet had to be getting closer. Many of the Turtle ships were attacked by the Tauri who had been fitted with weapons they got from the Turtle's admirals. There was no misunderstanding because the Tauri spoke English too. They just tried to take over the Turtle ships so they could be used against the Leonsians. The admirals thought that the Tauri were just as bad as Earth Defense.

Quite a few Nano-droids had been shot, mostly the N-admirals. This only happened with large crowds, so the Turtle ships reported to the admirals on the Turtle, who ordered their ships to start landing only by small groups and families. Anyone caught with a weapon would be thrown back. The admirals did not want to put their own people in jeopardy.

Back in the Q-bay, the admirals were talking to Daque who insisted on being ignorant of his people's plans for taking the ships. He said that they probably just felt like he did. He wanted to stay and fight for his planet, and the Turtle's ships could turn the tide in the war. Derek said to Austen, "No good deed goes unpunished." Austen did not like hearing that.

Daque said, "Our chances maybe few and possibly irrecoverable, but liberty is eternal vigilance." Then he asked, "Please help us, we don't know the disposition of their fleet like you do. We don't know why this happened to us, but what difference does that make now? This has been a hundred year slaughter. Now we have some weapons, but we need more, please."

Austen ordered, "I don't think so." He hollered at some nearby engineers who were standing by Daque's ship. Austen told the engineers to take both cloaking devices out of the two ships right away.

N-Carter said, "Sir, I just installed the one on this ship."

Derek said, "Yes, and now you're going to take it back out."

In defeat N-Carter said, "Yes, Admirals," and he went to get busy.

Daque asked them why, and Austen said, "Apparently things have changed - like your people shooting at my people. Besides, I have decided I don't want the Leos ending up with cloaking technology. It would be bad for both of us."

Derek added like he was talking to a kindergartener, "He means when they kill you and your people and take their ships back. Oh yeah, and we aren't picking up the farm-freighter because our scans of it show a bunch of Tauri packing our weapons and probably ready to attack us. So just tell them we knew it was a trap and good luck."

Daque looked lost for a moment. He asked again for more weapons and for them to keep his brother safe.

Derek said, "No to the first, and yes to the latter. We've given you those weapons for defense, not to shoot at us. The plan was to relocate everybody to a safe planet, you know, to be secure."

Austen said, "We'll be back in three of your months to the city where we picked you and your brother up. Anyone else that wants to leave and isn't armed or who has no intentions of stealing or killing us is welcome to go to the planet Kess with us."

Derek added, "Also, tell them next time our people get shot at, we will kill your people. This is the only warning your people get."

Daque said, "I'll make sure everybody understands the situation and thank you for everything."

Then it dawned on Austen to inquire about his crew of Nano-droids onboard Daque's ship. He asked Daque, who said that they were fine. He added that if Austen did not believe him he could go and check on them himself. Austen thought, Protestations of the innocent, me thinks. There was no way either of the admirals was going to step foot on Daque's ship.

Austen said, "I don't think so, but we will stand here and watch half of them go into the other Leonsian ship over there. Then both of your ships can get back out there, because all of my ships are returning soon." Both admirals had their right hands on the butts of their lasers to see what Daque was going to say or do.

Daque said good bye to his brother and ran back into his ship without saying a word. A minute later, some Nano-engineers came out of his ship carrying the cloaking device. A minute after that, twenty-six Nano-droids came out of one ship and headed for the other one. As they marched by the Houstons they all turned their heads and saluted. The admirals held their salute until they vanished into the Leonsian ship that still needed some minor work done to it. It would be repaired on its own because they were leaving soon. Austen noticed that Daque must have lost some Nano-droids, but if there were any foul-play, the Nano-droids would have told the Admirals on their way by. If there were anything amiss, they would have told them.

Three hours later, Captain Deana asked the Turtle if the black-hole was going to affect folding space, and the Turtle replied, "Not now that I know it is there, Sir." Deana ordered cloaked mines to be dropped for the next light-year and then to fold space to Kess.

Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Weddings

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