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Chapter 2 NOVA


Captain Glasier was onboard his ship, the Lexington, and he was holding his right arm because his right hand had been cut off due to his attempt to self-destruct his ship. He was on the verge of passing out from pain.

The only Leo ship that wasn't taken over by Earth Defense, or destroyed in the battle, had accidentally hyper-jumped right next to the Lexington. The Leo-ship caught the ED ship by surprise and overtook the Lexington in less than five minutes.

The crew of the Leo-ship had eaten the crew of the Lexington, all except for Captain Glasier who was in immense pain in every possible way. He would have been eaten too, but the Leos needed him and his codes.

The Leonsian captain had watched his entire fleet destroyed or taken captive, and he wanted revenge. Running into the Earth ship was pure luck, because now he didn't have to use his own ship for a suicidal run. Now he could destroy this solar system and still make it back home to report to the remaining fleet. And if his luck held out, maybe be promoted to general.

His brother was also a captain in the Leonsian Fleet, but he had no idea if he was alive or in one of the many ships destroyed in the battle, or floating in space. He could not believe that the massive fleet was lost in the battle. Leonsians rarely lost to a planet they set out to conquer. He was dumbfounded because he was now on a ship that had defeated his fleet. They had no super weapons; the enemy only had a handful of ships, and the ship he was on didn't even have hyper-jump capabilities. How could this have happened? He had never known anger like that before.

He had interrogated the captain of the vessel and yet got no answers as to how it had happened. Captain Glasier never gave up the Houstons since he witnessed his crew being eaten. It was driving the Leo captain mad, but at least he was able to join his crew in a feast. It had been a while since he had eaten.

He missed his mate and cubdren, and as soon as he turned the primitive ship into a nova-bomb, he would set sail back to his planet Bullos and see them again.

The Leo-ship and ED ship were attached to each other and in high orbit around Venus, the second planet from the sun in that solar system. The Leo captain was very fortunate that they went unnoticed with both the conquering of the handful of ED ships, and in getting far enough away from the massive battle.

The captain was hoping his luck would hold out for another day, long enough for the nova-bomb to be built and to aim the ED ship into the sun. He would be able to jump all the way out of that solar system in just one jump, but it would probably take a month for the primitive ship to fly into the sun with its engines. At least he was sure nobody would notice it until it was too late for them. The ED sub-ship, the Lexington, had gold panels built all around it to bounce off the heat and all the radiation that the sun would feed it until penetration. The Leo captain was unimpressed because Leonsians had more gold than any other planet because they conquered so many planets and took all their gold. They even used gold for fuel in their warships.

Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Weddings

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