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With the rise of central banking, gold as money began a three century decline. Gold as power, however, continued on as usual.

In 1971, when the US cut the ties between money and gold, gold as money ceased to exist. Gold as power, however, continued. But because gold is power there is little real information on the connection between the two; and that information is often misleading as the powerful prefer secrecy and the true movements of gold are no exception.

I would like to share some information I discovered about the world of gold and power that will shed light on some very critical issues; and, because of power’s purposefully hidden path, the truth here can only be approached obliquely.

What I offer is a name. The name is Bruce Rappaport. Twenty-five years ago, in extenuating circumstances I had met Howard Hughes’ private banker, Dr. Norman Bernard Thirion. Prior to working for Hughes, Dr. Thirion had worked for Daniel K. Ludwig, a man even wealthier and more secretive than Hughes.

Because of the unique circumstances under which we met, Thirion told me about events he had told few others, events that led to, among others, the name of Bruce Rappaport. The events centered on the embezzlement by the Reagan White House of funds Thirion had solicited from the Saudi royal family.

The funds, $500 million, intended to aid the Afghan freedom fighters never reached them. Instead they were later discovered in a secret CIA Swiss bank account co-mingled with proceeds from the Iran-Contra arms scandal, another illegal Reagan operation. The bank account was controlled by an Israeli-Swiss banker, Bruce Rappaport, later connected to the events surrounding 9/11.

It was because of what Howard Hughes’ private banker told me in 1987 that I recognized Rappaport’s name when it came to my attention last year in 2011, this time in connection with 9/11 and events far from Norman Thirion and the Reagan White House; events that will reveal the continuing connection between gold, money and power.


The name of Bruce Rappaport brings together events, nations and individuals tangled in interlocking webs of deceit and deception. The covert life of Bruce Rappaport is similar to a USB hub that connects crime, power, politics and money; and it was Rappaport’s relationship with William Casey (Nixon’s Chairman of the SEC, Reagan‘s Director of the CIA and Rappaport’s golfing buddy) that gave Rappaport his greased entry into the international sewers of power and money.

On August 22, 1999, an article in the New York Times, Russian Money-Laundering Investigation finds a Familiar Swiss Banker in the Middle, focused on Russian money-laundering then being carried out at Rappaport’s bank, the Bank of New York.

The New York Times’ article on Bruce Rappaport, i.e. the ‘familiar Swiss banker’, and his bank, the Bank of New York, did not, however, mention Rappaport’s close ties to Israel, the Reagan administration and to US intelligence.

Regarding these omissions by the New York Times, Robert Parry wrote: …the article sketched Rappaport's biography from his birth in Haifa, now part of Israel, through his founding of Inter-Maritime Bank in Geneva to his acquisition of the Bank of New York.

But left out was an important piece of the mystery: Rappaport's close relationship to Israel's Labor Party, the Reagan administration and U.S. intelligence… Rappaport had been linked to some of the Reagan administration's most controversial actions…These included: the Iran-contra affair; an Israeli bribery case that involved a U.S.-backed oil pipeline in Iraq; the scandal over the Bank of Credit and Commerce International; a curious shipment of weapons through a melon farm in Antigua to Colombian cocaine kingpins; and the October Surprise mystery, the allegations that the 1980 Reagan campaign sabotaged Carter's negotiations to free 52 American hostages held in Iran.


On September 24, 2011, the name, Bruce Rappaport, was mentioned on the website Veterans Today. Bruce Rappaport and Lee Wanta, a former US intelligence operative, who, like Rappaport, was involved with Reagan’s illegal Iran-contra activities, had also been active in US covert efforts to destabilize the Russian economy.

Wanta’s story along with Bruce Rappaport’s offers a telling glimpse into the secretive world of power, politics, money and gold. The story in Veterans Today, titled “Classified: The Wanta Chronicles, the Covert Economic War” connects Lee Wanta and Bruce Rappaport to:

.. a vast international criminal conspiracy at the heart of the American government ... [beginning] with the criminal prosecution of former Reagan intelligence coordinator, Lee Wanta…Charges allege that the 9/11 attacks were planned and executed in order to cover financial crimes.

The financial crimes and events that revolved around US efforts to destabilize the Russian ruble are myriad and complex; and include far more than the activities of Rappaport and Wanta.

They not only explain the events surrounding 9/11, they also reveal the source of funding for America’s covert activities after WWII, thousands of tons of gold stolen from China by the Japanese—and later again stolen by the US.

Letter to House Select Committee on Intelligence

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