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The victims of 9/11 are considered collateral damage by those who pursue gold, money and power to no other end. Howard Hughes’ banker, Norman Thirion, was fortunate to have escaped with his life when he crossed the powerful elites who controlled the Reagan White House.

Other bankers, e.g. Roberto Calvi, Michele Sindona and Edmund Safra, were not so lucky. Roberto Calvi, former chairman of Banco Ambrosiano, was hung by the neck beneath Blackfriar’s Bridge in London in 1982. Michele Sindona, former owner of Franklin National Bank, died after drinking coffee laced with arsenic in an Italian prison in 1986; and Edmond Safra, owner of Republic National Bank, burned to death barricaded and trapped in his heavily guarded penthouse in Monaco in 1999.

Each banker knew the secrets of the powerful who ultimately determined their interests were best served with the three bankers dead. Calvi and Sindona were murdered after their banks collapsed but Safra’s death was different. Safra died with his financial empire intact—but, of the three, Safra’s death was the most curious as the prosecution’s explanation was both convoluted and unconvincing in the extreme.

The commonly-accepted—and highly improbable—version of Safra’s death can be found at Wikipedia; where Safra’s attorney alleged in court that Safra’s killer, nurse and former Green Beret, Ted Maher, .. did indeed start the fire in order to gain acceptance from Mr. Safra…He did not intend to kill Mr. Safra. He just wanted Mr. Safra to appreciate him more. He loved Mr. Safra.

A far more plausible explanation for Safra’s fiery demise is found at The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics (ISGP) website regarding the secretive 1001 Club of which Safra was a member.

Edmond Safra, the late head of the New York-based Republic National Bank, gave evidence to the FBI concerning the diversion [of a $4.8 billion IMF "stabilization credit" for Russia that never reached those for whom it was intended] …Geneva prosecutor Bertrand Bertossa [maintains] Safra was murdered for giving evidence to both the FBI and Swiss prosecutors concerning the diversion of the IMF credit..the US $4.8 billion credit went from the New York Federal Reserve Bank to [Safra’s] Republic National Bank and then to various banks in Switzerland and elsewhere, but not to Russia...at the start of autumn 1999 [Russian oligarch] Boris Berezovsky visited Safra at his estate in southern France. The two men.. had a three-hour conversation in "raised voices," after which Safra fled in a panic to his heavily fortified Monte Carlo residence [where two months later he was burned to death in his penthouse.]

One year before his death, Safra’s Republic Bank had also provided information to the FBI on Russian money-laundering activities at the Bank of New York [Bruce Rappaport’s bank]. The night Safra was killed, Safra’s Israeli-trained bodyguards were conveniently off-duty. Dead bankers don’t talk.

Letter to House Select Committee on Intelligence

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