Читать книгу Prison Puzzle Pieces - Dave Basham - Страница 5



Not dedicated to the small percentage of offenders, officers and supervisors that cause most of the problems.

Not dedicated to the people in power that treat good officers like criminals and coddle the trouble makers in the institution.

Not dedicated to those not having the stones to do their job in spite of the old boy network.

Not dedicated to the offenders who use technicalities in the law to get off and not dedicated to those that created and allowed those technicalities to set those offenders free to victimize others.

Not dedicated to those so ignorant and power hungry that they choose to believe the words of the criminal and the corrupt over the words of those trying to do good time and those trying to do their jobs fairly and consistently.

Not dedicated to those who create situations that caused good people to leave this job for jobs where such unfairness and frustrations does not exist.

Not dedicated to the politicians who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground, yet force knowledgeable experienced personnel to do as they dictate.

Not dedicated to the racists of any race that crate a negative culture within the system.

Prison Puzzle Pieces

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