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An inmate left the block wearing his stocking hat when the doors to the cellblock were opened to allow those needing to report to work and passes. I called to him to stop. He didn't. He tried making like he didn’t hear me, but he knew exactly what I said and why I wanted him. I had given others the heads up. He saw and heard me with some of the others. He thought I’d let it slide if he ignored me enough times. At this point in time, most of these guys didn’t know that I was not one to let things slide. I ordered him to stop again and to come to me. He then complied.

He told me he didn't know that he wasn't allowed to have the hat on. I didn’t buy into this line for one second because I had documented giving him a verbal warning on this policy a little over a month before this altercation.

I gave him a direct order to take the hat off. He refused and continued on his way. I told him to switch in. He started to walk back to the block and then turned around to confront me. I again directed him to switch in. He went to his cell very slowly and never removed his hat.

I charged him with loitering, disobeying a direct order, misrepresentation and the headgear violation. All of these charges would get him a trip to segregation when all he had to do was take the hat off until he went outside.

Inmates are not supposed to wear head gear inside the prison. The reason is that it is a great place to hide a shank. In the past, people have been assaulted when someone pulled a shank out of their hat and slipped it back in without anyone knowing who did it or where the shank disappeared to. Obviously there are many other places someone can hide a shank on themselves, but this policy gave them one less option.

Prison Puzzle Pieces 2

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