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When I transferred to A-East, the lieutenant was happy to get someone that would actually do the job, actually enforce policies. This was because it wasn’t happening over there. In the roughly six weeks since I came over, the officers and especially one sergeant tried to get me to not write up violations; to just let the inmates break policies with no consequences.

Sgt. Lost My Respect pushed me hard and frequently to ignore violations. When he couldn’t get me to stop all together, he came up with what he thought was a great idea.

He suggested that I ignore policies one day a week. He said to pick a day of the week for me to totally ignore all of the policies and let the inmates violate whatever they wanted.

First off, I’m here to do the job I was hired to do, to earn my pay. Second, there is a consistency and credibility issue here. Most inmates respected me because of my consistency. They knew what to expect from me. They knew I would do my job and that if they followed the prisons rules, we would never have a problem with each other. Third, how crazy of an idea was this from a superior officer. Have I said before that the sergeant’s job was a position acquired with seniority not competency to do the job? I’m sure that I have.

When I bid into this block, part of the reason was that I thought this guy was a good sergeant. Working with him, I changed my mind. There were times that he would ride my ass for no reason at all, possibly because I was there to work.

When I stood up for myself and proved his assumptions wrong, he would become a bigger jerk and try harder to find me making a mistake.

I realize that I will be wrong about people sometimes, but in this case it was quite disappointing, especially when he turned out to be a vindictive slacker. However, part of me judging him in a positive manner was from what others that worked with him told me. I guess that they liked not having to do the job.

There was a period of time where he had the hots for a psychologist that worked in the prison. She would stop in the block frequently to visit him. They would sit at the sergeant’s desk making goo goo eyes at each other and talking baby talk to each other. They were like a couple of kids finding first lust. Their total focus was on each other.

It’s like hey; you’re in a prison. You’re supposed to be aware of your surroundings and should actually be doing a job here. You’re not here to create a soap opera for the inmates.

Several other officers claimed to have received gratification from this gal. I had to believe it because she even came on to me. I guess in her psycho analytical mumbo jumbo you might say she must have had an officer fetish.

I would say that this shrink needed a shrink.

Prison Puzzle Pieces 3

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