Читать книгу The Way of the Wall Street Warrior - Dave Liu - Страница 13

Unrig Your Mind


If you care about money, this book is for you. If you want practical advice without the BS but don't mind some acerbic humor that goes along with it, you're in luck. If the do-nothing in the cubicle next to you is earning more than you, or you can no longer stomach hearing your mother's sighs and your father's tsk-tsks, or you need a kick in the pants—read this book!

Here's what you'll gain: You'll learn how to survive and thrive by not relying on the skills you mastered in the warm confines of the classroom. Instead, you'll learn from me what it actually takes to get ahead.

Another reason to read this book is if you're stuck in a dead-end job. You might be severely disillusioned and filled with self-doubt. Perhaps you've been wondering if there is a secret handshake that will gain you entrance into the inner circle or a magic carpet that will carry you up to the executive suite. Maybe you're the person who buys every how-to book you can get your hands on, hoping one might unlock the secrets for getting that coveted raise or promotion. Even if you have yet to reach this level of angsty ambition, I can guarantee you've seen dropouts become billionaires or buffoons become your bosses and asked yourself, “Why not me?” What's the answer? You already know because you feel it in your bones: THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED!

The Way of the Wall Street Warrior is going to unrig it for you. From a young age, we're pounded with the idea of meritocracy—that we're rewarded based on our talents. If we just study hard, keep our nose to the grindstone and follow the straight and narrow, we can achieve greatness. These rules of engagement were pounded into my brain during my Asian American upbringing. The tenets of respect, honor, and obedience are an integral part of our culture. We're taught that if we work hard and obey the rules, life will take care of itself, and that in business you'll get promoted and do great.

Horse manure!

I got ahead by ignoring these rules. Most of what we're taught in school and by our elders are just guardrails put there to keep us in check. We know that getting the right opportunity is less about what you know and more about who you know and that the easiest way to get filthy rich is to start rich. Of course that doesn't work for most of us, so if you, too, feel fooled, it's time to come up with a new mindset and a new game plan. If you take this book seriously (but not too seriously), the tricks and tactics revealed in the following pages will drop like dollars from heaven.

The Way of the Wall Street Warrior

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