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ОглавлениеThe next step is to write the email. At this point, many job hunters experience the exact opposite of “You had me at hello!” Make the salutation respectful. If it's the initial email, I like “Dear Mr. or Ms.” because it's so retro. Hardly anyone addresses people like this anymore. It goes without saying, don't send an email without a salutation like you would a text. We aren't Gangnam Style friends on WhatsApp. Also, be professional and don't begin with “Yo” or “Hey Buddy,” or my personal anti-favorite, “Dear Mr. David A. Liu,” which clearly indicates it came from a mass email merge. Show that your email is personalized, not personal. That will appeal to the person's ego and self-love by showing them they're important.
Here's a few more Do's and Don'ts:
Do get to the point! Unless it's the latest Dan Brown novel, many of us hate to read, so don't waste our time or put us to sleep.
Don't bury the lead. This comes from a bygone era when there were things called newspapers and journalists were taught not to hide the most important part of the story. You're the story here, so don't bury the most important thing about you somewhere in the middle.
Do make it 100 percent clear right out of the gate why it's in the recipient's best interest to answer you. Here are some suggestions for opening sentences that will make your target read further:I know you have a role to fill and I'm just the person who can fill it.Here are the three reasons why I'm perfect for the job.John Wong suggested I would be the best candidate for the role you're seeking. (Personally, I love this one because, assuming your target knows John Wong, it provides social proof that you might actually be the solution.)
Don't repeat your resume unless it's something that really should be highlighted and is relevant. For instance, unless I'm the Green Bay Packers, I don't care that you won the Heisman Trophy, but I definitely want to know that you currently have an exploding offer from JP Morgan. (One caveat is we may want bragging rights for having Wall Street's Fittest Athlete. For many years, Wall Street had the Wall Street Decathlon, a 10-event competition which fuses challenges from the Olympic Decathlon and the NFL Combine. It was as stupid as it sounds and featured a bunch of washed-up, has-been college athletes looking to relive their glory days by impressing a bunch of nerds whose typical exercise is running to and from the kitchen in between stock trades to get bagels and lox. Thankfully, it has since morphed into D10, a more inclusive decathlon focused on charitable causes.)
Do attach your resume, but make sure it's one page! No one is interested in a treatise on all your achievements dating back to your pre-K years. I'm not your Dad!
If you think you're a longshot for the job, you're going to have to take chances. You might want to consider some riskier catchphrases that might hook your reader, like “If you want me, I'm yours” or “I have other options” (i.e., shit or get off the pot).