Читать книгу Hadrosaurs - David A. Eberth - Страница 10

A Acknowledgments


WE THANK ALL OF THE PARTICIPANTS WHO ATTENDED THE International Hadrosaur Symposium in 2011 and helped us realize that this volume would be a successful venture. We thank the authors for helping provide a cohesive and coherent product, and especially for being so patient as the clock kept ticking. Special thanks to the reviewers who did their jobs in a timely manner and were often willing to look at manuscripts more than once, thus ensuring that contributions were of high quality both scientifically and editorially.

Our sincere gratitude goes to Bob Sloan and Jim Farlow, and the rest of the great team at Indiana University Press for all their help with this project.

We thank our respective home organizations who gave freely of their time, physical resources, and manpower. Special thanks to the Royal Tyrrell Museum for providing the FTP site, printing services, physical layout space, and so much else that was critical to the compilation of this volume. DAE thanks J. Gardner, D. Brinkman, F. Therrien, and D. Henderson for advice on numerous scientific and editorial items, and W. Taylor and D. Braman for editorial assistance. DCE thanks N. Campione and D. Larson for editorial and scientific assistance.

We are particularly grateful to A. Keibel and the Royal Tyrrell Museum Cooperating Society for financial and administrative support during the symposium and throughout this project.

We thank J. Csotonyi for the exceptional cover artwork of Plesiohadros djadokhtaensis and the wonderful (and first) artistic rendering of Djadokhtan paleoenvironments during a wet climatic phase. We also thank D. Dufault and L. Panzarin for their original artistic contributions to the volume.

Last, but certainly not least, we recognize P. Ralrick for her colossal contributions to this project. Patty served as our technical editor and editorial assistant, helped review manuscripts, listened to the occasional rant, and also indexed the volume. Without her attention to detail, this project would have taken twice as long and would not have been done half as well. Thanks, Patty, we hope that now you are very satisfied.


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