Читать книгу Hadrosaurs - David A. Eberth - Страница 52

Condensed Diagnosis


1. Conical pollex ungual.

2. Short, block-shaped metacarpal I is sutured at an oblique angle against the radiale and carpal 2.

3. Carpo-metacarpal block formed by suturing of the individual elements.

4. Manus digit IV bears an ungual phalanx that is small and shows no obvious grooves for attachment and growth of a claw or hoof.

5. Occlusal plane of the premaxilla and predentary deflected ventrally.

6. Ventral margin of the jugal is arched and forms a prominently angled projection posteriorly.

7. Acromion process of the scapula curved anteriorly at its proximal end.

Comment It is unfortunate that the structure of the carpus and manus is presently unknown among dryosaurs, since this might have a significant bearing on the status of the ankylopollexian clade.


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