Читать книгу The Uses of Diversity - David Ellerman - Страница 7


List of Figures and Tables


Figure 1.1 Growth without Diversification
Figure 1.2 Development
Figure 2.1 Parallel and Series Connections of Components
Figure 2.2 Breadth-First Search versus Depth-First Search
Figure 2.3 The Two Companies in a Publicly Traded American “Company”
Figure 8.1 Big Bang Institutional Change.
Figure 8.2 Incremental Institutional Change
Figure 9.1 The Transfers Described with $ = Numeraire
Figure 9.2 Same Transfers with Apples as Numeraire


Table 1.1 An Educational Analogy for Jacobs’s Economic Theory
Table 2.1 Typical Cooperative Action Game
Table 2.2 Two Firms
Table 2.3 Who’s In and Who’s Out of the Two Companies
Table 3.1 The Two Strategies
Table 6.1 Inventory Policy and Labor Relations
Table 8.1 “Battle of Metaphors”
Table 9.1 Reversal of Efficiency and Equity Parts under Numeraire Reversal
The Uses of Diversity

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