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The publisher and author would like to express their grateful thanks to the following people and organisations for use of copyright material.
Professor Amanda Kirby for the use of Figure 14.2 on quality of life impact.
Kevin Hewitson for the use of the learning quotient infographic in Figure 13.2.
Microsoft Corporation for permission to use screenshots in Figures 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3.
Plasq.com for permission to use the screenshot from their Comic Life, Figure 11.4.
Ross Morrison McGill of Teacher Toolkit, for inspiring Table 4.1, initiative bingo.
The RSA Opening Minds Curriculum and the RSA Academy for recollections of the lesson structure in Table 8.1.
The author would also like to thank the following schools in which he was lucky enough to serve with some wonderful, committed and forward-thinking staff.
Swavesey Village College, Cambridgeshire, in particular David Rooney, who gave me my first job in teaching, and Sheila Ginn who was a professional mentor to me in the first stages of my career.
Hartford High School, Cheshire.
Alderman Derbyshire School, Nottinghamshire.
Dukeries College, Nottinghamshire.
RSA Academy, Sandwell, in particular Mick Gernon, the Founding Principal.
Author dedication
I would like to pay particular tribute to my wife Jane, who took my febrile notes and turned them into short sentences with appropriate grammar and punctuation for publication. This is the second time she has endured this process in my support.
To Luke and Lucy, Owen and Dalia for being so enthusiastic, and finally to Iolo the Labrador for showing formidable impulse control when my writing ate into his walking time.
To Julia and Di at Critical Publishing for their unfailing support and enthusiasm, without which the book would not have come to fruition.