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My gratitude to Doreen Button, who went through the manuscript line by line, suggesting changes and enhancing style carefully and skillfully.

Thanks to Carla Aydelott for her help in typing various drafts of the manuscript, with excellent attention to accuracy.

I’m grateful to my mother, Janis K. Lane, who encouraged me and made helpful observations about the 1960s and 1970s.

Thanks also to my father, Dr. LeRoy L. Lane, for suggestions on revising several chapters, and for giving me a loving push when I needed it.

My brother, Jeff Lane, shared useful memories of the 1960s and 1970s and cheered me on in my writing.

Special thanks to Detective Sergeant Terry Fitzpatric, who advised me on police procedures in investigating a crime.

My thanks to former mayor, Jeff Miller. He provided information on mayoral candidacy and duties of a mayor.

I’m grateful to Dr. Thomas K. Wuest, orthopedic center administrator and orthopedic surgeon, for reading chapters dealing with medical procedures and providing helpful comments.

Thanks to Dr. George Knox for providing information on Scottish pronunciation, language, and culture, based on his travels in Scotland.

Thanks also to Tim Aho for information on Scottish vocabulary and accent, learned while living in England.

The Light in the Mirror

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