Читать книгу Signs Along The Path To Awakening - David John Modica - Страница 12

10 ~ The Field of Existence


When truly living in the moment

an awakened human being is dictated

by the consciousness of love.

There is nothing to hold onto, nothing to control,

and nothing to want or avoid.

The awakened individual receives endless gifts

of higher wisdom.

In direct alignment with the heart,

the center-point of being is without any suffering or confusion.

Our true human potential lies in our willingness to abandon

our intellectual knowledge and remain in the unknown,

undefinable presence of silence and stillness.

Here, one sees that everything is connected,

from the most minute particle to the farthest star.

We are in relationship with a complete field of existence

that is wholly alive and is of one entity.

This field is an endless creation,

and we are intimately tied to it with our thoughts and actions.

Every thought and every action is a spark of creation

that ripples through the space-time continuum.

We emanate energy and it speaks to the cosmic whole.

Here, the awakened individual lives in the peace

of the energetic field of awakened consciousness,

the consciousness of love.

Signs Along The Path To Awakening

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