Читать книгу Signs Along The Path To Awakening - David John Modica - Страница 16

14 ~ One Main Purpose


Your heart is infinitely more powerful than your mind.

At the center-point of being fully awake,

in and from the consciousness of love,

we see we are everything and infinite,

where there is no birth, no death, and far beyond thought.

From this place, our true nature does not think about itself,

rather we are an action of an endless awakening

in an eternal movement with one main purpose, love.

A mind in alignment with the heart and consciousness of love

is a beacon unto itself and humanity.

The light within the heart, by its very nature,

must penetrate the dark both inwardly and outwardly.

This is our calling.

The healing of humanity rests within each individual.

We are called to be the action and creation

of the consciousness of love.

We are called to love.

Signs Along The Path To Awakening

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