Читать книгу Stopping - David Kundtz - Страница 6



When I first looked at Stopping: How to Be Still When You Have to Keep Going, I realized immediately that I was in familiar territory. In fact, it didn't take me long to locate in my own work a very specific expression of what Stopping is all about: “Virtually every day, I stop whatever I'm doing to enjoy the sunrise . . .” (Don't Sweat the Small Stuff . . . and it's all small stuff). And this is just one of many examples. Yes, Stopping as defined by Dr. Kundtz—doing nothing in order to wake up and remember who you are—is something that has been part of my life for a long time.

What we owe David Kundtz is credit for conceptualizing a simple yet profound reality and offering to us an elegant and powerful tool for finding the serenity and stillness that so easily escapes us as we cope with too-busy lives.

Stopping is a happy marriage of the riches of many of the world's contemplative and mystical traditions, with the insight and awareness of contemporary psychology. Just what the world needs right now, it seems to me.

Finally, because it gives us perspective, because it encourages us to put first things first, and because it keeps us awake and aware, Stopping is an ideal way to remember something important about the vast majority of things that bother and upset us: It's all small stuff.

—Richard Carlson, Ph.D.


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