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Chapter Three

Although Queen Freya said she would consider it, I was not so sure she would do it. She was naturally reserved, and proud. I am sure the burden of being a royal has had something to do with her hiding away for so long. I knew I had to do something to see if there was any truth in what she told me – but where to begin?

I had been cruising up and down in front of the palace thinking, when Kenzo appeared. “Good, you are still here. The Princess wants to know how you got on with the Queen.”

“Ahh, err . . . Kenzo you seem to have the princess's ear. Can’t you talk to her and advise her of protocol, or whatever it is she is supposed to do as a royal.” I asked sympathetically.

Kenzo sighed. “It is not that easy, Morris. The young royal and her friends are not of the same generation and do not understand the responsibilities of their roles anymore. They want to just have fun.”

“Well, there is nothing wrong with fun, Kenzo. I remember it well.”

“I was a soldier, Morris. Once in the elite Japanese Koi command, but now I’m old and given to baby-sit a spoilt child when I should be protecting the Queen.”

I imagined Kenzo in full military warrior battle dress. He would have looked fearful. Then, out of nowhere, I had an idea. “Kenzo, do you still have your uniform?”

Kenzo looked surprised at my question. “Yes, but . . .”

“But what?” I asked.

“I am not sure it will fit me anymore.” He said doing a quick turn in front of my reflective scales.

“Nonsense. Reflections always look larger than they really are. Go and try it on while I have a word with the Queen, and I’ll meet you back here in thirty ‘flicks’.” And I shot back into the palace grounds before he could say another word. I may have exaggerated slightly about the reflection bit, but it was for a good cause, I hope.

Soon I was back outside and Kenzo was there as promised, in full uniform. “Magnificent, Kenzo. You really scared me.”

“I had to rip out some of the . . .” Kenzo saw Princes Tina hiding behind me.

“What are you doing out here young lady. Your mother will feed me to the pike, slowly.” He said, looking the exact opposite of an elite fearless Japanese Koi carp.

“Kenzo. Calm down. It’s fine. The Queen has agreed for me . . . you . . . to escort the princess on an educational tour of the lower bank and Bluebell Creek.”

Kenzo’s eyes widened. “Are you mad? You got me to get this on just for that.” He tugged on a cord and the uniform drop to the ground causing a cloud of dirt to form around us.

I nudged Kenzo away from the young royal and whispered to him.

“Actually no. I was hoping you would come on a fact-finding journey with me to find out what has been taking our fish, and I thought the young royal could come along to see what goes on in her lake.” I must admit when I said it out aloud even I had second thoughts.

“And the Queen agreed to this?

“Yes, well no . . . she asked me to find out what is happening to the fish, yes, but not the Tina bit.”

“Are we going anywhere, Morris? Because if not I have a party to go to.” Tina said looking dejected.

I looked at Kenzo waiting for an answer. “Well, young lady, how would you like to go on an adventure with Morris and me?”

Tina looked at each of us old relics in turn and tilted her head. “You are joking with me, right?” Then she turned on me. “You said a trip out to Bluebell Creek which I said yes to just to get me out of the palace. Now you want to go on a life and death dangerous mission into unknown territory, or even worse, the Pike Kingdom, and you want me to come with you.”

I looked at Tina in astonishment, unable to utter a word. Then Tina smiled, then laughed. “Of course I’m in.”

“You overheard me talking to your mother I assume?”

“I did. I can hear everything in that place. The lily stems are not all that thick. Now, where do we start?”

I looked at Kenzo to make sure he was still OK with this.

“It’s your mission, Morris. You heard the lady. ‘Jā ikou’.”

The Wrong Cheese

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