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Chapter Two

I had not seen Queen Freya for some time and I felt bad about that. Our last meeting had been friendly, but she seemed nervous every time I suggested she ventured out and let her subjects see more of her. Princess Tina, on the other hand, was full of energy and loved nothing more than swimming in and out of the lily beds with her friends and having fun. I hope she will be as wise as her mother one day when she becomes Queen.

The palace was on the far side of the lake set deep into the lily beds for protection from predators. I arrived carrying a present of half a worm I found on the lake bed, which must have fallen off a hook. I knew it was one of her favourites and hoped it would make up for not seeing her for a while. As I approached the fortified dug-out I saw Kenzo again.

“Morris,” he whispered, “it was, in fact, Princess Tina who sent for you. She told me to say her mother wanted to see you in case you would not come.”

“But why?” I asked. “Of course I would have come. Where is she?”

Kenzo led me through the entrance of the dug-out, down deep tunnels and through gaps in the lily beds I only just managed to squeeze through.

“Kenzo,” I called out. “Is there an easier way? I am not suited to this terrain.” I could swear Kenzo smiled at my plight.

“Nearly there, Morris. Just around this corner.”

Princess Tina was surrounded by friends and squealed in delight at seeing me.

“Morris, you came.” She said sliding up to me and rubbing her nose against my right pectoral fin.

“It’s good to see you too, princess, but why all the mystery?” Princess Tina asked all her friends to leave so we could be alone. Kenzo stayed on-guard several ‘scales away but could not hear us.

“Oh, Morris. Mother has been so difficult lately. Please talk to her.”

“Of course I will, but what about?” I asked, now very curious. Tina swam around slowly in circles as if trying to think of what to say.

“Tina, what has happened? What are you not telling me?”

“Oh, Morris, she has grounded me. I can’t go anywhere outside the palace. It’s not fair.” And she snuggled alongside me and I placed a protective fin around her for comfort.

“I am sure she is just looking out for you as mothers do. What reason did she give you?”

Tina looked coyly at me, but her eyes suddenly narrowed in fear. “The Pikes. She says they are everywhere. Taking all our young and wanting to take over the lake. That’s why I can’t go out, Morris. It’s not fair. All my friends come and go, but I have to stay here. In this labyrinth.”

I could see the young princess was upset, but I wasn’t sure what I could achieve.

“Okay,” I finally said. “I will speak to your mother but I cannot promise anything, you understand.”

“Thank you, thank you, Morris. I love you.” Tina was herself again and swam circles around me, making me feel giddy.


Kenzo led me to the Queen’s chamber and announced me as I entered.

“Morris, what a lovely surprise. I haven’t seen you in a long time.” She said, in a neutral voice, making me feel even more embarrassed.

“Your majesty, how lovely to see you. And yes, it has been too long, and I am sorry for that.” Hoping I could help the situation with my gift of the half-worm.

“Is that for me? You brought a present. How lovely” And to my surprise she gobbled it down in one mouthful. “Delicious. I haven’t had a worm in ages.” She said, turning away from my stare.

“Your majesty,” I started to say, but she suddenly interrupted me.

“Morris, you are allowed to call me Freya. I have known you all my life. You are family . . . almost.” She said smiling.

“Of course, Freya, thank you,” I said, nearly forgetting what I wanted to say, or more likely, trying to be diplomatic in raising the subject.

“Freya . . . have you been out lately. Have you see the blue dragonflies this year, they are so beautiful, and the . . .”

“Morris, stop.” Freya swam up to me and our eyes met. “I know what you are up to. Tina spoke to you, didn’t she?” I looked guilty and turned my head in shame.

“I’m sorry, Freya. She is very upset. What is this all about?” I asked gently.

Freya avoided the question for a while, preferring to nibble on the ground for scraps of food of which there was none.

“I have been getting reports of pike attacking up in the east, near Clearwater Ridge and some even nearer to here. Only the other day a shoal of roach were attacked at the . . .”

“Freya,” I interrupted. “Pike only take what they need, and it’s not spawning season, so who has been telling you these stories?” I asked, wondering why I had not heard of any such reports.

“Several elders from the roach, bream and carp shoals have been to see me and are concerned about the attacks, and have asked me to look into it.” Freya paused and glided up to me slowly, never losing eye contact.

“I was planning to ask you to come here myself, but as my feisty daughter has already done that, I will give you the assignment now. Morris, I want you to find out what is going on with the pikes, and put a stop to it.”

I looked into her eyes, and as always was smitten by the beautiful dark crimson circles around her deep black pupils.

“Of course I will, my dear Queen. I will travel the length and breadth of Lily Lake and find the truth for you and put your mind at rest. But I want you to do something for me, in return.”

Freya looked suspiciously at me. “Do what, exactly.”

“Go outside and see your subjects. Take Princess Tina with you and swim around the lower lake. Let everyone see you are safe and not afraid of these rumours.”

The Wrong Cheese

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