Читать книгу Overcoming Internet Addiction For Dummies - David N. Greenfield - Страница 22

The dark web


The dark web is an offshoot of the Internet and can offer many things (legal and illegal) that cannot be found on the normal Internet browsers such as Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. A plethora of illegal pornography, drugs, and other illicit merchandise and services are available on the dark web, but there are also monitors in place where you can be caught accessing this illegal information or merchandise. Anything and everything is available on the dark web, and it remains the true Wild West of the Internet (and you do not know whom you are dealing with). My general advice is to avoid its use, and if you have any issue with addiction to substances or online pornography, this can be a dangerous place. The dark web does not have some of the online checks and balances (as limited as they are) that normal browsers afford.

Overcoming Internet Addiction For Dummies

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