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Two of the main sources consulted are Thomas Whaley’s own memoirs, written down c.1796–1797 and published in 1906 as Sir Edward Sullivan (ed.), Buck Whaley’s Memoirs (London: Moring, 1906); and Captain Hugh Moore’s Narrative Journal of his Expedition to Constantinople and Jerusalem in the Company of Thomas Whaley, an unpublished manuscript held in a private collection. Whenever a quotation from either of these sources is used in this book, the citation is given afterwards in parentheses: either W (to denote Buck Whaley’s Memoirs) or M (to denote Moore’s journal), followed by the relevant page number, e.g. (W, 43).

Occasionally reference is made to Sir Edward Sullivan’s introduction and footnotes to Buck Whaley’s Memoirs and in these instances the source is cited as Sullivan (ed.), Memoirs, [page number].

Many other sources are also used and these are referenced in the notes. In the case of printed sources, when a source is cited only once the full reference is provided in the notes. When a source is cited more than once an abbreviated form is given in the notes and the full reference is provided in the ‘Works Cited’ section at the end of the book. In the case of citations for letters and other documents, the names of the most common individuals are abbreviated as follows:

RC Robert Cornwall

HF Hugh Faulkner

SF Samuel Faulkner

WN William Norwood

AR Anne Richardson

JR John Richardson

RCW Richard Chapel Whaley

TW Thomas Whaley

WW William Whaley

The following abbreviations are also used:

BNL Belfast News-Letter

DEP Dublin Evening Post

DIB James McGuire and James Quinn (eds), Dictionary of Irish Biography: From the Earliest Times to the Year 2002 (9 vols, Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2009)

Faulkner Papers Correspondence and papers of Samuel Faulkner, c.1721–1795 (in private ownership)

FLJ Finn’s Leinster Journal

FJ Freeman’s Journal

HJ Hibernian Journal

NAI National Archives of Ireland

NLI National Library of Ireland

ODNB H.C.G. Matthew and Brian Harrison (eds), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (60 vols, Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004)

PRONI Public Record Office of Northern Ireland

RCBL Representative Church Body Library, Dublin

TW Manuscript Memoirs Manuscript Memoirs of Thomas Whaley (2 vols), London Library, NRA 20043

SNL Saunders’ News Letter

Whaley Papers Minor collection of correspondence and other material relating to Thomas Whaley (in private ownership)

WHM Walker’s Hibernian Magazine

Buck Whaley

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