Читать книгу Ghost Recon - David Knight - Страница 10


Chapter 4


Ghost Recon picked up on Star Gazer in Tijuana, Mexico, train station and followed him. Star Gazer walked out to the street from the train kiosk. He saw a bar across the street. Star Gazer stepped out into the street, and the traffic stopped for him and waited for him to cross. There was a light cold rainy drizzle that day, the third day since the marines were alerted to his presence in the United States. Star Gazer went inside the dark low-lighted bar, sat at the bartender counter, and ordered a Pepsi. The bar was almost empty. Only a couple of locals were in the bar playing pool and getting drunk. The bartender was bilingual and spoke pretty good English. Star Gazer asked the bartender where the nearest hotel was, and he said there was a motel only six blocks north of the bar, and it was called the Motor Inn.

Star Gazer paid one dollar and fifty cents for the soda and got up and walked out of the bar. He turned left, which was north on the sidewalk, and walked the six blocks to the motel. He walked across the last street crossing and into the parking lot of a decent motel called the Motor Inn. At least the parking lot was clean and had modern cars in it.

He checked into room 10 on the ground floor, paying cash. He used his military identification card from the United States Navy and went to his room. He opened the door to the motel room and quietly stepped inside and closed the door quickly but quietly. He looked around the room and searched it, finding no way into the room except through the front door or window. He lay on the bed closest to the bathroom wall and took his uniform off and lay it on the front bed by the window. Star Gazer striped off his clothes and shoes and socks and turned the room heater on to eighty degrees. He lay back down on the bed and fell asleep as the heater slowly warmed the room.

After twenty minutes, the room was warm enough to sleep above the covers comfortably. As he was just falling asleep, he heard a car pull up in front of his room. He slid the curtain aside just enough to see a black Chevy Camaro parked there, and a guy walked into the room next door to his, room 9. Star Gazer went back to the second bed furthest away from the door and window and went back to sleep—not knowing the recon marines just went into room 9, next door to his room. There were fifteen Marine gunnery sergeants from Marine One, packed tightly into room 9. They set up communications links to the Pentagon and to Colonel Force’s situation room. They called Colonel Force on military-encrypted phones and told them that Star Gazer was in room 10 at the Motor Inn in Tijuana, Mexico.

Colonel Force advised the Marine One to not let Star Gazer out of their sight no matter what happened. Colonel Force advised the Marines to sit tight the recovery unit Marines, for Ghost Recon were inbound from San Diego International Airport. They just crossed the border and would be there in twenty more minutes. Then he hung up the phone. Colonel Force sat there in his office chair in the combat information center and shed tears about this situation. Star Gazer was a 750-million-dollar hybrid, owned by the United States Marine Corps, a very expensive marine combat assassin, a highly lethal little Marine at nineteen years old. He was six-foot, one-inch tall and weighed solid muscular 255 pounds. The little baby hybrid, Star Gazer, could lift over 5,000 pounds off the ground, an extremely strong 50 percent hybrid.

Star Gazer was irreplaceable to the Marine Corps. As a hybrid, he lived a very long time. He was made to be a Marine One producer, trained in international business and the arts of combat assassin training. He was built to take over country governments and to take over foreign governments. The perfect secret weapons, the presidential combat assassins of Ghost Recon, did the jobs they were trained for around the world. Star Gazer had been missing for nine and half years, along with his twin brothers, Tail Gunner and Ghost.

Star Gazer was the oldest of the triplet hybrid babies. One genetic seed was placed, and three baby hybrids came out. Colonel Force was crying in the combat information center of Pentagon office 213. After the baby hybrids were kidnapped nine and a half years ago, the Marines lost sight of the hybrids and searched the world over for them and never found one of them, not one. Now they had a lead with Star Gazer if they could catch him that was.

Ghost Recon

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