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Chapter 1

Black Hole Crisis

The day he walked on to the naval base, it felt to him a dark and sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach. And his adrenaline started rushing that ominous feeling something was dead wrong. The closer he got to the Navy ship pier, the more ominous this feeling became. The ships were painted dark gray, and most of the exterior lights were out. He felt like he was walking a journey one way never to return from a black hole. He tried to shrug it off as fear of the unknown, a place in which he had been before. His naval paperwork said he was a hull technician fireman, also known as an HT/FR. He was billeted from boot camp in Chicago, Illinois, to the naval station in San Diego, California, as HT/FR Knight. He was commanded by MI-45 to go by the first given name David and as a presidential ghost that was not his real name. It was a paper file from the Central Intelligence Agency backed up by the congressional council MI-45 and known to the president. He was an outsider here in enemy territory, and he knew it. That ominous feeling of being unattached to back up support or extraction was fear. If he was discovered, he knew the risk of death but served the council of MI-45 and the president regardless.

As he walked up to the pier gates, the security force, the Navy SEALs, stopped him at the gate. They ordered him to the ground and searched him. Finding nothing, they arrested him and walked him to the military police car. The military police officer put him in the back of the car and drove him off base to the street and let him go. The warning from the military police was this, “If you come back to this naval base, you are a dead man. Get walking, punk.”

The crisis was he did not attain the main objective to get on the Acadia undetected. He was stopped on the way in. There were already two team members on board the Acadia. Ghost infiltrated the ship eighteen months earlier from Moscow, Russia. The second team member, Tail Gunner, infiltrated the Acadia twelve months earlier in the San Diego naval yard. They were both undetected. But HT/FR Knight was somehow spotted, also known as Star Gazer. Not knowing how to proceed without a council directive, he walked off into the dark San Diego streets on January 1, 1990, rainy night.

Ghost Recon

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