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In my experience there is often a powerful relationship between the physical senses with which we are most comfortable and the psychic senses we can most easily access and develop. For example, if you are a visual person who easily thinks in pictures and whose language is very visually orientated, then it is highly likely that you will be able to receive psychic information visually. A person who always notices what things look like and who, when asked to describe an experience, will tend to talk about its visual elements rather than the sounds, feelings, tastes or smells associated with it, is likely to be attuned to receiving and interpreting information in the form of pictures, symbols or filmic sequences.

Latent clairvoyants may work in jobs that allow them to design, visualize, paint, style or illustrate. They may choose a visual art as a hobby and be particularly affected by the appearance of people, objects or environments. However, this is a guideline, not a rule; there are many people who are highly clairvoyant and who do not consider themselves to be visually inclined. Indeed, people who lose their physical sight have sometimes been known to develop a strong clairvoyant sense as a result of their disability.

People with strong visual skills may also be particularly attuned to developing auric vision, or may learn to channel visual information. In fact, many people work as psychic artists by allowing their technical ability to draw or paint to be the vehicle for translating the visual information that they receive.

If you are a good listener, the kind of person who is particularly skilled at listening intently to what other people have to say, or good at discerning changes of tone, pitch and frequency of noise, then you may well be a latent clairaudient. Auditory people are often drawn to work or create with sound, which could include a range of musical skills, voice work and sound recognition. In addition, they may describe their experiences in terms of the sounds that they heard and whom or what they were listening to. Indeed, for many, loud, sustained, persistent or high-pitched sounds which other people may not even notice will be unbearable.

Clairaudients are often people who think in words or sounds first before converting this information into feelings, pictures or concepts. People who have an affinity with words and sounds are also likely to have a latent ability to act as a channel for direct verbal or written information.

If you respond to life emotionally or in a tactile manner and you are the kind of person whose chief response to life is based upon feelings, then you could easily be a latent clairsentient. You may also be a natural hands-on healer. Many people who are naturally empathic, passionate or compassionate find that they have clairsentient ability, or may be drawn to one of a number of healing arts that allow them to work with their hands and heal through direct physical contact.

Clairsentients often feel things quite intensely. Indeed, clairsentients who have not learned to regulate and protect their sensitivity can be powerfully affected by other people’s moods. Similarly, natural healers may gain an impression of another person’s physical or emotional state within the sensations of their own body and emotions. Clairsentients and healers are often people who have a strongly developed emotional intelligence but who, in some cases, may not always be able to voice what they are feeling. Sometimes, feelings are too big to be translated into words. However, a good, professional clairsentient or healer will often learn to bridge the gap between gut intuition and intellect.

How to Develop Your Sixth Sense: A practical guide to developing your own extraordinary powers

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