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Auric sight is easily linked with clairvoyance because it is an ability that also relies upon a visual sense. However, while many clairvoyants may have, in addition, a developed sense of auric sight, there are many differences between the two skills, not least in regard to the nature of the information received.

The aura is a subtle energetic emanation that surrounds all living things and, as surprising as this may seem to some, surrounds all inanimate objects too. To explain it as simply as possible, it is often described as being like a subtle electrical or magnetic energy that radiates from human beings, animals, plants, stones, machinery, buildings, household objects and anything else that you can think of. Even your favourite sofa or armchair has an aura.

Most of us feel auras even if we do not see them. It is quite common these days to talk about a person having a particularly positive aura. Aside from all of the physical information that we receive about a person’s appearance, body language and voice tone, the information that we receive from someone’s aura has a profound effect on how we feel about that person when we first meet. Some people are considered to be particularly charismatic or compelling. This is often because their aura is bright, attractive and engaging.

A person with auric sight will not only feel these subtle emanations but will also be able to see them. For some, the auric field will appear as a very subtle movement of energy or light around a person or object of focus. This can be a bit like a double or ‘ghost’ image around figures on a television set when it is not correctly tuned in to the signal. Others will see auras in this way but will also see some subtle colouration within that energy, commonly a silvery blue or grey. People with the most developed auric sight will see a full range of bright, vivid colours. Although as a child I had always seen subtle energetic fields around me, I was initially startled when, at 17, I first started to see colours in this way. Whilst alone and meditating I suddenly found that I could see colours around everything: my hands, my body, the mirror on the wall and even the bed that I was sitting upon. It was as if someone had flicked a switch and everything was bathed or surrounded with colour.

Most people who are willing to practise are able to develop some degree of auric sight, and there are many positive uses for this kind of information. If you have already experienced any of the phenomena that I have described above, you may have a strong, natural ability to see in this way.

How to Develop Your Sixth Sense: A practical guide to developing your own extraordinary powers

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