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When writing a book one incurs debts to a great many colleagues, friends and family members. Special mention in this instance must go to those who read and commented on complete or partial drafts of this and/or the preceding edition of this book; who in correspondence or conversation have pointed me to sources, ideas or information of direct relevance; who in the course of unrelated collaborations have inflected my thinking in new directions; or who have offered recognition or encouragement for the project as it unfolded. These include: Orly Benjamin, Irene Bucelli, Tania Burchardt, Ulrike Davy, Michael Dover, Tony Fitzpatrick, Ian Gough, Bill Jordan, Mary Langan, Lutz Leisering, Ruth Lister, Lucinda Platt, Camila Souza and David Taylor. I have also benefited from discussions with the many students who over the past 15 years studied my course on Social Rights and Human Welfare at the LSE. I am grateful to Catherine Gray, of Policy Press – University of Bristol; and to Pam Dean not only for the initial proofreading of typescripts, but for forbearance, support and much else besides. However, insofar as the book exhibits errors and many weaknesses, these are wholly my responsibility: none of these good people are in any way to blame.

Understanding Human Need 2e

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