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List of figures, tables and boxes


6.1A taxonomy of needs-based approaches

6.2A taxonomy of welfare regimes: their assumptions, principles and priorities

8.1A taxonomy of currently prevailing rights-based approaches to human need

8.2A speculative taxonomy of the historical manifestations of social rights


1.1Binary distinctions between different kinds or levels of need

4.1Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

4.2Max-Neef’s matrix of fundamental human needs and satisfiers

4.3Doyal and Gough’s theory of human need: a summary

5.1Bradshaw’s taxonomy of need: an interpretation

5.2Expression through participation

7.1Development, poverty and inequality in rich and poorer countries

7.2Social disadvantage as the denial of human fulfilment

8.1Thin/formal versus thick/substantive conceptions of rights

9.1Diagrammatic summary of argument regarding competing understandings of human need


2.1Bee and human societies compared

3.1The etymological roots of the word eudaimonia

3.2Poverty and suffering with dignity

4.1The wants and needs of the apothecary and Romeo

4.2Ryan and Deci’s three basic psychological needs

4.3Deontology and ontology

4.4Nussbaum’s list of ‘central capabilities’

5.1Adam Smith on the meaning of ‘necessaries’

5.2The International Labour Organisation’s pragmatic definition of ‘basic needs’

5.3Famous referenda: majority self-interest versus minority needs

5.4Brasília Teimosa (‘Stubborn Brasilia’) squatter settlement

5.5The Burston Strike School

7.1The Speenhamland means-test and the measurement of need

7.2The UN Multidimensional Poverty Indicator (MPI)

7.3Social constructions of difference

Understanding Human Need 2e

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