Читать книгу Passionate Premiere - Deborah Mello Fletcher - Страница 14


Chapter 6

Tears misted Dahlia’s eyes as she disconnected the call on her cell phone. She and her friend Phaedra had been talking for almost an hour, the two women catching up with each other’s busy lives. Discovering that Phaedra and her family were excited to invest in her movie had been the icing on the cake; Dahlia’s financial woes were resolved and she could now turn her total focus to filming.

When Phaedra had first voiced an interest in buying into Dahlia’s film, Dahlia had been more than ready to fly to Dallas to plead her case for all that Passionate was worth. But Phaedra had not needed her sales pitch. Phaedra, like Leslie, had been with her when the idea of Passionate had been conceived. Phaedra had brought her coffee and donuts in the middle of the night when she’d first written the screenplay. Phaedra had photographed her slumped over her computer many nights and captured Dahlia’s obsession with the story on film. Phaedra’s confidence in her had come on the heels of Guy’s confidence, and the duo’s support meant more than Dahlia could have begun to hope for.

She swiped at her eyes with the backs of her hands, willing away the tears that threatened to spill past her thick lashes. She refused to be emotional, determined to contain her excitement. She was waiting for Guy Boudreaux to arrive, and there was no way she was going to allow him to find her teary-eyed and emotive. Everything about her demeanor when she met with the man had to be as calm and as collected as she could possibly manage. There was no way that she would permit him to see her out of her usual full and total control. No way.

She glanced down at her watch, noting that they were minutes from seeing each other again. She could feel her heart racing at the prospect. She took a deep breath to stall her nerves. She couldn’t begin to understand why he disturbed her in ways she didn’t want. But he was the most mesmerizing man she had ever met.

She was only slightly startled when Guy suddenly slid his muscular frame into the booth beside her. Lost in thought, she’d not seen him enter the room and his sudden presence threw her for a momentary loop.

“Hey, you!” Dahlia exclaimed, fighting to temper the excitement in her voice as she eyed him up and down. The man was neatly dressed in khaki slacks and a navy polo shirt, with the length of his dreadlocks pulled back in a neat ponytail at the nape of his neck.

Passionate Premiere

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