Читать книгу Passionate Premiere - Deborah Mello Fletcher - Страница 3


“Is something wrong?”

she questioned,

concern washing over her face.

“No,” Guy replied as he suddenly slipped both his arms around her waist and torso and pulled her tightly to him.

The gesture knocked the wind from Dahlia’s lungs as she felt her body melding easily against his. She clutched the front of Guy’s T-shirt, her eyes lifted to his. His stare was intoxicating and Dahlia could feel herself slipping into the depths of his gaze, losing every ounce of her sensibilities in a wealth of longing. She suddenly felt as if a part of her soul was sliding home. The connection was so strong, so intense that she gasped loudly, the shock of the moment making it difficult for her to breathe.

Without giving it a second thought Dahlia wrapped her arms around Guy’s neck. His mouth was only a fraction of an inch from hers, and in a swift, delicate motion Guy suddenly kissed her, capturing her mouth with determination as he pressed his closed lips against her closed lips. His touch was velvet, soft and gentle, the sweetest caress of skin against skin, and Dahlia instinctively knew that no other man could ever kiss her like that.

Passionate Premiere

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