Читать книгу The Oscar for Life - Declan MiscellaneousLabor Loy - Страница 22

As he talked with his voice, Ethan became more conscious of being in this life and living in this life.


“You should be aware of living in this life the best you can. Create the best karma and the best energy you can. When you get to the level of experiencing heaven on earth, then you can take on that karma. Whatever happens then happens. The goal is to experience life now, to be in life now, and to experience more of life. If there is anything that you were to set a goal for, it would be to set a goal for the achievement of more life! More life, more energy, to come through you so that you could experience the abundance that is life, or to release more of that love, compassion, honesty, truth, and that integration from within you. As you do that, you experience life in a different way.

“Just like these layers of consciousness, it is useful to be aware of those because then you can be yourself where you are consciously at any given moment. Which level are you on, or are you prepared to go on to the next level, to reach another level of trust in the inspiration within you, and to let it guide you? Then you can relax and know that there may be a battle between the ego and the inspiration. You may have pain because the ego is going to want to keep control of that ship, which you are sailing, which is your life. But the Spirit, who should now be the real captain, is going to want to take over your ship and come through you. You will experience many things. Perhaps, you will experience habits coming into awareness and, at times, it might feel as if your life is completely falling apart at the seams.

“But when you trust that the Spirit is taking you in the right direction then, eventually, you will reach the point where that takes over. Then your ego becomes the ego made of the Spirit. The old ego is broken and is fading away. Or, it’s like a sense that the old ego has now developed a relationship, a friendship with the Spirit and it knows that the Spirit has won out in the struggle. The ego relaxes and accepts that it can trust in the Spirit. The Spirit is not making me be somebody I’m not because I am the Spirit. The Spirit is not completely brain-washing me with all of my past experiences, my family, my friends, and all of that. The ego knows that and simply relaxes and allows the Spirit to take over. Then the Spirit takes over and raises up the levels of awareness more easily.

“So you have to decide at what level of existence you want to live. Where do you want to create your Oscar? Do YOU want to create your Oscar? Or do you want your Oscar to be created by past conditioning? Do you want to create somebody else’s Oscar? Do you want to choose who you want to be in your movie? Or do you want to be inspired from within?

“All of the great songs have been written from inspiration. When you think of the likes of John Lennon and the words to his song, ‘Imagine’, you are reminded of the inspiration within them. So you allow the Spirit to create your movie, and when you allow that to happen you can rest assured that you will win the Oscar for your creation and for your life. You will be a beacon and everyone will look to you, and you will inspire people by being in your Spirit. You will inspire people to be more of themselves and to realise more of their intentions. You will be a light and a beacon and you will be letting your light shine for every man and woman. When you let your light shine you will be giving them permission to let their light shine. As that happens, the world as we know it will change.

“The next evolution for mankind will be for people to become more focused on who they are. To awaken to the reality of the fact that they are the Spirit, which is God, which is life? To awaken and create a new world and a new Nirvana now. You can only do this by waking up yourself. You can’t change the world by changing it externally. Yes, you can go out and feed people and clothe people, but we need to get to the root cause of all this pain and suffering, which is in the world. The only way you can do this is to get in touch with yourselves and get to know ourselves. Follow the path that the self has for you in life. When you follow your own inspiration then you can touch others and help them to awaken. Effectively, you are the light and, by touching someone else’s life, they become the light also.

“As consciousness grows on planet earth, then everything will change – everyone will move on in consciousness. There will be no need for hunger, starvation, poverty, injustice, wars, struggle, or effort. There will be no need for any of that. You just need to get back to who you are at a deeper level, which is life, which is Spirit. You need to get back to knowing that you have a father, who is the creator and has put all of this energy inside you. You must understand that the father always looks after his son or daughter and provides for them, feeds them, guides them along the best path and teaches them the best things for their existence. To know that will change everything and lead you to paradise.”

The Oscar for Life

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