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Chapter 4

After a brisk morning workout, Tanner had showered in his penthouse suite and then attended a series of meetings with his management team. So far, so good for the hotel-casino. They had gotten a lot of press coverage. But he understood that they were in competition with every other hotel and casino on the Strip, as well as those off it. As such, they had to be innovative and welcoming if they were going to stay ahead of the game.

After the meeting ended, Tanner had hoped to talk to Solomon alone, but he was meeting Melanie for lunch—apparently in his room where she had spent the night. Admittedly, Tanner was envious of his little brother. He had sought out the prize and conquered with seemingly little effort on his part.

Whereas Tanner felt as though he was starting from scratch with Bianca. She didn’t strike him as the kind of woman who would settle for a one-night stand. Especially not the first night. And though he had been guilty of that a time or two, the truth was he preferred a steady relationship, contrary to popular belief. Finding a woman who could hold his attention was key.

Bianca certainly seemed like a good candidate.

After doing some paperwork, Tanner went to the hotel’s Mahalo Lounge to have a drink with his best friend and lawyer, Chuck Newman. Aside from the fact that they had known each other for more than a decade, Chuck was also one of the hotel-casino’s investors and someone he could trust to tell it like it was.

Tanner spotted him nursing a drink at the bar.

“Hope you haven’t had too many of those yet,” Tanner kidded.

Chuck looked up and grinned. “This is my first one.”

Tanner smiled, sitting next to the thirty-eight-year-old man. “In that case, I’ll order a second round for you and one for myself.”

“That works for me,” Chuck said. His short black hair was graying at the temples.

Tanner ordered the drinks from the bartender who promptly made them.

“Looks like this place has set the Strip on fire,” Chuck commented.

“Yeah, all the rooms are booked for the next couple of weeks and some high rollers have shown up hoping to get lucky.”

Chuck laughed. “That always helps. Unless, of course, you’re pulling for the house, which I am.”

Tanner chuckled. “You had me worried for a moment there,” he joked.

“Don’t be. I want to see my investment grow tenfold, if possible.”

“You and me both.” Tanner tasted the drink. “So how’s Deloris?” he asked about Chuck’s wife.

“Great. She’s in South Carolina visiting her mother.” Chuck looked at him. “And who’s the flavor of the week for you right now?”

Tanner laughed. “Sounds like ice cream.”

“Only sweeter, potentially,” Chuck shot back.

“I’m not seeing anyone right now,” Tanner told him.

“No...? Losing your touch, friend?”

“Been too preoccupied of late.” Tanner thought of Bianca. “Actually, I do have a date tonight.”

Chuck smiled. “Figured you wouldn’t go too long without having someone on your arm. I suppose she’s gorgeous?”

“Yeah, she is,” Tanner admitted.

“Why am I not surprised? Between you and your brother, you pretty much have the run of the best ladies in town.”

Tanner grinned. “I wish,” he said lightly. “Truth of the matter is both of us really just want someone we can grow old with and still be madly in love. Until that person comes along, all we can do is keep looking.”

“Then here’s to looking and finding that right lady,” Chuck said, lifting his glass. “Assuming you haven’t already...”

Tanner took that toast and sipped his drink, his thoughts squarely on Bianca and their date tonight.

* * *

After paying the cabdriver, Bianca headed into the Aloha Seas. She was feeling a little nervous, as though this were a high school date instead of an evening with a handsome, millionaire playboy on his own turf.

You’ll be fine, she told herself. Just keep the expectations low and the optimism high.

She had barely stepped onto the marble floor in the lobby, when Bianca saw Tanner approaching with a big smile on his face.

“Right on time,” he said.

“I could say the same for you,” she told him, in spite of the fact that he had the advantage of already being there ahead of time.

“I’d never be late for dinner with you.”

“Oh, really?” Bianca wasn’t sure if he was the consummate charmer. Or simply full of it. She preferred the former.

“Not when you look like that,” Tanner said, giving her the once-over.

Bianca colored as he admired her in a red scoop-neck top, black skirt and black pumps. She studied him in a gray blazer, dusty pink polo shirt and gray slacks before declaring, “You’re not so bad yourself.”

He laughed. “Thanks. I wanted to at least make myself presentable for the occasion.”

She doubted he’d ever have a problem when it came to style and taste, imagining he wore expensive attire regularly.

“So show me this great seafood restaurant,” she said.

Tanner grinned. “It would be my pleasure.”

They entered Seas and were led to a private table.

“Your very own table,” Bianca said as he pulled out her seat. “Impressive.”

“One of the bonuses of being majority owner,” he said coolly.

“Must be nice,” she teased as he sat.

“It’s much nicer to have you as my guest.”

She smiled while thinking, anytime. But that wouldn’t be true, as she wanted more from a man than a great table at a restaurant. Or, for that matter, a very handsome man as her companion. But both were a good start.

A waiter came over and handed them menus. “Can I get you something to drink, Mr. Long? Or Ms....?”

“Bianca,” she said, adding, “red wine, please.”

“Same,” Tanner said.

“Red wine, it is,” the waiter responded. “I’ll be back to take your order shortly.”

“So, what do you recommend?” Bianca asked.

Tanner regarded the menu. “I’ve only dined here once thus far, and I found the stuffed-shrimp dish with walnut-blended greens to be first rate.”

“Sounds good,” she said. “I’ll try it.”

“I’ll join you,” he told her.

A few minutes later, they were sipping their wine.

“Let’s get back to the wide range of tastes and experiences you were going to tell me about the other day,” Bianca said, eager to see all sides of the man.

“Thought you’d never ask,” Tanner said over the rim of his goblet with a chuckle. “Well, let’s see, I like to work out—including tennis, bicycling, jogging, basketball, swimming and hitting the gym. I’m big on traveling—mostly for business, but pleasure as well.”

“Where have you traveled?” she wondered, speculating that he had been all over the world.

“Lots of places, both in the U.S. and abroad. I’ve been to Hawaii a number of times, which gave me the inspiration for the theme of Aloha Seas. I’ve also been to Europe, Australia and, closer to home, Canada— Toronto and Montreal.”

“Looks like you’ve built up a lot of frequent flier miles,” Bianca half joked.

“Yeah, you could say that.” Tanner wet his lips with wine. “I have my own jet now, so the rewards of flying often are always there.”

“I’ll bet.” While she had met some people in the entertainment business who had private planes, Bianca had never known anyone personally who owned a jet. What other things would she learn about him?

“Getting back to my tastes, I enjoy professional sports such as basketball, football, baseball and boxing, reading the classics and contemporary mysteries and thrillers, watching music performances and plays, and, believe it or not, doing crossword puzzles.”

Bianca laughed. “That is quite a range.” And one I’d have a hard time topping, she mused.

“I also do my share of charity work, both locally and nationally,” Tanner said.

“Nice to hear.” She smiled at him, while thinking that he was certainly well-rounded and humble. Those were good qualities to have.

The food came and she watched Tanner dive right in. She did the same, as their wineglasses were refilled.

“Your turn,” he said, dabbing a cloth napkin to the corners of his mouth.

Bianca had expected this, but never really liked talking too much about herself. “What would you like to know?” she asked cautiously.

“What wouldn’t I like to know is more like it.” Tanner flashed her a serious look. “Have you ever been married?”


“How about engaged?”

She smiled. “Not that, either.”

“But you’ve had boyfriends?”

“Of course,” she said. “I just haven’t found the right guy to get engaged to or marry yet.”

“So, no children, then?” Tanner asked levelly.

Bianca gave a little laugh, feeling as though she was being interviewed as wife material. Was that so bad? Or was it a bit too personal for a first date?

“No, I don’t have any children,” she told him. “Do you?”

“Nope,” he answered concisely.

“Do you want any?” Bianca had to ask for some reason.

Tanner sighed. “Someday. I’m not in any hurry, though.”

“Neither am I.” She wanted to make this clear, preferring to leave all the mommying to her sister for now.

He seemed content with her answer and resumed eating. “Tell me about your family. I know you said you’re from Houston. Fill in some blanks.”

She put down her fork. “Well, my parents are divorced. My dad lives in Biloxi and Mom in Galveston.”

“I lost my folks some time back,” he said sadly. “Dad from a heart attack, Mom from cancer.”

Bianca cringed on hearing this. “I’m so sorry about your parents.”

Tanner raised his chin. “So am I. But they had a good life for as long as it lasted.”

Bianca was glad that he seemed to have come to terms with their passing. She wondered how long it would take her to do the same when her parents passed away. “I have a sister who lives in Portland, Oregon,” she told him, “with her husband and his twin daughters.”

“Portland, huh?” Tanner leaned forward interestedly. “I’ve been there a couple of times, as well as Seattle.”

“The Pacific Northwest is a great place to visit,” Bianca told him.

“Aside from Texas and Oregon, where else have you been?” he asked curiously.

“Can’t say I can match your travels, but I’ve been here and there.”

“Such as...”

“Let’s see...most of the midwestern and western states, New York, Atlanta, New Orleans Miami, Seattle and Honolulu twice.” She paused to collect her thoughts. “Abroad, I’ve been to Brazil, Canada, the Cayman Islands, England, Mexico and Sweden.”

“Not bad,” Tanner said, slicing through his shrimp stuffed with crab and cheddar cheese. “So what do you do for sport? It’s obvious you keep yourself in great shape.”

“Thank you,” Bianca told him, happy that he noticed. “I jog almost daily.”

“Cool. Maybe we can run together sometime.”

“Sounds good to me.” She imagined seeing him in a T-shirt and shorts, showing off his well-defined, muscular limbs.

“Then we’ll make it happen.” Tanner lifted his glass. “What type of music are you into? I’m guessing pop and R&B, maybe a little jazz, cabaret and blues. How am I doing?”

Bianca laughed. “Not too bad. You can probably scratch the blues off the list, though it was my dad’s favorite type of music. But I’m definitely into R&B, pop and jazz. I love Alicia Keys, Adele, Bruno Mars, Kendre Kelly, Rihanna and Michael Bublé, among many others.”

“Yeah, I like them, too. Seems like we have a few things in common.”

“Seems that way,” she agreed, tasting the greens. “But I have to admit, I haven’t done any crossword puzzles in a while and generally prefer literary and romance novels to mysteries and thrillers.”

Tanner chuckled. “I could see that. Guess I’ll have to work on you with the crossword puzzles.”

“Oh, you think so?”

“Yeah, it could be fun trying to solve the mystery together.”

“Maybe,” she said, wondering what other common ground they might find. She watched his lips move sexily as he chewed. “So are you a self-made millionaire? Or did you get where you are through inherited wealth?”

Hope I’m not being too nosey, Bianca told herself. But she was curious and he seemed comfortable enough in his own skin to talk about almost anything.

“A bit of both,” Tanner revealed. “My father was a wealthy real-estate investor, among other ventures. While Solomon and I benefited from this, much of what my parents earned was donated to charity, as they wanted us to succeed on our own to a large degree. And we have, turning a small fortune into a large one.”

“That’s impressive.” She applauded him. “Obviously you’ve invested your money wisely.”

“Yeah, it’s worked out well so far, but I’m not taking anything for granted. I don’t expect to just sit on my butt and rake in the dough. I’m all about rolling up my sleeves and working as hard as any of my employees to keep the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in what I do.”

“Looks like you are very grounded,” Bianca said.

“I could say the same for you.” Tanner met her eyes in earnest. “Guess we’re cut from the same cloth.”

She chuckled. “Maybe not quite.”

His thick brows lowered. “Why do you say that?”

Should I go there and possibly ruin the mood? Bianca asked herself. “Well, if I’m not mistaken, you’ve built quite a reputation for yourself as one of the most eligible bachelors in the city. It seems like you’re not very interested in settling down with just one woman.”

Tanner tasted the wine. “As a writer, you shouldn’t believe everything you read or hear.”

Her eyes widened defensively. “Are you denying it?”

“I admit to never marrying and being in the company of single women from time to time. But that doesn’t mean I’m just a player and not looking for that one special lady.”

“So you are looking for that special lady?” Bianca asked bluntly, hoping it didn’t sound as though she were volunteering for the job.

“Yeah, I am,” Tanner said without preface. “And are you looking for that one special guy?”

“Of course,” she responded truthfully and then decided to tone this down, so there was no pressure either way. “But I’m in no hurry. When it happens, it happens. Until then, I’m just happy to be with some pleasant company.”

He grinned. “Touché.”

* * *

After the meal, which Tanner felt ended too soon, he walked Bianca outside. It was a warm night. He would like nothing better than to take her to his suite and make love to her. But it was obvious that she was not interested in a casual fling. Neither was he, where she was concerned.

“Are you sure I can’t have Johan give you a lift home?” Tanner asked. It would give him the opportunity to go along for the ride.

“Thanks, but I’ll stick with the cab,” Bianca told him.

He accepted her choice, while hoping this would change in the future. He got her a taxi, then Tanner opened the door for Bianca. He badly wanted to kiss her. Something told him she wanted the same. Or was that merely his fantasy?

Going with his instincts, Tanner lifted her chin and gazed into Bianca’s eyes for a long moment before tilting his head and planting a kiss on her lips. They were, as expected, soft and perfect when meshing with his. He kept the kiss going for several seconds and then pulled back, not wanting to overdo it.

“That was nice,” Bianca uttered.

“Yeah, for me too,” he assured her.

“Good night, Tanner.”

“Good night.”

He smiled and watched her slide into the backseat before he closed the door.

As the cab drove off, Tanner watched for a moment, wishing he’d gone with her. She’d left quite an impression on him—one that he did not take lightly.

Bianca Wagner may be just the lady I’ve been looking for all my adult life, he thought. But the trick was getting her to feel the same way about him. He would work on that and not allow this gorgeous woman to slip through his fingers.

Tanner went back inside the hotel and made the rounds, greeting guests warmly, even while his thoughts were decidedly on Bianca.

Bet on Love

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