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Chapter 5

The following morning, Tanner joined Solomon in the Tiki Room for breakfast. There were waffles and sausage links already on the table.

“You look tired,” Tanner said, taking a seat opposite his brother. “It must have been a tough night.”

“I wouldn’t exactly call it tough,” Solomon said, sipping coffee. “Melanie kept me going and going and—”

“I get the picture.” Tanner lifted up a hand to halt him. “Glad to see you two have clicked for however long that might be.” He knew his brother had a habit of moving through ladies faster than he got rid of clothes.

“I’m not looking too far ahead,” Solomon told him. “Right now, I’m just enjoying her company.”

“And clearly she’s enjoying yours, too,” Tanner teased him.

Solomon dug his fork into the waffle. “How did it go with you and Bianca last night?”

“It was good.” Tanner stirred his coffee. “I like her.”

“So tell me something I don’t know. But is she any good in bed?”

“We haven’t gotten that far,” admitted Tanner.

“Holding back on you, is she?”

“We’re holding back on each other. I don’t want to rush things with her.”

“That’s a switch,” Solomon said. “Growing soft on Bianca before you even sample the merchandise?”

Tanner frowned. “She’s a classy lady, and I’d rather not screw things up by making it seem like all I’m interested in is getting her into bed.”

Solomon cocked a brow. “So, what are you looking for here—someone to marry and settle down with?”

“No, I simply want someone I can relate to and who can hold my interest in and out of bed. You should try it sometime. You might like it.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Solomon said. “But I’m in no hurry to take that path. Maybe you’re not, either.”

“We’ll see about that,” Tanner said, feeling he was more than ready to leave the playboy life behind and start a real relationship. But was Bianca ready to take that journey with him?

His cell phone rang, and for an instant Tanner thought it might be Bianca. But the caller ID showed it was Angie LeBrock, the last person he wanted to talk to. He’d been avoiding her calls because she didn’t seem to take no for an answer when he told her things were over between them. Apart from not having much of a personality, frankly, she seemed more interested in what he had than who he was.

He ignored the call.

Solomon noticed. “Who was that?”

Tanner frowned. “Angie.”

“Thought you ended things with her.”

“So did I,” Tanner said glumly. “She thinks otherwise.”

“Is she stalking you now?” Solomon asked.

“I wouldn’t say that, but she is being somewhat of a pest,” Tanner said.

“So call her back and tell her to lay off.”

“That would probably only encourage her into believing there was still a chance for us to get back together.” He didn’t want to make this any more difficult than necessary.

Tanner then considered how much better off he could be with Bianca in his life, as they seemed to hit it off. Was she feeling the same way?

* * *

On Saturday, Bianca dropped by Melanie’s town house after finishing her laundry and other household chores. Her friend was bubbly.

“Solomon and I are going to check out Cirque du Soleil tonight,” gushed Melanie over tea as they sat in her breakfast room.

“Looks like things are really starting to click with you two,” Bianca said enviously.

“Just a little.” Melanie giggled. “Well...a lot in the bedroom. They man is insatiable and seems to know everything it takes to please a woman.”

Bianca colored. “Spare me the details, please.”

“I’m just saying...” Melanie bit into a piece of toast. “I’m so glad you met Tanner, which led to me meeting Solomon. I have no idea where this is headed, but I’m certainly enjoying the ride.”

“I’m happy for you,” Bianca said, and meant it. She only hoped Melanie wasn’t setting herself up for a fall. Solomon’s reputation as a ladies’ man was probably worse than Tanner’s.

“Thanks,” Melanie said. “I’m happy for you, too.”

“We’re not exactly where you are in our relationship, if you would even call it that,” Bianca pointed out.

“That’s not a bad thing,” Melanie said. “It doesn’t mean you and Tanner aren’t of the same mind.”

“I know. He seems to respect me and appreciate what I bring to the table, apart from expectations of what I may offer in the bedroom.”

“And just wait till he sees that,” joked Melanie. “You’ll definitely have him in your hip pocket then.”

Bianca laughed self-consciously. “We’ll see what happens. First, we need a second date. Do you think I should call him?”

“You could,” Melanie said, sipping tea. “But I’m sure he’ll call you if you don’t call him.”

Bianca thought about it. She didn’t want to blow it with Tanner. She also didn’t want to seem too desperate to be with him, although she just really enjoyed his company.

“I’ll wait till he calls,” she decided.

Melanie smiled. “I know you won’t be disappointed.”

Bianca sensed she would not be, but still felt a little tense.

* * *

That night, Bianca’s phone rang, causing her heart to beat a bit faster, thinking it might be Tanner. It was, which brought a smile to her face.

“Hello,” she said coolly.


“And how are you?”

“I’m good,” he said.

“I’m sure the hotel-casino is keeping you busy,” she commented.

“Not too busy to find some time for you. I was wondering if you’d like to go on a walking gourmet-food tour tomorrow afternoon.”

“I’d love to,” Bianca said. She’d done it once before and had enjoyed it. She knew it would be even better with Tanner’s company.

“Wonderful. I hope I can have my driver pick you up and bring you to the hotel. Or if you insist, you can meet me there.”

“Hmm...” Bianca thought about it and realized it was silly to blame Johan for hitting her car when it was hardly his fault. “I think I’ll be fine having your driver pick me up.”

“Cool. Just be sure to save a lot of room in your stomach,” Tanner said. “There’s a lot to sample.”

She laughed. “Of course, but I have to show moderation to maintain my figure.”

“Understood and agreed,” he said. “Guess we’ll both have to pick and choose carefully while enjoying the experience at the same time.”

“I’m sure we will,” Bianca said, already looking forward to it.

They spoke for only a few more minutes and then Tanner had to cut it short as he was taking a break from a business meeting.

Bianca very much appreciated the gesture and that he cared enough to clear space in his schedule for her. She welcomed the opportunity to get closer.

* * *

When the limousine arrived at her house the next day, Bianca was ready. It was another warm afternoon, so she dressed lightly for the outdoor event in a purple short-sleeved V-neck top, white Bermuda shorts and wedge sandals.

Johan opened the back door for her.

“Thanks,” she said.

“My pleasure.”

Inside, she sat by her lonesome, wishing Tanner was there beside her. She decided to use the time without him to pick Johan’s brain about his boss.

“So, what can you tell me about Tanner?” she asked.

He looked at her through the rearview mirror. “Probably a lot. What would you like to know?”

Bet on Love

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