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Discoveries in London
ОглавлениеThe air porter would have been fine for me but Charlie insisted on taking me to the airport. Completely glad that he did; because his parting kiss gave me something to think about for the first few hours of the long flight. The words he whispered in my ear before I boarded the plane were the beginning of his week long foreplay.
“Woman, I’m gonna miss you and think about you and what will make you feel good when we’re together again.”
Then he kissed me, first my neck and then took my lips for his sexy parting kiss.
“Ditto lover, I’m going to miss you and think about you constantly. So now we have a little homework assignment. I’ll show you mine and you can show me yours.”
Charlie set me down and helped to gather my purse, sketch pad, and laptop from the floor where I’d dropped them for our goodbye. We kissed again several times before I boarded.
First class was the perfect way to travel, plenty of room and attention if you wanted it. I ordered a scotch as soon as we got underway and spent the first hours thinking of Charlie and what I could do to make him happy when we were together again. Drawing pictures of Charlie from every angle and in a variety of scenarios, I finished the reminisce about Charlie with a nude study of him that made me long for him when it was complete.
A look at Ricky reminded me that I had work to do regarding the information that had been provided to me by the red spark travel. Examining each of the three adventures to try to understand what they were all about was a chore. The methodical approach that I took helped to put the work in perspective.
The first trip indicated that it was Michael who was the target of some cosmic retribution and my involvement may have been accidental when that wind ball was hurled at him but hit me, too.
The second trip seemed to show a different intent with Michael’s ‘I’m the star’ attitude. That was a glimpse of him that he hadn’t presented to me, ever.
The third trip showed me his condemnation by that same cosmic force that cursed him to need me for the rest of his life.
Not sure what to do with the information, I just tucked it away until I could add to it. It was my practice to get all the pieces of a puzzle turned right side up before I tried to put it together and it was the same principle for that puzzle.
The rest of the flight I either slept or worked on a new design that I’d started for Wyatt. Wyatt was an attorney who handled all of the affairs for what we called the ‘New Holdings’, an inheritance. Wyatt was a trusted friend and a valued business colleague. He was my favorite person besides Michael and Charlie to design for. The designs for Wyatt allowed me to show my more daring side while the designs I created for Michael and Charlie were more practical.
During the previous months I had designed dozens and dozens of suits for Wyatt, many more than I’d designed for both Michael and Charlie put together. When a creative bent was upon me, I couldn’t ignore the ideas that plagued me during that rush. When I was on fire with creative ideas I literally had to sequester myself to get them all down before they fleeted away.
So into the design I hardly noticed when the plane touched down. Undoubtedly I was the very last passenger off the plane. When I walked into the terminal at Heathrow I was greeted by two very worried looking people.
The looks on Michael and Lu’s faces when they finally saw me were of pure joy. After we caught sight of each other the fingers of the reconnect reached out to us and we responded by picking up the pace to get to one another as quickly as possible.
Our hook up was amazing. The rush of the reconnect nearly floored us all. In our 3-person full-body hug, Michael and I trapped Lu between us and we all enjoyed the sweetest loveliness of the peace and softness that our contact brought. We stayed hugged up until all of our sounds of pleasure were complete. Michael and I enjoyed the kitten like sounds that were Lu’s signature. We didn’t drop our grip on one another until we were completely sated in the reconnect.
“Oh thank you sweet heavenly reconnect.”
I said as the calm and balance settled into me.
“I second that,” Michael signed.
“God Baby, you smell so good and feel so good; thank you.”
His voice carried the emotion that we all felt.
“I love you Elena.”
Lu joined the very short conversation within our huddle.
The three of us had developed a true love for one another and our get together was always remarkable and very satisfying. The reconnect repaired the damage that our being separated caused.
It was nearly automatic that we tried to show our appreciation, one for the other by working to kiss and further touch the others. I felt them kissing me; Michael focused on my neck and Lu had her lips on my cheek. I kissed them in return, not caring where my lips landed.
Eventually we separated from each other but were graced to keep, at least for awhile, all of the rich and rewarding feelings that our connected bodies gave to us. The peacefulness and love were carried by each of us into the following hours.
Emotion was so strong that a sphincter squeeze couldn’t hold back my tears as I looked at their fabulous faces; not realizing just how much I had missed them until that very moment.
Michael’s scent was of wild honeysuckle and musk and totally delicious to me. Lu was beyond pretty, she was beautiful and glowed from within. Everything about her was precious and missed by me. Listening for any sound that she made or any words that she spoke with intensity in order to hear her accent, I waited to get the feel of fun that she gave to every sentence.
We struggled with my purse, laptop, and sketch pad because we tried to remain connected while going through customs and gathering my luggage. It didn’t take long until we were in sync. We knew it to be true as soon as we heard our stomachs growl at the same time. We laughed.
“Good thing we’re going to dinner,” Michael said.
We were non-stop dialogue; we had so much to say and so many questions to ask. They bombarded me with need for information about the family and my designs and the catch web business.
“Elena,” Lucy started. “Please, how is the children?” Her accent made me miss the question all together.
Lu tried again with, “Ollie, Kevin, and Margarita?”
“Sorry Lucy, I’m just so happy to see you and hear you that I’m not really listening.”
“Well, let me see, about my kids – Ollie’s become the official legal representative for both the ‘Three Women’ design mechanism and ‘The Catch’ business. He was instrumental in getting ‘The Catch’ into the Olympics. Because of the work he did to entice the committee into accepting “The Catch’; I also got to endorse the catch object for the games. You guys will be glad to know that the object that I gave you all those months ago is the very first one in existence and probably considered quite valuable.”
“Kevin, with Kathy at his side, spearheads the ‘Web business’ for the catch objects. He expanded the business to meet the crazy demand that’s grown substantially since the kids did ‘The Catch on Tour’ and took the catch to schools across the states. About the only involvement I have with the objects anymore is that they still allow me to design new ones and to design the objects for the catch in a number of schools. Kevin bought the house next door that used to belong to Mr. Mendel; so, he’s close if we need each other.”
“Margaret’s finishing up school but when she’s home she works with Kevin and Kathy designing objects. I think she’s taken over most of the requests from schools for their individual catch objects. She’s really focused and makes me proud. She and Ollie also have an alliance and plan to open a law practice together as soon as she completes school. When she’s home, she stays in the cottage on the property.”
“They have some big plans coming up that have to do with the United Nations that will include all of them. I don’t have the details but I don’t think that all of the details have been ironed out.”
Michael was chomping at the bit with a question of his own that I didn’t seem to be getting to fast enough.
“And, Denice, how’s she doing?”
Both Lu and I laughed at his eagerness.
My sister had always been a favorite of Michael’s. She isn’t anything like me except that we both have a great passion for design. Denice is a beautiful woman both inside and out. Everyone, both men and women alike, are taken with her as soon as they see her. She practically radiates goodness and love; she makes people feel good about themselves and about her. She’s talented and exudes confidence most of the time; she’d only show her insecurities to me because we’re close and she knows that she’s safe with me. I love her more than seems possible; she draws it out of me. She’s my rock and I’m the same for her.
“Denice is completely in her element and as happy as I’ve ever seen her. She and Sam have a beautiful home in San Francisco and spend most of their weekends in Monterey where they just bought another place. Sam sold his business and retired so now he’s a ‘house husband’ but helps us out with the design business when she asks for it. It’s not unusual to see Sam at the store front down town covering things when there’s a need.”
It didn’t get past me that they hadn’t asked after Charlie or Tut, for that matter. That’s only odd because Charlie and Tut are as much a part of my family as are my children. Being more connected to them on a daily basis than any others gives them the privilege of being called family.
At the local restaurant we sat and continued to talk even after we’d finished our meal. They filled me in on what was happening in their lives. Lu was working a lot because she was on a weekly TV show and she had also just signed on for a big movie. She said that most of the time all she did was read lines, memorize lines, and read more lines.
I asked after her musical career but she said that there was no time left to put into it.
“Michael, is the new release ready yet?” I asked.
“Nearly, there’s still some studio work to be done on it but it is ‘in the can’ so to speak. I’m pleased with it and I think you’ll like it, too.”
“In one of our conversations you mentioned that you were putting in a swimming pool; how are the plans coming for that?”
“The pool’s in and I use it nearly daily. My parents still can’t figure out why we wanted an indoor pool but then they don’t live in London either.” Michael chuckled.
Our conversation went on, non-stop as we drove home and while we were getting me set up in the guest room which I considered to be my room while I was visiting. We spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing and in general being happy people trying to catch up in each other’s lives.
As I was leaving to turn in for the evening, Michael asked, “How’s 10 a.m. for our meeting in the music room to get started?”
“Michael we didn’t hook up so I’m not sure what we’ll be able to accomplish without the help of our complete connection.”
Informing Michael that he may be disappointed in my participation due to a lack of that kind of reconnect was important.
“Oh God, I completely forgot.”
Michael confessed, but he had a solution that would suffice.
“How about we meet up tonight; say in 20 minutes?”
“20 minutes, it is,” I said as I headed for my evening maintenance.
I sent a quick email to Charlie to let him know that I’d arrived and that I’d call the next day because I couldn’t go much longer without hearing his voice and told him I missed him already and that going to sleep would be difficult without him.
Once I was in bed and ready for our meeting on the current I looked at Ricky with her particles waiting for me. I closed my eyes and jumped in, found our scent and was on the current without much of a thought. I was there only a second before Michael joined me. We combined our beings into that most perfect union. Thoroughly joined and combined as one we were sent back to our bodies sated and complete.
The following morning I was up before dawn and was ready to meet the world in about 20 minutes. In the kitchen for a cup of coffee that I could smell brewing I found Lu having her morning cup as she was getting ready to leave for the studio.
While we had a moment alone before Michael came for his coffee, Lu asked me to please ‘kiss and go’. Since I knew that she wanted me to transfer my connection to Michael into her again I wasn’t offended like I was the first time I’d heard her say it that way to me.
“Tonight, for sure,” I told her.
We kissed good-bye for the day and I went through the slider with my coffee to visit with the garden on the patio. Michael had a table and chairs set up there for my convenience. We shared many a scotch sitting at that table while we communicated with the vegetation there.
Michael joined me with his cup and sat in the other chair at that little table. He was only there for a second before we simultaneously stood and turned to each other for a full-body reconnect.
It’d be difficult to name a time when the reconnect felt that good. We both moaned and rewrapped each other into a tighter hold to get more of the goodness.
“My God Baby, when has it ever felt this good?”
“Never,” I would have answered if I could speak. Nothing had ever felt that good.
Michael whispered in my ear.
“Baby this surprises me every time. You feel so ridiculously wonderful.”
When there was some space between us and I gained the ability to speak again, I simply said.
“Thank you Michael, I love you.”
“Baby, that’s back atcha.”
After we’d made breakfast together it was still very early and a couple of hours before we were to meet up in the music room so I went out to visit with all the gardens on the estate. I didn’t miss a single garden, bringing them all news from home and the gardens there. The pictures I carried through each garden probably would have prompted professionals to lock me up but Michael and Lu allowed me to be as crazy as I wanted to be.
I took my attention to the far garden, my favorite though I’m not sure why. My love for them probably stems from the first time I cried to them over missing Charlie. At that time the garden seemed to wrap itself around me in a comforting move that was the most endearing of communications.
Taking too long at the far garden was kind of the way it went for me every time I was with them and hustle would be required to get back in time for Michael and our stint in the music room. Hustling was fun for me and once I saw how late it was, my legs took action and carried me back to the house in record time. Enjoying the run and the feel of my muscles working I let my mind go blank and was the observer of me.
Coming around the last bend before the back door came into view I wondered if Michael would be there waiting for me and yes, he was there waiting. When he saw me his face broke into a beautiful smile which encouraged me to get to him faster so I didn’t slow down. Without a slow down our reconnect was nearly violent; I hit him hard. He was like a rock and held me to him in the most satisfying embrace and reconnection ever.
Our process in the music room was always the same. We’d sit next to each other on the piano bench with a single sheet of paper and a single pencil on the top of the piano. As soon as one of us had an idea, we’d write it down and then sit back down on the bench again until another inspiration hit. We were both so on fire with ideas that we fought each other for the pencil. When I couldn’t take it anymore I went to my room for more paper and another pencil. Michael didn’t like that but he had been hogging the pencil and I told him so.
We’d been in the music room for about 3 hours before we decided that lunch was necessary but only stopped for a quick bite and then we were back at it.
At 5 o’clock I needed to get out and Michael suggested a dip in the pool.
“I didn’t think to bring a suit with me.”
You can probably imagine what he had to say about that.
“Suits aren’t necessary.”
“Maybe Lu has a suit I can borrow; can you look?”
I was beginning to get into the idea of a swim.
Michael brought me one of Lu’s string bikinis that I wouldn’t wear; I wore my bra and boxer shorts.
The pool reminded me of the ‘Great Gatsby’ because of its elegance and size. I beat Michael there and went to the diving board. I bounced a bunch of times to get the feel of the board before I took off in a swan dive. Michael came in just as I was in mid air. As I came down into the water, he stepped into the shallow end. Upon entry I was welcomed by the water-reconnect. I swam the entire length of the pool underwater allowing it to ripple by me, caressing me with each stroke as I made my way to Michael at the other end.
Michael took my hand and we both froze due to the sensations brought on by the water-reconnect. We clung to each other laughing. The feeling of the water caressing and popping around us was like nothing else. Every time we were in water we were surprised by the insane feeling we got from our connection.
Michael wrapped his arms around me and I could hardly breathe from the feel of it. His draw gripped me like never before and I clung to him with my own tenacious hold.
The emotion brought on by his touch was immediate and powerful. His moan was a siren’s call to me and without thought I kissed his chest and bit him.
“Baby,” Michael was having his own difficulty with speech. “Oh, oh, oh” he moaned over and over again in my ear.
Finally in a decisive move, Michael put my arms around his neck and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him with extreme force. “Oh, oh, oh God,” Michael continued to moan. Our hearts raced and when Michael found my lips close to his, he claimed them in a searching kiss that had us toppled and rolling rapidly like a single log in the shallow end of the pool.
When the episode ended we were both breathing hard and stunned into silence. I pushed away from him and went to sit on the steps to catch my breath and to try and figure out how we were able to endure that ride.
Only separated for a few seconds, we realized that we needed to be touching. We lunged at each other and wrapped up again. We found that if we just stood in the water wrapped up in each other the goodness was the sweetest reconnect but if we moved or kissed the reconnect turned nearly violent. Don’t get the wrong impression and think that we would shy away from the violent part because that was not in Michael’s nature.
Michael liked the crazy and sometimes violent machinations of our water-reconnect. Being in the water with him was enough for me but as part of our connection I would always give Michael anything that was in my power. Any experiment that he wanted to try, no matter how crazy it was, I’d be right there with him to do his bidding, to give him what he wanted.
“I dreamt of this Helen.” Michael confessed.
“You are the reason that I put this pool in. Whenever I swim I remember our time on the beach by your house and, of course, our time in Sandy’s pool.”
“This is something that Lu wouldn’t do with me even if she could. The intensity frightens her too much. Hell, we barely have a connection any more.”
Michael spoke with sadness in his obsidian eyes.
“This very morning Lu asked me to ‘kiss and go’ so I know she wants the connection to you.”
The news was good for him and a smile replaced the sadness; a very nice thing to see.
We stayed in the pool for quite awhile before I was completely exhausted and needed food and rest.
That night I went to their bedroom and copied my connection into Lu. The wave builds with each episode becoming more intense than the previous one. Before we got out of the pool we’d endured some slammin’ waves that wracked our bodies from the inside out with some nearly killer orgasms. Michael and I should have taken into consideration the increasing intensity or we would have gotten out of the pool much sooner than we actually did. For the ritual the three of us lined up on the bed with Michael in the middle between Lu and me. Michael and I needed to kiss and then Michael had to turn for the two of them to kiss. I had to tear myself away from Michael during our kiss and then again after the wave hit us. Even through the pain I handled the process but felt insulted as the pain stayed with me for hours after the deed was done. Alone in my room I cried and sighed deeply over and over until I needed to take action, so I got dressed and went for a run.
While I ran in the dark I allowed myself to feel the pain and to cry. I punished myself by pumping my legs as hard as I possibly could. As I ran, I thought about my strange life. The nearly insidious pull that Michael had on me, I compared to the comfort of Charlie’s arms and suddenly I was longing for Charlie and couldn’t get back fast enough to call him. Hearing his voice would give me peace, I was just sure of it.
“Hello,” Charlie answered in his sleepy voice.
“Hey lover, talk to me, I miss you more today than yesterday.”
“Oh God Woman, it’s good to hear your voice.” Charlie replied.
“Are you alright, you sound funny?”
“Now that I hear you, I’m alright. It would be nice to have your arms around me holding me and keeping me sane. They allow me to be crazy here and I take full advantage of it.”
“So, you’re taking pictures of our garden to their gardens, is that right?”
“Yeah, there’s probably more craziness to come.”
“Woman, would you promise me that you’ll be safe. I have plans for you when you get back.”
“I can hardly wait. I love you Charlie and I wish that there was a way that I could transport myself to you right now. We transferred my connection tonight and the price is anxiety and pain. It’s starting to subside now and I’m breathing easier.”
“Tell me why you do that woman, especially if it causes you pain. Can’t they handle their own sex?”
“I do it because of my need to please Michael. He wants the connection to Lu and I can give it to him, so I do. If I weren’t able to do it, he would be at our house much more often for a reconnect physically.”
“Is Tut near by?”
“Its near midnight, no Tut is not here, he’s asleep.”
“Ok, I’m going to hang up and let you get some sleep too, but first would you tell me again Charlie how much you love me, please?”
“You are everything to me Woman, I love you so much please hurry home to me.”
“Ok,” I said, “b-bye Lover.”
“Good night Helen.” Then Charlie was gone.
The next morning I had a quick breakfast and went off to see Wyatt. I knew that Michael and Lu would be sequestered in their room for the day because of the way that Michael craved the wave. They also knew that I would be disappointed if they didn’t use the gift that I gave them when it was most potent particularly because the process had caused me to endure all that pain. Michael didn’t know about the pain but he knew that it would be an insult to me if they were to ignore the effort.
Standing in the front of ‘The Miles’ was always a treat and quite impressive because the place was made of the most beautiful marble. The entry doors were enormous. It was difficult to fathom that I owned it. We used it for the work for ‘The New Holdings’ our name for my inheritance. We also used it for season openings for ‘Three Women’. ‘Three Women’ is the name of the design company that my sister and I established a few years back.
Not sure whether Wyatt liked it or not but I had a habit of surprising him when I came for a visit. I didn’t return often but when I did, I’d forget to inform Wyatt of my arrival. That day was no exception.
The grand foyer with the giant chandelier continued the elegance that was first captured on the front steps. I stood for just a moment taking in the beauty. There was a desk at the base of the right grand staircase with a pretty young woman staffing it. Before I got to the desk she pushed a button and announced me.
“Your next appointment just got here. She’s early, what did you want me to do with her?”
“Ask her to be seated and I’ll be right there.”
Wyatt’s voice was bright and pulled at my heart as soon as I heard it.
I continued to the desk and stood there looking at the young woman. She smiled very sweetly.
“Mr. Sussman will be right with you; won’t you please take a seat right there.”
She pointed to an office chair to her left.
At first I toyed with the idea of just walking in on Wyatt and shocking that sweet young woman but instead I was more civil than that. I’m sure my aloofness was showing; a side of me that I’m told I display to every new person I meet. If it’s true, it’s unintentional.
Wyatt was true to his word and was no more than two minutes before he came out of the office using his long stride to get him across the room faster than most could run it. He pleased me with a giant smile as he saw that the person waiting for him was me. I stood and practically ran to him. We embraced the most wonderful hug.
Since I’d started designing for him, he’d taken on nearly and entirely different persona. He wasn’t as reserved or controlled as he’d been when we first met. His confidence was his calling card. An interesting looking young man, angular with long lean lines; he wore the clothes I designed exclusively. He was so much fun to create for that the ideas just jumped into my head and I’d put them on paper as quickly as they came and then send them off to the ‘Three Women’ machine to be made up for him.
“Helen,” he practically sang my name.
“This is the best surprise I could ever get.”
“I’m here working with Michael and thought I’d come bug you for a bit. Do you have a few minutes you can spare for a visit?”
I didn’t want to mess with his schedule. Wyatt was like me with his schedules and routines.
“For you Helen, I’ll call off the entire day.”
“No, don’t do that. Whatcha got going today that requires a receptionist?”
Wyatt looked at the woman at the desk and smiled.
“This is Millie; Millie, this is Helen, our boss.”
“So please to meet you Helen,” Millie said as she presented her hand to me. I took her hand and smiled.
“Like wise, I’m sure.” I said which seemed to have an affect on Wyatt.
“Millie is training to be my secretary and she’s coming along very well.” Wyatt informed me.
“How many more interviews do we have today?”
Wyatt was asking Millie even though I was pretty sure that Wyatt knew exactly what was left on his agenda for the day.
“You have just one this morning, in about a half and hour and then two after lunch.” Millie reported.
“Millie if the appointment gets here earlier than they’re scheduled for would you please have them sit until I come for them?”
Wyatt cleared the way for us to go into the office and chat.
He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and tried to guide me into the office. I turned in his arms and took up a dance stance. He got it immediately and joined the dance embrace. I sang.
“All you have to do is touch my hand, to show me you understand and something happens to me, it’s some kind of wonderful.”
Wyatt danced me into the office and we danced all around the room until I finished the song.
We spent the next half hour talking about design and Wyatt and the possibility of Wyatt going to San Francisco for a stock holders meeting for one of the businesses of the ‘New Holdings’. The idea of Wyatt visiting me in the states made me feel good for the rest of the time that we were together.
While leaving I asked Wyatt if I came by again before I left could he make time for a catch. He said that he’d love to. We hugged and Wyatt kissed the top of my head.
Before I went to see Miles in the servant’s quarters, I glanced at Millie.
“It was nice to meet you Millie.”
I keyed in the code to get into the servants quarters but I was unsure of what I would find. Miles Henley was my benefactor who had died the year before but I’d had a sexual relationship with him after he was dead. Even though I wouldn’t have sex with him again because of my relationship with Charlie, I was still hoping to see him and to visit and give him news of Tut.
As I entered the private hallway and then into the living room old familiar feelings came back to me. The place had a home like feel to it for me. It had been a haven in times of need and it was where I met Tut, my sweet Tut.
Standing in the living room and feeling the stillness all around, I called to Miles to let him know that I was there.
“Miles, it’s Helen, are you here? I’d love to see you.”
There was no response so I ventured into the dining room and then further in to Miles’ bedroom. When I opened the door I was at first startled to see him but then elated. He kind of drifted over to me and I smiled and wrapped my arms around him in a ‘hello hug’.
He started to unbutton my blouse as was his pattern if he wasn’t already in bed waiting for me. I stopped his progress and told him that Charlie was back in my life and I couldn’t cheat on Charlie even with a really good looking dead man.
Miles laughed and then he kissed the top of my head – there’s something about the top of my head that the men in my life end up kissing me there.
Miles was happy to hear about Tut and that Tut got along well with Charlie. He told me that it was obvious that I was being satisfied regularly but he would miss our times together and would lament often about not ever being able to be with me again. Miles was actually saying good bye.
He told me that he wouldn’t be there the next time I visited because he was moving on. He could move on because he knew that both Tut and I were taken care of. He thanked me for the good sex that we shared and said that he would brag about it in heaven.
Our good bye said I exited the side door of the servant’s quarters so that I could head toward the fence and the little gardens on that side. Plus I wanted to scale the mysterious garden wall again and view the vista from atop of that wall.
I ran through the yard touching as much of the foliage as I could while I passed by. When I got to the fence, I traveled the entire length of it to the big street and then back again. On the run I took the wall and was at the top in a matter of heart beats. Once up there my breath came fast and excited because of the glorious view and the strange London sky.
The scents of all the surrounding gardens could be detected from up on that wall and I breathed it all in and felt the communication coming my way on the air currents. Raising my arms to the sky in a melodramatic kind of move, I caught a glimpse of Ricky and laughed.
Ricky was inviting me for an adventure on the currents. I didn’t see the red spark until after I’d jumped. The tormented air moved in a jerky and chaotic fashion but the falling was nearly pleasant as I tried my best to relax and go with interest where Ricky was sending me. After the turbulence and the dizzying decent I was back on board the ship with Michael.
It was the day that Michael decided that the only way to satisfy the reconnect was to complete our connection and get inside of me. Again I got glimpses of Michael’s thinking.
“To bad I didn’t get hooked up with her sister; that I could get behind. I bet I could get her sister to complete the connection. Helen, who does she think she is that she won’t have sex with me? Does she think she’s something special?”
The thoughts in Michael’s head were critical of me but that wasn’t new. I could see in my recall that he was irritated with me over not just having a quick poke. Because he was sure that would answer what the reconnect was asking of us.
When I woke up it was dark and I was on the ground at the base of the wall and I couldn’t move. While I laid there forcing myself to breathe slowly and relax, I waited for my strength to return. The other times Charlie was with me and he seemed to help me gain my strength back just by holding me.
I felt them coming through the fingers of the reconnect that reached out to me and then I heard them. Michael and Lu were walking the path and calling my name.
My voice was nearly inaudible but I tried.
“I’m here, help me please, I’m here.”
Then Michael was kneeling by me.
“She’s here Lu.”
I heard him call.
“Elena, Michael is she alright?”
I could hear the panic in her voice.
“We should call the ambulance.” She cried.
“I’m ok,” I said.
“I just need a minute. Michael please hold me for a few minutes please and then I’ll be fine, I’m just sure of it.”
Then Michael held me and the reconnect was all I really needed and I could feel my strength come back to me in a rush. When I could I squeezed Michael to let him know that I’d be just fine. I let him hold me longer than was absolutely necessary but what’s a little drama between friends. I had to fight the sexual need that seemed to be strong after a ‘red spark’ trip.
In a surprising move, Michael picked me up and began to carry me back to the house. I let him and just rested my head in the crook of his neck.
“I’m sorry Michael I did another foolish thing. Charlie is going to be so upset; he worries about me so much.”
“Don’t you worry Elena; everything is going to be ok as soon as we get home.”
Then Lu touched Michael’s arm.
“Its ok Michael, Elena’s ok.”
She rubbed his arm and then his back. It took me a minute to figure it out but she was trying to soothe him and to relieve his worry.
To both of them I said, “Thank you for coming for me. I didn’t know what I was going to do.”
Michael didn’t speak and I could see that his jaw was clenched but he leaned his head into mine in a show of love and protection.
Once in the house Michael took me right into my room and set me on the bed. Lu followed him and they both set on the edge of the bed looking at me waiting for some explanation I’m sure.
Finally Michael said something.
“Baby, I knew it was dangerous for you to be climbing that wall. You could have been really injured instead of just having the wind knocked out of you. Maybe you should put the fence climbing behind you; you’re not 12 years old, you know.”
Until I could piece more of the red spark travel together, I kept it to myself.
“I’m sorry to have worried you guys but I feel much better now.”
“Helen, do you want to explain what that was all about?”
Michael was pressing on with questions that I wasn’t ready to discuss.
I simply said, “An accident doesn’t need to be further examined and you can bet that I’ll be more careful in the future.”
“Would you and Lu care to report about last night? Michael it took a greater toll on me due to our time in the pool and because of that, I need to know how things went for you guys. Please let’s talk about that.”
Michael looked at me for probably a full minute before he turned to Lu.
“You want to start?”
“Ok, I report that first I felt the buzzing then I heard you two kiss and then we kissed. I held on to Michael and I could feel Michael shake from the wave for the first kiss and then the wave hit me and Michael very hard. The wave was so strong that I was scared and cried but I held on to Michael and it got to feeling good.”
“Yeah, she’s right Helen it was extremely intense. I think we got a good solid connection because hours later when we made love it was like the first time you transferred the connection, spiritual.”
Michael looked at Lu and smiled.
“You were amazing Lu, if I didn’t tell you before. I was so proud of you.”
The love in his eyes for Lu was the best thing for a wife to see.
Lu was happy that Michael was pleased. A little embarrassed, she picked up my sketch pad that was on the side of the bed and started looking through it. The first few drawings were new designs for Wyatt but as she turned the pages, she got to the drawings I’d done of Charlie and she slowed down to examine each picture. I saw a small smile on her beautiful face which broadened out to reach her eyes when she got to the final picture which was a nude study of my sweet Charlie.
Lu looked at me and smiled. “You love Charlie, I can see that.”
I just nodded my head.
As if to change the subject, all of our stomachs growled at the same time. Even though I felt fine, they insisted that I stay put while they put our dinner together. They each kissed me on the top of my head and went to the kitchen to prepare our evening meal.
Making good use of the time I again tried to examine what the travel with the red spark was showing me. I added the latest information, which wasn’t much to the list of things I’d already picked up.
The fourth trip, I surmised was showing me Michael’s attitude on a deeper level because I was already aware that he was irritated at the time. You might think that I’d be upset that Michael would have been happier if he had been connected to my sister but my sister had that effect on everyone and it didn’t bother me that Michael was taken with her, too. The part that did kind of bother me was that he thought so little of me at least in the beginning. That was new to me and if I dwelt on it, I’m sure I would have been disturbed.
When dinner was ready, they both came for me and we walked to the dinning room hand in hand in hand.
We talked and laughed at dinner and even long after while we were cleaning up the kitchen. But eventually Lu excused herself to attend to something. Michael and I went into the music room and sat with our coffee.
We talked about the songs that we completed the day before and the one that we were working on. Michael had talked all around what he really wanted to discuss and when he had exhausted every topic he addressed what was on his mind.
“Tell me the truth about today Helen. I have a feeling that you did something that put you in great danger, is that correct?”
“I did another foolish thing without thinking but Michael it wasn’t my fault, the draw was as insane as the physical and emotional draw that you have on me. So I couldn’t help myself but in hind sight I see that it was dangerous.”
“What did you do?” Michael didn’t beat around the bush.
“I jumped the particles while I was atop the wall.” I said it as simply as I could.
The look on Michael’s face was that of disbelief but recognized that I was unaware of my location when I took that ride.
“How about you add something to your routine and before you do something like that again you ask yourself about the danger that it could be to you?”
“That’s a good idea.”
I saw the wisdom in Michael’s words.
“I’ll do just that, I promise Baby.”
“Did you gain any insights during the trip?” Michael was being practical.
“I relaxed a bit more with that ride but the information needs to be deciphered before any of it means anything.”
“What information?” Again Michael was pressing.
“That particular trip showed me a bit of your thinking and the fact that you would have rather been connected to my sister. It also pointed to the fact that you were more than annoyed with me at not just allowing you to poke me and get it done with. You questioned ‘who I thought I was’.”
“Are you telling me that you had access to my thoughts?”
“Yes,” again I simply stated the fact.
“How about the other trips you took, were you able to read my mind?”
“No, I was given only a glance at something, like a puzzle piece that needs to be added to the collective.”
“Can you tell me what the other trips gave you?”
“Well you know about the first trip and the storm. But I have to just leave that piece where it is because I‘m not sure of what it means. The second trip showed me some of your attitude about the people in your life. You weren’t happy with others and said that you didn’t need any of them. The third trip I think was a peek at a change in the ‘grand design’ where your life is concerned.”
“What change?”
Michael asked.
“Before I’ll tell you that, you need to know that none of the trips have been about me. They have been all about you.”
“What change?”
Michael repeated.
“I think you were cursed to need me for the rest of your life.”
“What makes you say that?”
“You know that I’m crazy but here goes. I heard a cosmic voice screaming at you that you would need this woman, meaning me, for the rest of your life.”
Michael just sat there staring at me when he saw me start to cry.
“What, baby?”
Michael’s voice soothing.
“I think that maybe I’m a kind of punishment for you for something you did or didn’t do back then.”
That was the first time that I put that together and thinking about being a punishment for someone was a cruel pill to swallow.
Michael was either very brave or foolish like me.
“The next time we see the red sparks, I’m traveling with you. I need to see for myself.”
“Michael the time and energy it takes for that travel begs for planning. Charlie won’t let me travel if I’m not in a safe place usually on my bed. He worries so much that we are hooking up a camera so that he can see that I’m ok.”
“Baby, you could never be a punishment; you had to be a gift. Absolutely nothing feels as good to me as you do. You take away all of the pain and unhappiness in my life. I’ve experienced nothing but riches since you entered my life.”
As I liked his thinking better than mine and what I had to contribute. I just looked at Ricky on my pinkie finger and Michael followed my eyes to see my focus. We just sat there for a minute or two looking at Ricky and wondering when she would present her red sparks again.
“Let’s hug up and turn in for the night. The day has taken a toll on me and I need some rest and to hear Charlie’s voice before I sleep.”
We both accepted the reconnect and the goodness that it brought us and Michael walked me to my room and kissed me on the top of my head a good night kiss.
In the music room the next day, Michael and I were on fire with ideas and completed the song we were working on and put together two more and part of another before we took a break for lunch. We were right back at it after lunch to complete the song we started and had the makings for a couple of more before 5 o’clock.
Lu came home earlier than usual so we had an early dinner and then each of us brought our laptops to the dinning room where we stayed together even though we didn’t say much. We were all lost in our emails and our correspondence with the rest of the world and other people in our lives.
The first email that I opened was from Kevin. He asked that Charlie and I come to ‘Sunday dinner’ at their place because he had stuff to discuss about the catch and the business that he needed my take on. I replied that I’d confirm after speaking to Charlie but I was pretty sure that we’d be there.
There was an email from Charlie that made my day. He sent me a couple of pictures that Kevin had taken of us while we were saying our good bye on the front porch. One picture was the two of us, Charlie and me, and we were just looking into each other’s eyes and emanating love. The next picture was of us kissing Charlie’s parting kiss; my feet weren’t even toughing the ground. An involuntary moan escaped my lips as I looked at the photos and longed for my Charlie. That was more of Charlie’s foreplay; I was definitely aroused and thinking of him. I replied that I loved him and that I couldn’t wait to repeat what I saw in the pictures. I told him of the progress we’d made with the song writing and that if we didn’t finish on time we would be early. I also let him know that if we finished early, I was coming home as early as I could.
The following day both Lu and Michael had work and were away for the entire day. With the whole day to do with as I pleased, I spent hours with the gardens and then I went to visit with Wyatt for the promised game of catch with my favorite English barrister.
When I walked into the grand foyer Millie was at the desk and greeted me with a lovely smile.
“Good morning Helen.”
Millie said with cheer in her voice.
“Would you like for me to announce you to Mr. Sussman?”
I just nodded my head and she pushed the button and said, “Helen is here to see you Mr. Sussman.”
“Would you suggest he bring ‘Sussy’,” I asked.
“Oh Mr. Sussman, Helen would like you to bring ‘Sussy’.”
We were both graced by Wyatt’s laugh; I don’t think that Millie had ever heard him laugh until right then because she looked at me with surprise on her face and a question in her eyes.
I simply said, “Nice, isn’t it?”
When Wyatt came into the foyer from the office he had taken off his jacket and had his sleeves rolled. It looked like he meant business and was making preparations to handle the situation as best he could – an explosive catch with me.
“What, you don’t have ‘Hebly’ with you?”
Wyatt made a small joke and I laughed.
“Of course I do. I just wanted to see if you had ‘Sussy’ with you.”
The catch object that I made for Wyatt was a cartoon of his face which wasn’t an easy feat due to how angular Wyatt is and how round the object had to be. It was obvious that he really liked my rendition.
For the following thirty minutes Wyatt and I had a catch right there in the foyer. As the lesser player Wyatt began the catch with the initial pitch. I do believe that he scared Millie with his first pitch which was hard and fast; a pitch that she could hardly track. Without much effort I caught the pitch and sent it back to him with some speed and a taste of his own medicine.
Millie made a sound of pure delight when I sent it back to him. He caught the speedy return and tried to windmill it back to me with even more speed which made me laugh. Wyatt understood that I loved the fast game and he was not afraid of hitting me hard with the object if that’s what it took. Our catch probably would have lasted much longer but Wyatt got distracted by Millie as she maneuvered into a position where she could see the catch better. Wyatt’s pitch went wild and there was no way that I could get to it and Wyatt was eliminated from the catch leaving me ‘the last player standing’ with my title, The Greater Player, still in tact.
After I said my good bye and told Wyatt that I’d keep in touch but would probably be going home in two days because of the progress Michael and I had made for the next PBS special. He told Millie that he was going to take a quick shower and would she ask the next interviewee to sit for a few minutes and that he would be with them shortly.
The rest of the day was spent first in the music room and then in the kitchen preparing dinner for when Michael and Lu got home.
Michel came home first; our hook up was good but Michael was in kind of a sulky mood that I really wanted to change. Try as I did he was upset about something and I knew I wouldn’t improve his mood by letting him know that I was going to leave a day earlier than planned.
“Helen, we still have one more song to write which can take time, you know that. I don’t think you should plan to leave early, at least until we get that song written.”
“I wrote it today. If you’ll follow me to the music room I’ll show you and you can decide for yourself if it’s any good.”
At the piano I played and sang the song that I’d put together that afternoon. Michael couldn’t deny that it was good.
“That’s a good song baby. I don’t need to ask what possessed you to write it.”
The song could have been called ‘Charlie’s My Man’.
Michael came to me and wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear.
“It’s just that I don’t want you to go. You make things so much better.”
“I love you, too Michael but I have a life, like you do with a love and a need to be with that love. Charlie is my man and I miss and need him just like you’d miss Lu if you couldn’t be with her and I know that you need her. You know that we’ll be together again for the taping of the special in a couple of weeks. Maybe you can come for a visit after since you’ll be so close.”
Michael’s mood didn’t improve until Lu got home and we sat down for dinner. That dinner together was great with wonderful conversation and hope.