Читать книгу A Lady's Guide to Mischief and Murder - Dianne Freeman - Страница 7



Heartfelt thanks to the following people for helping to make this book a reality: To my writer friends; Mary Keliikoa, Heather Redmond, Bea Conti, and Clarissa Harwood, who, as beta readers and CPs, assist in untangling twisted plot threads, keep me from making historical errors, and push me to write better.

Many thanks to Christine Hounshell and Mark Fleszar for their technical support in medicine and sports. To J.W.—you know what you did. And to Bud Elonzae, you old romantic you!

There would be no book without my agent, Melissa Edwards, my editor, John Scognamiglio, and the team at Kensington Books, especially Larissa Ackerman, Robin Cook, and Pearl Saban. You are all amazing.

I owe a special debt of gratitude to the librarians and booksellers who have championed the Countess of Harleigh series, and to the readers who have enjoyed it.

Lastly, thanks to my husband, Dan, who lets me read full manuscripts out loud to him, provides endless love and support, and tells everyone he meets about my books!

A Lady's Guide to Mischief and Murder

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