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Chapter 1

October 1899

Why does it always happen that just when I begin to feel life simply couldn’t get any better, fate drops a disaster into my path to prove me right?

While I have no idea how common this phenomenon may be among people in general, it happens to me with rather exasperating frequency. For example, a little over ten years ago, when I was merely Miss Frances Price, I married the man of my mother’s dreams and became Frances, Countess of Harleigh. A joyous occasion. I’d done my family proud. My husband was dashing and handsome. I learned too late he was also feckless and philandering. After making me miserable for nine years, he had the audacity to die in the bed of his lover. Once I’d emerged from mourning, I found myself similarly buoyant and optimistic. That period also ended in death, or more precisely, murder.

This cycle of highs and lows weighed on my mind because my life, at the moment, was purely idyllic and I couldn’t help but wonder if disaster loomed right around the corner. Regardless, I carried on as usual, taking breakfast in the nursery with my eight-year-old daughter, Rose, while we made plans for an upcoming visit to the country. When the time came for her lessons, I slipped downstairs to my library, where Mrs. Thompson, my housekeeper, had left a pot of coffee next to the morning mail on my desk, and waxwings trilled outside the window looking out over the garden. While enjoying my first sip, I learned that was the moment fate would drop the other shoe.

Aunt Hetty and my sister, Lily, slipped into the room, both looking far too distressed for such a fine morning. Lily was soon to be married, and she’d been floating through the past two months as the happiest of brides-to-be. But with her blue eyes red-rimmed and watery, her complexion blotchy, and her golden hair spilling from its coiffure, she looked rather like a ghoulish version of her usual, sunny self.

The first twinges of apprehension tickled the back of my neck like icy fingers. “Dearest, is something amiss?”

She burst into tears.

Hetty wrapped her arms around Lily and cast a scowl my way. “Now look what you’ve done.”

I must admit the exchange left me baffled. And concerned. I swept around the desk and leaned over my sister. “Lily, please, tell me what happened.”

As her tears continued to flow, Hetty settled her in a chair and gave me the news. Lily was with child. I reeled back against the desk and uttered the first word that came to mind.


This brought on renewed wailing and a fresh bout of tears from Lily, and a peevish huff from Aunt Hetty.

“Honestly, Frances, you are no help at all. Lily turns to you with her troubles, and this is your reaction?”

I gave her a slow-burning glare, intended to make her cringe, or at least take her criticism elsewhere. It didn’t work. Hetty was immune to glares, mine or anyone else’s. As my father’s sister, she shared his pragmatic nature, dark hair and eyes, and the uncanny ability to make money from anything. Hetty had survived the loss of a beloved husband, made and lost several fortunes, and held her own with businessmen and society matrons alike. She was not to be intimidated by the likes of me.

Instead, she sidled up to Lily and placed a protective arm around her shoulders. As if I were going to harm her in some way. For her part, Lily struggled to fight back her tears and mopped her eyes with a handkerchief.

“Of course I’ll help. You just took me by surprise.” I glanced at my sister and sighed. “Your wedding is only eight weeks away. Couldn’t you have waited?”

Lily, with the face of an innocent babe, raised her handkerchief to her watery eyes. “That’s exactly the point, Franny. We saw no reason to wait.” As she waved the handkerchief dismissively, Hetty drew back and took her own seat. “After all, we’ll be married so soon. I had no idea it could happen this quickly. You and Reggie were married for some time before Rose came along. And Aunt Hetty was married for years and never had children. How should I have known?”

How should I have known was not likely to pass muster as an excuse for our mother. I could just imagine her reaction had I made such an announcement before my wedding. Though now I think about it, it wasn’t as if there’d been time. My mother had singled Reggie out as a possible husband for me before we even left New York. A mutual friend introduced us soon after we’d arrived in London. Reggie and I danced a few times, he and my mother came to terms, and we were married without ever having a chance to become acquainted.

Have I mentioned the marriage was a disaster? Is it any wonder I wanted Lily and Leo to have a long engagement period? To take some time and come to know one another?

Clearly, they came to know one another all too well. Now what were we to do?

“Leo suggested we elope,” Lily said, almost in a whisper.

Her words pulled me from my thoughts. “Oh, no, dear. That will never do.”

She balled the handkerchief in her fist. “Well, we can’t wait eight weeks as we’d planned. How on earth will I explain giving birth so soon? It would be less than six months.”

“You wouldn’t be the first, dear.” Hetty patted her hand.

“No, you wouldn’t, but if it can be avoided, so much the better. However, an elopement is almost a proclamation that one is with child. I agree the original wedding date is out of the question, but an elopement is not a satisfactory alternative.” So where did that leave us?

Since Lily seemed to have recovered herself, I ventured to ask another tricky question. “What does Leo’s mother say?”

She gawked at me as if I’d just asked her to set herself on fire. “Mrs. Kendrick says nothing as she has absolutely no idea of our situation.” Her voice had become a shriek. “You cannot seriously think I’d tell her? Frances, I’d die first.” She stared and clutched at her throat as if choking. “I’d simply die.”

“Well, we can’t have that, but how do you intend to keep this from her?”

“That was the point of the elopement.”

I was relieved to see Hetty narrow her eyes in confusion. “Were you planning to elope and stay away for nine months?” she asked.

Lily took a breath to speak then stopped herself, sinking against the back of the chair. “Bother. I suppose we’d have to, wouldn’t we?”

“Leo couldn’t do that, dear, at least not without giving his father a very good reason. Unless he can come up with a plausible lie, you will still have to tell them the truth. Mr. Kendrick isn’t likely to allow him a nine-month wedding trip.”

Leo Kendrick was a businessman. In fact, he was a partner in his father’s business. I wasn’t entirely cognizant of what he did, except a portion of the business involved mining and part, manufacture. His grandfather had started the company, and his father expanded it and made it quite profitable. Enough to raise his daughters as gently bred ladies and send his son to the best schools and raise him as a gentleman. Though he planned for Leo to take over the running of their enterprise eventually, all four of the children were expected to make advantageous marriages.

Leo’s oldest sister, Eliza, had done just that, and Leo’s choice of Lily also met with his father’s approval. Thank goodness, as the two were hopelessly in love. They’d have married months ago if I hadn’t urged them to wait. I pulled my thoughts up short. I was not about to take responsibility for Lily’s pregnancy.

But looking at her now, lost in her misery, I felt compelled to come up with a solution—as did Hetty, it seemed. Since she’d come in here to support Lily, she must have known about her condition at least a bit longer than I.

“Have you any ideas, Aunt Hetty?”

She shook her head. “I thought an elopement was their best option.”

“It’s not a horrible option, but it should be considered only as a last resort. Surely, we can think of something better.”

“You’re right.” Hetty squared her jaw in determination. “We are three intelligent women. What would we do if we had every possible option to hand?”

“If Graham weren’t selling Harleigh Manor, we could arrange a wedding there in under a week,” I said. “Just have the closest family members in attendance. As long as we’re not in town, no one will feel snubbed if they aren’t invited.”

I sighed and leaned against the desk behind me. Selling the old family home was the best idea my brother-in-law ever had. The behemoth of a mansion had sucked several fortunes into its very walls, including mine. That fortune was the only reason Reggie had married me. Not that I didn’t have other redeeming qualities. I was a consummate hostess, an intelligent conversationalist, and knew how to dress and act in society. While I was taller than the average woman, the rest of me was indeed average—fair skin, as society required, dark hair, blue eyes—nothing off-putting, but nothing to inspire my late husband to hold me in higher regard than my dowry.

Reggie’s brother, Graham, was now Earl of Harleigh, and he just couldn’t afford to keep Harleigh Manor going. Fortunately, the house itself was built by his great-grandfather on an unentailed part of the property, and he was free to sell.

But it would be lovely to have use of that house now.

“A wedding in less than a week might be a bit too soon,” Hetty said. “Your mother will only just be arriving, and Lily can’t get married without her.”

“Can’t I?” Lily’s lip trembled. I sympathized with her plight, but she could not marry before our mother arrived then leave me to deal with her fits of temper. Not that she wouldn’t be justified after traveling all the way from New York to attend her youngest daughter’s wedding.

“No, dear, you can’t.” I turned to consult the calendar on my desk. “Her ship arrives on Tuesday. It would be wise to marry as soon as possible after her arrival so as to leave her less time to fuss about the change in plans.”

“That’s why the elopement was such an attractive idea,” Lily said. “Leo’s parents are away from town this week. Mother won’t be here. We could marry and present them with a fait accompli.”

In fact, they’d be presenting nothing. I’d be stuck with the dirty work. “That’s not fair to Patricia Kendrick. Leo is her only son. She’d want to be at his wedding.” I crossed my arms in front of me and gave her a long, hard look. “And the two of you will have to tell her about the baby at some point, don’t you think?”

“Not until after the honeymoon. But you are right. I expect her to be disappointed in us, but if we marry quickly, at least she’ll see we took some action to mitigate the gossip.” She gave me a pleading look. “That should help, don’t you think?”

“Only if we find a country house in which to hold this small family wedding. So far, we only know what isn’t available.”

Hetty cocked her head as she turned to me. “Don’t some families ever lease their homes?”

“Not for such short a time.” Hetty and Lily had only been living in London since April when Lily made her debut. They still had much to learn about the ways of society. Aristocratic society, that is. One could lease one’s manor out for a year or longer, and though everyone would know the family was having financial trouble, taking this step would seem like a sensible way out of those troubles. Renting one’s family home out for a week, however, would give the appearance of running a hotel and would reek of middle-class business. It simply wasn’t done.

“What of Leo’s sister and her husband?” I ran through a mental list of distant acquaintance names. “The Durants, if I remember correctly? I know they keep a house in town, but where is Mr. Durant’s family seat?”

Lily wrinkled her nose. “I’m not sure where they’re from, but Leo would know better than I. Let me fetch him.”

She rose and crossed the room as if Leo were waiting just outside in the hall. She opened the door and reached out.

Heavens, he was just outside in the hall.

I cast a glance at Hetty, who shrugged. “We all thought it better if he waited while Lily gave you her news.”

Leo, usually friendly and gregarious, shuffled into the room, his head down. He darted nervous glances at me while Lily tugged him along behind her—a sight in itself. Leo was not a tall man, but he had a square, sturdy build, and Lily was so petite it looked as though she were guiding a repentant Goliath to a chair.

Good. He couldn’t be any more uncomfortable than I, and he’d been a party to bringing this situation upon us. I invited him to sit while I searched for the right words to begin.

Hetty had no such problem. “We’ve been discussing your situation, Mr. Kendrick, and Lady Harleigh seems to think an elopement might give rise to a great deal of gossip.”

Leo chewed on his lip while he studied me, his warm brown eyes wary. “I rather think the gossip would be less vicious over an elopement than if we wait for the proper wedding date.”

“Perhaps,” I said. “But not by much. Since the wedding invitations have not yet gone out, is it possible for you and Lily to change your venue and date? Somewhere in the country in a week or so, with only family in attendance.”

He contemplated the idea then blew out a breath. “I can see the advantage to a quick, simple ceremony, but where exactly in the country did you intend the wedding to take place?”

“Would it be possible to hold it at Mr. Durant’s family home?”

His eyes grew wide. “In Northumberland?”

I slumped back against the desk and let out a tsk. “That far away?”

He bobbed his head. “And I’m not certain they’d be agreeable to the idea. Durant’s not very close to his family. Don’t know if he’d be willing to ask them.”

“Well, that settles it,” Lily said. “We will have to elope.” She perched on the arm of Leo’s chair. “And we should do it quickly while your parents are away.”

I hated the idea, but before I could comment, a knock sounded at the door and Mrs. Thompson poked her gray head inside.

“Mr. Hazelton is here for you, my lady.”

“Is he?” I couldn’t stop the smile that slipped across my lips. No matter what problems bore down on me, just the thought of George Hazelton drove them from my mind.

“Must you see him now?” Lily flashed me a look of impatience.

I rose to my feet. “Yes, I must. He’s on his way to Risings, so he won’t be here long, dear. Besides, you and Leo have a great deal of planning to do.” I shot her a warning look as I followed Mrs. Thompson out. “Don’t you dare leave before I return.”

The second I stepped through the drawing room door, George pulled me into his arms. I made no protest. On the contrary, I thoroughly approved of his actions. George Hazelton and I were to be wed, though we kept that lovely secret to ourselves, so as not to steal Lily’s thunder. Once she and Leo married, we could make our announcement.

I released a small sigh at the thought of Lily’s wedding.

George pulled back and gave me a penetrating look. “That sounded nothing like a sigh of pleasure, Frances. Is something wrong?”

Dearest George. Still in his arms, I reached up to brush back a dark lock of hair. I loved that I had to tip my head back to look into his eyes, but was close enough to see the dark rim surrounding the paler green iris, so full of mystery. It could take years to unravel the mystery of this man, and I would treasure every one.

Slipping my hand into his, I led him over to the cozy conversation area of a large tea table surrounded by plump sofas and chairs, upholstered in a blue and white print. We settled into one of the sofas. “Just a little trouble with Lily and Leo’s wedding plans. Nothing so terrible, I suppose.”

He frowned, making two vertical lines appear between his brows. “Please tell me it won’t keep you from joining me at my brother’s home next week. A romantic rendezvous requires the presence of both parties. I can’t do it without you, you know.”

I placed a hand over my heart. “Ah, yes. You, me, and the dozen people who make up your shooting party. The ambiance leaves me breathless.”

“I’ve only invited the Evingdons, my sister, and her husband. The rest are neighbors who won’t be staying at the house so I believe I can arrange the ambiance you seek.” His voice dropped to a low growl, sending shivers across my shoulders.

George was the youngest brother to the Earl of Hartfield, who was currently traveling on the continent with his wife, a second honeymoon of sorts. They set out on their trip a month ago and planned to continue their travels for another. As this was quite some time spent away from the estate, the earl had asked George to check on Risings, to ensure everything continued running smoothly. He agreed, of course, and would be leaving today for a stay of two weeks. And what would two autumn weeks in the country be without a shooting party?

The prospect of such an event left him as excited as a child with a new puppy. He’d asked me several times to join him, and I finally conceded. Though with Lily’s wedding coming up, I thought I could only spare a week.

“Actually, this spot of trouble means I may be able to join you even sooner.”

His brow smoothed as he grinned. “Have they decided to elope then? Wise choice.”

I shrugged. “As it happens, it’s their only choice.”

“You’re serious.” He leaned back and took me in with a glance. “Truly? After all their plans they intend to elope?”

“They must marry soon.” I gave him a meaningful look.

He responded with a blank stare. “They are marrying soon.”

Clearly, I needed to work on my facial expressions. “No. I mean they must marry immediately.”

His raised brows told me he finally understood. “Isn’t your mother on her way as we speak? She’ll be terribly disappointed if she misses the wedding.”

“As will Leo’s mother, but we couldn’t think of another option. I suggested we put together a small family ceremony in the country, but Harleigh Manor is for sale and thus, unavailable.” I shrugged. “As Leo’s parents have no country home, there is nowhere to gather even a small family party.”

“They could come to Risings. Plenty of room there.”

“That’s lovely of you to offer, but your brother is no relation to any of us. We cannot ask him to host a wedding, even a small one. It’s far too much of an imposition.”

“Correction.” He held up his index finger. “You are soon to be my brother’s sister, a very close relation indeed.” A second finger joined the first. “He is not in residence, thus no imposition at all. And finally”—his ring finger joined the others—“I am already hosting a shooting party as Hartfield has given me leave to entertain as I wish. Another dozen people or so will make no difference.” He gave me a nudge with his shoulder. “Bring them to Risings.”

I bit my lip, hardly believing my good fortune, or Lily’s good fortune as it were. Perhaps this could work after all. Risings was in Hampshire. Not far at all. We could gather the immediate family quickly. My mother would arrive in just a few days, and both she and Mrs. Kendrick could attend their children’s wedding. This could work. A quick but proper wedding. No disappointed parents. Society none the wiser.

“If you are in earnest, and you really don’t mind.” I paused, giving him a chance to reconsider, but he merely cocked his head, awaiting my answer.

I leaned my head against his shoulder, relieved to have a solution. “Thank you, George. That would take care of everything.”

“I am always happy to help you in any endeavor. And I’d also hate to exclude a mother from her child’s wedding.”

A grimace twisted my lips as I gazed up at him. “I confess, the thought of telling my mother she missed the wedding is largely what motivates me.” I shuddered at the thought.

He nodded. “Yes, I’ve met your mother. I would not want to be the bearer of bad news either.”

“Well, now neither of us has that onerous task.” I pressed his hand to my cheek. “Thank you, George. You always manage to have the solution to my problems.”

“You offer the best rewards.” He twined his fingers with mine and brought us both to our feet.

“I don’t recall offering a reward.”

“You’ll be joining me at Risings at least a week before I expected you. I’d call that a reward.”

He pulled his watch from his pocket, unaware he’d removed a letter at the same time. It fell to the floor while he checked the time.

“Do you leave right now?” I asked.

“Almost, I have a stop to make first, so I should be off.”

As he headed toward the entry hall, I picked up his letter and trailed behind him. “Is your stop at Newgate Prison?”

“What?” He snapped around so quickly I almost ran into him. “No. Why would you ask such a thing?”

I pulled back in surprise, the letter dangling from my fingers as I handed it to him. “This fell from your pocket.” The lines of tension around his mouth faded as he relaxed his jaw. He took the envelope and shoved it back into his coat.

“I couldn’t help noticing it came from Newgate. Are you corresponding with a prisoner?”

He let out a sharp laugh. “Hardly that, but it does relate to my errand. I’m taking it to the Home Office.” He rested a finger against my lips. “Don’t even ask. You know I can’t tell you.”

“I’m marrying a very mysterious man,” I said, the words distorted by the pressure of his finger on my lips. With a smile, he replaced the finger with his own lips, and I was reminded how much I loved him.

A few minutes later, I’d seen him out the door and leaned back against it, considering the morning’s events. I’d been presented with a somewhat sticky problem, and with George’s help, managed to work through it. Holding the wedding at Risings was the perfect solution.

Fiona, George’s sister and my best friend, would be there as her husband, Sir Robert, would be joining the shoot. She’d be a great help. Once I determined how to transport my mother to the country when she arrived, this should be a relatively simple operation. One small wedding to plan. How difficult could that be? Perhaps I’d broken my cycle of highs and lows.

A Lady's Guide to Mischief and Murder

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