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Chapter XXII


Marianne, who had never much toleration for impertinence, vulgarity, inferiority of parts, or even difference of taste from herself, was at this time particularly ill-disposed to be pleased with the Miss Steeles. Lucy missed no opportunity of engaging her in conversation by an easy and frank communication of her sentiments.

Lucy was naturally clever; her remarks were often just and amusing; and as a companion for half an hour Elinor frequently found her agreeable. But she was ignorant and illiterate; and her deficiency of all mental improvement, her want of information in the most common particulars, could not be concealed from Miss Dashwood, in spite of her constant endeavour to appear to advantage. Elinor saw the want of delicacy, of rectitude, and integrity of mind; and she could have no satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance.

“You will think my question an odd one, I dare say,” said Lucy to her one day, as they were walking together from the park to the cottage, “but are you personally acquainted with your sister-in-law’s mother, Mrs. Ferrars?”

Elinor did think the question a very odd one, and she answered that she had never seen Mrs. Ferrars.

“Indeed!” replied Lucy; “I wonder at that, for I thought you saw her at Norland sometimes. Then, perhaps, you cannot tell me what sort of a woman she is?”

“No,” returned Elinor; “I know nothing of her.”

“I am sure you think me very strange, for enquiring about her in such a way,” said Lucy; “but perhaps there may be reasons for that.”

Elinor made her a civil reply, and they walked on for a few minutes in silence. It was broken by Lucy, who renewed the subject again, with some hesitation,

“There is no occasion to trouble you, but I am sorry you do not know Mrs. Ferrars.”

“I am sorry I do not,” said Elinor, in great astonishment, “but really I never understood that you were at all connected with that family, and therefore I am a little surprised.”

“I dare say you are, and I am sure I do not at all wonder at it. But if I tell you all, you will not be so much surprised. Mrs. Ferrars is certainly nothing to me at present – but the time may come – how soon it will come must depend upon herself – when we may be very intimately connected.”

She looked down.

“Good heavens!” cried Elinor, “what do you mean? Are you acquainted with Mr. Robert Ferrars? Can you be?”

She did not feel much delighted with the idea of such a sister-in-law.

“No,” replied Lucy, “not to Mr. Robert Ferrars – I never saw him in my life; but,” fixing her eyes upon Elinor, “to his eldest brother.”

What felt Elinor at that moment? Astonishment and disbelief. She turned towards Lucy in silent amazement, unable to say anything. Though her complexion varied, she stood firm in incredulity.

Sense and Sensibility / Чувство и чувствительность. Уровень 3

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