Читать книгу Deporte e Inclusión Social. Herramientas para el trabajo con grupos humanos. Sport and Social Inclusion: Tools for working with human groups - Dolores Limón Domínguez - Страница 34



The campaign has been organized for nine times, since year 2011. The length and season has varied. In wintertime there’s been less participants.

In 2019 campaign there were over 33,300 recorded outdoor events in one month. 146 municipalities of Finland’s total of 310 municipalities participated. Over 285 organizations participated, most of them were service houses but also NGOs, congregations, some companies and other organizations took part.

Figure 1. Visibility of the campaign in media.

A campaign is also a good way to inform decision-makers that older people have a right to go out and they need support doing it. A national campaign reaches actors who otherwise would not recognize older people’s needs (Starck, 2017).

Deporte e Inclusión Social. Herramientas para el trabajo con grupos humanos. Sport and Social Inclusion: Tools for working with human groups

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