Читать книгу Tabloid Teacher - Dominique Butler - Страница 10

Chapter 8


Jake had made several phone calls to arrange for the special announcement. He sat there nervously trying to scope out Sam and measure her reaction. Millions of women would die for this moment. The question was, is she one of those million? She might just slap him. The ring he would use was made of a straw wrapped into a ring with Lewis’ diamond stud earring poking through. That was another brilliant idea they had come up with while in line at the concessions. The game kept him mildly distracted. The words Sam, will you marry me? –Jake would flash on the big screen near the end of the game. Then he would figure out a way to get down on one knee between the cramped seats and hold out the ring. Jake kept an eye on Sam by talking back and forth to her brother about the game. Barry being a Bears fan kept identifying his team’s strengths while Jake identified the Dolphin’s strengths. She was definitely not like most Hollywood types. She had devoured the soft pretzel, eaten a hot dog, and slurped down two cokes. She often laughed at their comments, but she rarely spoke.

Barry kept a close eye on his sister. She obviously had no idea she was sitting next to Jake Jameson. That was so typical of Sam. She always seemed oblivious to the world around her. She probably never looked at the guy in fear that he might look back. He could remember back in high school when his friends wanted to ask her out. She was so pretty, but never seemed to know it. She wore baggy clothes, no make-up and kept her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She never wore contacts and would choose the thickest frames for her glasses. She always acted like she wanted to be invisible which was similar to how she was acting today. With her dark glasses and her hair falling over her face you would think she was a celebrity trying to hide her appearance.

Sam absentmindedly watched the game. There’s something so familiar about this guy, but I can’t put my finger on it. Now that he’s in town he’ll probably visit his aunt. Then she’ll want the three of us to have a nice meal together. He doesn’t seem that bad looking and Barry said he paid for all the food at the concessions. So he’s probably mildly successful. Maybe if she asks us to have dinner, I’ll go. I haven’t been on a date in three years.

Half time started so Jake and Lewis excused themselves to go say hi to a friend. Barry filled Janet in on the prank and Sam watched the show.


“Enjoying the game?” Ely asked. Jake and Lewis stood outside the announcer’s door where Ely came out for a moment to chat.

“It’s an interesting game, but not as interesting as the action in the crowd.” Lewis replied with a chuckle while elbowing Jake.

Jake turned away slightly. Suddenly, he wasn’t feeling well.

“What’s going on in the crowd?” Ely asked.

“Jake’s about to propose, I bet him my boat he couldn’t do it.” Lewis winked at Ely.

“Propose? I didn’t even know you were seeing someone. Congratulations.”

“Well, that’s the funny part. He’s not seeing anyone. He’s going to ask the girl sitting next to him.”

“So when are you popping the question?” Ely asked.

“Right before the end of the game, He’s doing it over the big screen.” Lewis laughed.

Jake was now leaning against the wall. The room seemed to be spinning. He felt lightheaded. It’s just a joke. It’s not the real thing. He reminded himself.

“Well, I have to get back to work. See you two after the game. I can’t wait for your big moment, Jake.” He punched him in the shoulder. Jake smiled slightly then he made his way back to his seat with a grinning Lewis in tow.


The game was coming to an end with five minutes left and the score was tied. The Dolphins took their final time out. The big screen turned black and the words: Sam, Will you marry me? –Jake flashed. Jake carefully eased himself off the chair and found a way to kneel. Sam was laughing about something Barry said, but then Barry pointed to the big screen. She slowly read the words, but they did not make sense to her. Then she realized Jake was kneeling holding something out in his right hand. Ely’s voice boomed over the speakers.

“Attention, Ladies and Gentleman, Jake Jameson has just proposed!” The big screen was now filled with the image of Jake kneeling next to Sam.

Sam looked from Jake to the big screen and back. There were murmurs throughout the crowd.

What the hell is going on? Sam asked herself. She could hear Barry laughing behind her.

“Priceless.” He said.

Sam smiled; two can play at this game. “Sure.” She said and flung herself at Jake in a tight embrace. The crowd roared. The game was on again.

“Jake Jameson?” Sam asked.

“Yes.” Jake answered. He didn’t try to look at her. Since she was wearing those dark glasses he couldn’t judge her reaction. She was simply sitting there chewing her bottom lip.

“You probably want this back.” She held out the straw with the earring sticking through.

“Uh, thanks.” Jake took the ring. They were both watching each other in their peripheral.

The Bears had the ball. The crowd was on their feet. A classic Hail Mary play went into effect. The seconds ticked down on the clock. The receiver made the catch and the crowd went wild. Now the score was a field goal away to deciding the winner of the game. The ball made its way to the kicker. He kicked. The ball flew end over end into the air. The kick was good. The Bears had won. The stadium began to empty almost immediately. Few Miami fans wanted to stay and watch the visiting team celebrate.

“It was nice meeting you.” said Sam extending her hand to Jake.

“You too.” He said shaking hers.

Barry, Janet, and Dylan waved good-bye calling out thank you to Jake. Barry was on cloud nine.

Sam was still in shock.


“Ready to go out on the boat?” asked Lewis laughing as they left the stadium.

“Sure.” Jake answered hurriedly. The two were rushing out of the stadium before the thousands of people who had seen Jake on the big screen stopped him for an autograph. An SUV with dark tinted windows waited for them at the exit. Once again Jake’s bodyguard, Anthony, had done what was needed to handle the situation smoothly. Jake and Lewis jumped into the back of the SUV. They couldn’t exactly speed off due to the traffic in the parking lot so, Jake watched the crowd as they poured out of the stadium.

To his surprise, he actually recognized Sam when she emerged. She was walking a few steps behind Barry, Janet, and Dylan. She had the appearance of being invisible. People walked past her and around her. No one bumped into her or acknowledged her in any way. She just seemed to float along in her own world. He wondered what that must feel like. It had been so long since he was able to go unnoticed surrounded by a crowd of people. The car moved along and he lost sight of her.

Tabloid Teacher

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