Читать книгу Tabloid Teacher - Dominique Butler - Страница 4

Chapter 2


Jake Jameson stared at his wall-sized aquarium. The beautiful fish swam gracefully through the manicured plants and crystal clear water. Jake had actually caught most of the fish himself on various scuba diving adventures. It had become one of the many hobbies he picked up while working on a film. He sat in a black leather armchair that was part of a matching set. The two chairs adorned the center of the room that had no other visible furniture. Soft music was piped through hidden speakers as Jake closed his eyes “So now what?” The thought crept into his head as he opened his eyes and fanned the pages of the latest script of a romantic comedy. Lately, those had become the roles he was more prone to accept as well as be offered. Life had become extremely routine.

Every sunrise he took his morning jog and was inevitably stopped by someone who knew who he was. He was invited to talk shows to promote the films that he starred in. He read movie scripts, and when offered a part, he flew to a new location to become another person in another life for a few months. He had an interesting routine but a routine nonetheless.

His last girlfriend had been a co-star just like the one before her. They met on the set where they spent days together rehearsing lines, practicing kisses, and socializing during breaks. After a while they were dating. His latest break-up was so expected, it had not made one headline on any tabloid. It was however, mentioned in a social section followed by a list of all the other actresses he had relationships with in the past.

Jake turned to the chair next to him and stared. There was a certain comfort dating a fellow celebrity. They were already used to the paparazzi, they usually had their own money, and they could converse about the trade. There were conversations about roles, choices, travel plans, career moves, and gossip. He smiled to himself remembering some of the good times. There had been some but few and far between because the two of them were so busy. At least there had been some. When they broke up neither was heartbroken. Soon a new movie would go into production, a new leading lady or man would be picked, and there would be another possibility of finding Mr. or Mrs. Right. At the very least there would be a new personality to offer some variation on the typical conversation.

He rubbed the frown line that had formed on his forehead. While remembering the good times other memories had crept into his head. What had unnerved him about his latest girlfriend was how she moved herself into his life so quickly. She was a take-charge person, always on her cell phone telling someone to do this or that. In fact, the chair he was currently staring at had just appeared one day in his quiet room. She never asked if he had wanted a second chair. She never sat in that chair. No one ever has. He was amused by it. It seemed that she simply always wanted him to remember that he was in a relationship. It annoyed her that he didn’t say much in interviews about it while she went on about how much they were in love. She was a brilliant actress and stunningly beautiful. Yet, sometimes he found it difficult to tell when she was acting and when she was being herself. He wasn’t even sure if she knew anymore.

It began to bother him particularly when they had sex. Every time was the hottest steamiest love scene you had ever witnessed. At first, he thought she was so passionate that her passion was channeled through her sexual energy. Then to his surprise he began to crave just regular run of the mill sex. The kind where you roll over because you can’t sleep, poke your partner and say “Can we have sex? I can’t sleep.” They sleepily nod in agreement. You both quietly do your business and go to sleep.

He stared at the fish. An eerie feeling came over him. The world watches me like a fish in an aquarium. I swim back and forth for their amusement and when I try to break free, I bump my nose on the glass. “So now what?”

Tabloid Teacher

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