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The purpose for this book is TWO-FOLD, Mainly to improve your poker skills, which in turn will increase your bankroll. Then secondly, to give you information as to how 95% of poker players are not professionals. We are recreational players by habit, which makes us not very good players. We basically play on instinct vice good information. Good information is readily available, but stupid play is so much easier and looks good for a short period of time.

I got the ideal of writing this book mostly because I haven’t found a book on the market that talks to the non professional players. All poker books on the market today are written by Professional Poker Players and generally they don’t know how to relate to the 95% of poker players {Mostly LOW LIMIT}. Also I took a year off from poker when I realized I didn’t know how to play POKER. Sure I had played poker for 40 years (5 & 7 card stud and low ball), but the Texas Hold-em game was a different animal. The game was and is fast, aggressive, skilled and no skill. Playing low-limit games I found I was loosing with second best hands on the river, because some “dork” played 93 off-suit and flopped 933 to catch a full house, with him playing his favorite hand “93” off-suit. This was a stopper for me as I will never forget 93 for the rest of my life. As I held pocket KKs which became a real disaster fast, a hand that is hard to get away from.

Improving your “POKER SKILLS” is directly related to your “BANKROLL”, and vice-verse. These two function act almost as a one or equal partners. Poker skills; I will explain cards to play (bet, check, raise or fold) only four choices. The one you choose will either make or break you, a big choice. Bankroll; I will explain how, why bankroll is as important as poker skills.

Us the other 95% of poker players, have little to no skill or information as to how we need to bet, check, raise or fold. All poker books on the market today are written by “professional poker players”. I will be the first to admit they are professional written and have many good ideals, charts and stats. But when explaining play, they immediate start by saying, “when playing small blind games $4000/$8000“. We cannot even consider or understand the concept of “small blinds $4000/$8000” AN NO, its not the same, as a $1/$2 or $2/$3 small blind games, just bigger money. In order to play this game a bankroll of $72,000, 60 blinds are in store. They talk about winning pots of $60,000 without blinking a eye. This book only addresses what I call low/limit players “1/2 thru 5/10 blinds” and that covers many many games. It’s wrote for the players that only gets to the poker room/casino 1, 2 maybe 3 days a week. I think if a person is playing 4+ days a week then they should be considered a professional poker player and many do.

I intend to end each chapter with a “TIDBITS of INFORMATION” section. In this section I will go over interesting data. This is info you will take with you while playing.


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