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Today’s poker world has been turned upside down, as to what only a few years ago POKER was. Poker a short time ago was a game of Ladies and Gentleman who enjoyed the game as a way of entertainment and excitement. Playing was mostly a Friday or Saturday nite home game at .05/.25 cents per bet, and a lot of laughing going on. The most money lost was a few $s, which would most likely be retrieved at next game. Poker was a way for family members and/or neighbors to get together, eat dinner and then play poker. Fun was had by most as poker was a lot of laughs and just having fun.

Today’s poker games are sky high money, limit/no limit-games are mostly played. You very seldom see a player come into a game without a FEW Hundred Dollars to many Thousands of dollars in their pocket. It is hard for the older player’s to accept all the money that comes out inside a poker room or even a home game. Earlier years $s were hard to come bye, an generally spent before earned. But today’s society has brought a new larger amount of money from some where and for most its not possible to understand WHERE. The televised poker tournaments have caused the largest boom in POKER HISTORY. Everyone (young, middle aged, to the very old) follow the dream of maybe some day this will be me. The die heart believers of TV poker stars, have no ideal what it takes to become ONE. I would guess that 95% of the tournament players of today’s games, think of playing in the “World Series of Poker” next year. What a dream this is and the amount of money spent on this dream is unthinkable.

Yesterdays poker games were about playing a fairly good poker hand, There was some small bluffing, but generally the best hand won at the end, players played their cards, not their money. Today’s poker games are completely a different game all together. I and you have seen large pots won with a 5/7 off-suit. All because of a persons reputation, betting habits or just a pure bluff ($50.00 into a $5.00 pot). Today’s players play hands that have no value at all to win (inside straights, no pair, 4 card flush draw) and they some how end up catching a stupid hand, to my two pair on the flop. But let me say one thing, these players generally leave the poker room with a hit to the wallet. But MY playing quality hands and dumping trash hands, I only loose some hands, not a complete bankroll. This is my main concern in playing today’s poker, I must increase my bankroll at all sessions and for sure each month. If you cannot say the same thing, then you are a looser at POKER. This must be a true part time JOB, and or a Small Business and YOU MUST as in any business large or small, make MONEY or CLOSE SHOP.

My writing of this book is to give some in-site as to “HOW TO APPROACH” today’s poker game and make money. These ideals and playing tactics have been very helpful to my bankroll and that is a positive thing. I know and you should also, that if a thousand players are playing right now, then there are a thousand different ways to play this hand in this game at this time. But if you pick and choose from these thousand of players a few winning tactics, then I guarantee you, you will be ahead at the end of the night. All I am trying to accomplish with book is to help you get on equal standings with the table. I and you know that there is only one hand that cannot be beat, that is a Royal Flush.

In any 9 handed hold-em game you will see that only 2 players are winning and 1 maybe 2 will be holding their own, this MEANS 6 of the 9 PLAYERS are LOOSING, YES “”LOOSING””! This is the real world of poker.

!!!! STATMENT !!!!“Most[5 EACH TABLE] people that play POKER leave at the end of the night LOOSING”“, “””””this is one of the truest statements you will ever read”””””. I hope during the course of this book, I can show, teach and deliver to you, how to be one of the winning 2 players. If you are true to yourself, you will agree that you are in the statics above. I know for a fact!! “that I was for many years”. Just follow some of the following info and you to can move from the 5 people stats into the 2 people stats. You will see this WROTE time and time again, ””RECORD KEEPING”” is a MUST or all else fails. YOU MUST keep a record of your bankroll!!!!!!!! Then your playing will take care of itself and increase your bankroll.

Leaving the Professional Poker Players out, I would bet my next paycheck, that 95% of the players playing at any casino world wide CANNOT tell you how much money they LOST and or WON in the year 2012. This is the easiest static to keep, and the most important one in all poker stats. !!”“WHERE AM I AT IN THIS POKER WORLD””!!, meaning MONEY. But I will guarantee you this, 95% can tell you how many bad beats HE or SHE has had and probably Tell you of each verbatim.

Today’s poker games have taken on a new group of Poker players. Just last year the Poker World was different than today. Prior to this year, there were a few players that played with no thoughts of tomorrow. But today with the INTERNET poker being taken away, There is a whole new world of players in the casinos and card rooms. These Internet players have no place to play and still play as aggressively as they did on the Internet even though this is a very different game. They the {Internet players} think of only one thing WIN NOW as this is the way it was on the Internet. If they loose, that’s OK a new game starts in a few minutes, as most of their play on the Internet was tournament style play. This group has brought tournament play into the LIVE games and this has caused a lot of problems not only for the live game player but for themselves. AGGRESSION,aggression, and aggression is the new poker style in HOLD-EM. You,YES, YOU must adjust or quit playing hold-em as the aggressive players are here and are not going away even if the Internet makes a come back. This is due to a lack of confidence in the internet gaming. You are going to have to play a lot better and adjust as necessary. I think this book will give you help in making these adjustment and seeing your bankroll change in the positive direction.

Tidbits or Info:

1. ”RECORD KEEPING a MUST or FAILURE, your choice!

2. Play Quality & Dump Trash Hands!

3. 6 of 9 Players are loosing at any one time!

4. What kind of Moneys’ did you Win/Loose last year!

5. Aggression, you must adjust or fold up shop!


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