Читать книгу Essentials of MRI Safety - Donald W. McRobbie - Страница 13

Nuclear magnetic resonance


Hydrogen is the simplest element in the universe with the atomic number of one, meaning its nucleus possesses a single proton. The proton is said to exhibit a property known as spin. The consequences of spin only become observable in an externally applied magnetic field (denoted B0) in which the proton spins precess, like spinning tops or gyroscopes, around the direction of B0. In the external field the proton spins must adhere to specific energy levels or quantum basis states (Figure 1.3a). A slight imbalance between the populations of these results in a net magnetization, M0 (Figure 1.3b). M0 can be manipulated by applying the appropriate frequency (or energy) of electromagnetic radiation. This is the Larmor or resonance frequency:


where the subscript “0” means “at resonance”. γ (“gamma bar”) is the gyromagnetic ratio of the hydrogen nucleus. When frequency f is expressed in MHz and B0 in tesla, γ has a value of approximately 42.58 MHz T‐1. This simple relationship underpins all of MRI.

Figure 1.3 Nuclear magnetism: (a) basis state energy differences; (b) formation of macroscopic magnetization M0 from the sum of basis state spin vectors.

The radiofrequency energy is applied as a magnetic field B1 orthogonal to the direction of B0 (Figure 1.4). Whilst B1 is present the magnetization precesses around both B0 and B1 directions, tipping away from the z‐axis (usually head–foot) of the scanner. B1 is applied in a short burst as a RF pulse. The angle of deflection away from the z‐axis is known as the flip angle α. For a simple rectangular shaped RF pulse this is


where tp is the duration of the pulse (in seconds), B1 is the amplitude of the “excitation” pulse (in tesla), and γ = 2π × γ (2.68 × 108 radians s‐1).

Essentials of MRI Safety

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