Читать книгу Essentials of MRI Safety - Donald W. McRobbie - Страница 48
Оглавление1 1. Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (2017). Health care resources: medical technology. https://stats.oecd.org/ (accessed 12 January 2019).
2 2. Kanal, E., Borgstede, J.P., Barkovich, A.J. et al. (2002). American College of Radiology white paper on MR safety. American Journal of Roentenology 178:1335–1347.
3 3. Delfino, J.G., Krainak D.M., Flesher S.A. et al. (2019). MRI‐related FDA adverse event reports: a 10‐year review. Medical Physics doi: 10.1002/mp. 13768.
4 4. International Electrotechnical Commission (2015). Medical Electrical Equipment – Part 2‐33: Particular Requirements for the Safety of Magnetic Resonance Equipment for Medical Diagnosis. IEC 60601‐2‐33 3.3 edn. Geneva: IEC.
5 5. Lui, Y., Shen, J., Kainz, W. et al. (2013). Numerical investigations of MRI RF field induced heating for external fixation devices. BioMedical Engineering OnLine 12:12 doi.org/10.1186/1475‐925X‐12‐12.
6 6. ASTM F2503‐13 (2015). Standard Practice for Marking Medical Devices and Other Items for Safety in the Magnetic Resonance Environment. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.