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The Impact


Suspensions and expulsions disproportionately impact students of color and students with disabilities. Higher rates of suspensions and expulsions lead to an increased risk of dropping out of school, further exacerbating the achievement gap for these students. Furthermore, school failure has been linked to later contact with the criminal justice system, especially for minorities. The racial disparities recorded in school suspension data are not unlike the disproportionate disparities observed in juvenile court referrals. Black students represent 31% of school‐related arrests and are suspended or expelled at a rate of three times more than White students (American Civil Liberties Union, 2019). In addition, a recent study of national data on suspensions and expulsions collected during the 2015–2016 school year by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights found huge disparities in days of lost instruction for Black students when compared to Whites. The study found that Black students lost 66 days of instruction from suspensions and expulsions, compared to just 14 days for White students. This difference of 52 additional days of lost instruction for Blacks was nearly five times the rate of lost instruction for Whites (Civil Rights Project at UCLA, 2018). The risks associated with this degree of lost instruction (e.g., dropping out of school) can have far‐reaching impact, including serious economic costs to society.

Clearly, safe school environments are an area of critical need. Ask any school leader what she believes to be an administrator’s biggest responsibility, and she is likely to list student and staff safety, both physical and emotional, as a top priority. Given these concerns, school leaders are recognizing that school culture and climate are fundamental to establishing a safe and supportive learning environment. Advocates for school reform have long touted the importance of a positive school culture and climate in helping students feel safe and accepted. A review of the school climate research shows that school climate reform can effectively mitigate violence and bullying behaviors in schools and can promote the development of pro‐social behaviors. Unfortunately, many responses to school violence focus only on the physical aspects of school safety and fail to recognize and address the role of school climate in mitigating these behaviors. As a result, many school safety policies fall short of addressing the conditions that promote safe and supportive school environments. In general, there are five key components of school climate: safety, relationships, teaching and learning, institutional environment, and the school improvement process (Thapa, 2013). Practices such as SEL, which address these conditions and promote the development of positive school climates, can go a long way in preventing school violence and promoting school safety. As states consider ways in which to improve school safety, they would be wise to develop comprehensive approaches that include these interconnected and key components of school climate. Whether these methods are mandated through policy or through other school reform efforts, the benefits of taking a proactive approach not only can help improve school outcomes, but also can save lives.

For some states, policy development has been necessitated by a devastating act of school violence in the state. Unfortunately, the incidents of school violence, particularly school shootings, have been an increasing concern throughout the United States and have forced several states to take responsive action. In each instance, states have taken very different approaches to addressing the problem, although school mental health has been recognized by each state as a critical area in which intervention was needed. How each state has approached this concern, along with school climate concerns, has been markedly different and has been intertwined with the sociopolitical issue of gun control. While it is recognized that this issue has complicated school safety policy efforts, the purpose of this writing is not to examine the sociopolitical issue. Rather, it is to examine how, or if, state policy initiatives have incorporated efforts to address school mental health and the conditions that create safer, more supportive school environments. In recent years, two school shootings in two different states occurred just months apart, resulting in each state initiating policy development for school safety. Rapid Reference 2.4 illustrates how Florida addressed school safety, and Rapid Reference 2.5 illustrates the approach taken by Texas. These examples illustrate not just how differently each state approached the issue, but also how differently the issues were viewed.

Essentials of Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

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