Читать книгу Managing Customer Experience and Relationships - Don Peppers - Страница 21

Who Is the Customer?


Throughout this book, we refer to customers in a generic way. To some, the term will conjure up the mental image of shoppers. To others, those shoppers are end users or consumers, and the customers are upstream businesses in the distribution chain—the companies that buy from producers and either sell directly to end users or manufacture their own product. In this book, customer refers to the constituents of an organization, whether it's a business-to-business (B2B) customer (which could mean the purchasing agent or user at the customer company, or the entire customer company) or business-to-consumer (B2C) customer (an individual or a family/household)—or, for that matter, a hotel patron, a hospital patient, a charitable contributor, a voter, a university student or alumnus, a blood donor, a theme-park guest, and so on. That means the competition is anything a customer might choose that would preclude choosing the organization that is trying to build a relationship with that customer. The word customer includes both current and prospective buyers and users.

Managing Customer Experience and Relationships

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