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CHAPTER 14 Stephanie


I missed my seven o’clock Bible study class because I overslept after a long day at work and then came home and cooked dinner. I asked Curtis to wake me up at six o’clock so I could have time to shower and make it to class. Instead, I was awakened by loud laughter coming from our den. When I looked over at the clock it said eight-thirty P.M. Upset, I jumped out of bed and walked to the kitchen, where I could see a bunch of thugs in the den sitting on the couch drinking beer and watching TV. They turned and saw me standing with my arms folded as they looked over at Curtis. Some spoke as I focused my attention on Brandon, who was sitting on the floor next to Curtis playing with empty beer bottles. Curtis turned toward me, then quickly looked down at his watch. He stood up, facing me with a blank expression on his face. I called for Brandon and quickly turned around, heading toward the bathroom to run Brandon’s bathwater. Minutes later, Curtis came walking in the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

“Baby, I’m sorry I forgot to wake you—I lost track of time.”

I stood there in silence as I turned on the bathwater and began taking off Brandon’s clothes.

“The guys came over unexpectedly about some more work they want me to do, and next thing I knew you were standing in the kitchen.”

I looked over at him, my face wrinkled with anger.

“You want me to send them home?” he asked.

I didn’t respond.

“Let me ask them to leave,” he continued.

“You know what, Curtis? I don’t care what you do. I really don’t.” I was furious.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked.

“We’ll talk about it later.” I helped Brandon into the water.

I was so upset that I started to feel dizzy. It took all the patience I had to keep from going off on Curtis in front of his friends. My horoscope this morning stated that during rainy days we can either use an umbrella and walk to our destination or take our chances and run through it while getting drenched in its wrath. This moment was one of those rainy days that I had to take a deep breath and walk with an umbrella.

I sat back calmly and let Brandon play with his toys in the water while I worked on a crossword puzzle.

When I finished with Brandon’s bath, I put him in his bed and began reading him a bedtime story until he drifted off to sleep. I quietly got up and walked out, turning on the night-light near the foot of his bed. As I walked down the hallway, I passed Curtis, who was in the den picking up the empty beer bottles the guys had left everywhere. When he saw me enter the kitchen he walked toward me.

“Go ahead and say what it is you want to say. I know you’re boiling over,” he said.

“Curtis, you really don’t want to hear what’s on my mind right now.”

“No, go ahead—say what’s on your mind.”

“Just what I said,” I replied and began fixing a plate for dinner.

“No, I do want to hear it. It seems like you have a problem every time my friends come over.”

Just as I was about to tell him about how inconsiderate he is, not to mention how he has my son on the floor playing with fucking beer bottles, the phone rang. Because Curtis was standing closest to it, he answered.

“It’s for you. It’s the faggot from church.” He handed me the phone.

I walked into the den. “Hello.”

“Sister, we missed you at Bible study tonight. Is everything okay?” Reggie asked, sounding concerned.

“Hi, Reggie, uh, I had such a long day that I overslept.”

“Okay, I understand. That happens to me sometimes. Do you have a minute? I would like to give you a recap of what we discussed tonight.”

“Sure,” I replied.

“We’ve all decided that we’re going to start studying a book called The Purpose-Driven Life. I have an extra copy if you can come by one day this week and get it.”

“Oh yeah, I heard about that book. It’s been out for a while. I know people who read it and said it changed their life. Well, can I get it from you on Sunday?”

“Sure, or if you’re near the church, just come by my office. I’ll be there the rest of this week until six o’clock.”

“Thank you, Reggie—I really appreciate everything.”

“God bless you, sister. Have a good night.”

When I got off the phone, I felt a sense of calmness that took over my body when I heard the words “God bless you.” I put the phone on the charger and went back to eating my dinner, ignoring Curtis, who was standing there staring at me.

“Well, before we were interrupted by your phone call, you were about to tell me about myself.”

I looked up at him. “You know what, Curtis? Forget it. It’s not even worth saying.”

“No, it is worth saying if you have a problem with me. I want to know what’s on your mind.”

I ignored him and concentrated on eating my dinner.

“Well, let’s hear it, Stephanie.” he persisted.

I grabbed a forkful of food and placed it in my mouth and looked up at him as I chewed slowly.

“Fuck it, then.” He took the trash bag full of bottles and placed it near the garbage can by the kitchen door and walked to the bedroom.

Play The Game

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