Читать книгу Play The Game - Doug Dixon - Страница 8
Оглавление“Excuse me. Do you have these boots in a size six?” Mya asked the clerk at Nordstrom’s department store.
Mya LeVeaux was out doing her typical Saturday afternoon shopping to relieve stress. Lord knows that was what she needed right about now. Last night Mya had received word from her hometown of New Orleans that her ex-boyfriend, Marvin DuCloux, had just proposed marriage to a neurosurgeon, and asked Mya’s own father, Bishop Franklyn LeVeaux, to do the service. Bishop LeVeaux had graciously accepted the honor, as Marvin’s family had long been members at Greater Mount Olive Full Gospel Baptist Church.
Months earlier, Mya had left New Orleans after the annual church picnic. Marvin, her boyfriend of three years, had shown up two hours late but five minutes before Wendy Landreaux, the Church Hoe, arrived. Earlier that day, the church gossiper, Ms. Thibodaux, had left the two of them alone to finish loading refreshments into the church van for the picnic. No one had seen the two since then. When Wendy arrived she had what appeared to be semen scattered throughout the top of her hair and around her forehead.
“Let me check for you, ma’am,” the clerk replied before walking off toward the storage area. A couple of minutes later the salesclerk appeared, holding the same burgundy boot Mya had given her.
“Ma’am, the only size six we have left is being tried on by those women over there.” The salesclerk pointed out two strangers to Mya—they were sitting in the corner of the shoe department. Stephanie Hall, a high-yella sista with her hair pulled back into a ponytail, was trying to talk her friend Tangie Jackson, a sista with shoulder-length hair and a shiny peanut-butter-color complexion, out of buying the boots that were actually too small for her size-seven foot.
Stephanie and Tangie had grown up together since middle school and were on their weekly girls’ day out. For Stephanie it was a way for her just-out-of-jail boyfriend, Curtis Williams, to spend time with their two-year-old son, Brandon. But for Tangie it was a celebration, especially since her divorce from her second husband had just been finalized the day before. Tangie had very little patience when it came to what she considered a weak-ass man, and she was not afraid to express her opinion, whether it was about sex, the way he dressed, or if he was just getting on her nerves.
“We have a size five in stock. Would you like to try that one on?” the salesclerk asked Mya.
“Oh, no, that would be too small…Well, thanks, anyway,” Mya replied, disappointed. “I’ll just look around for something else,” she added as she walked off, looking at other displays in the department.
Mya picked up another shoe but they didn’t have that one in her size, either. She glanced back over at the two women who were still discussing the boots with their salesclerk. Curious as to what was being said, Mya walked toward them nonchalantly, pretending to browse other merchandise.
Tangie, still not convinced the boots were too small, opened the shoebox and pulled them out once again.
“Let me try them on one more time. They didn’t feel that bad on my feet,” Tangie said, taking off her shoes. Mya stood back and watched as Tangie forced each foot into the boots. As Tangie got up to walk around, she pressed her lips together as she took one step at a time, each one making her frown harder and harder. By the fourth or fifth step, she dropped to her knees in agony. “Girl, get these fucking boots off my feet,” she shouted to Stephanie.
Mya turned her head to hide her laughter. It was obvious this girl wanted those boots at any cost.
As Stephanie struggled to get the left boot off, Tangie looked up at Mya as she tried to pull the right boot off. “Hey, don’t just stand there. Help me get this damn boot off my foot,” Tangie yelled at Mya.
Mya dropped her bags, then rushed over and grabbed the right boot and began pulling with all her might. People standing around were laughing as Tangie’s body twisted and turned in all directions.
Stephanie and Mya struggled for two or three minutes, dragging Tangie’s body down the aisle of the shoe department until they managed to get the boots off.
After more laughter, everyone managed to compose themselves while Tangie straightened her clothes and put her hair back in place before sitting down next to the empty shoebox.
Mya paused for a moment, admiring the size six that she so desperately wanted. “Do you mind if I try them on?” she asked politely.
“Hell, no. Be my guest,” Tangie replied, wiping the beads of sweat that had formed on her forehead.
Mya took off her shoes and slipped both her feet into the boots with ease and walked in front of the mirror.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Tangie said, disappointment in her voice.
“How do you think they look on me?” Mya asked.
“I hate to say it but they really look good on you,” Tangie replied.
“Yeah, they do look nice,” Stephanie said.
Then the salesclerk passed by and saw Mya walking in the boots. “Oh, so you were able to find the last pair of size six, huh?”
Mya smiled and turned toward Tangie, who was sitting with a look of disbelief on her face.
“Well, I guess she did,” Tangie said dryly.
“Okay, well, when you’re ready, I’ll ring them up for you,” the salesclerk replied as she walked off.
Mya smiled and sat down next to the two women, happy to get the boots, and began taking them off and placing them back into the shoebox.
“Thanks, you guys,” Mya said as she stood up to walk to the register.
“Oh, you’re quite welcome…Oh, I’m Stephanie Hall, by the way, and this nut over here is my friend, Tangie Jackson.”
“Nice to meet you both. I’m Mya LeVeaux.”
“LeVeaux?” Tangie repeated, sitting up in her chair. “Surely you’re not from Atlanta?”
“No, I’m from New Orleans. Why?” Mya replied.
“Just never heard the name—”
“Anyway, Mya, so how long have you lived in Atlanta?” Stephanie interrupted.
“Oh, not quite a year yet,” Mya replied. “I teach fourth grade at Austell Middle School near Six Flags.”
“Oh, you teach school, too?” Tangie replied, surprised. “So do Stephanie and me. We teach at Stephenson Middle School in Stone Mountain.”
“Oh, really? That’s a coincidence,” Mya replied.
“Well, Tangie and I∧ are about to grab some lunch and drinks at the Cheesecake Factory down the street. You’re welcome to join us,” Stephanie said.
Surprised at the invitation, Mya agreed, and after paying for her boots, they all exited the store.
From that day on, the three of them found that they all had a lot in common and established a loving friendship.