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The Second Edition & Its 60 New Hikes

It is time, all you enthusiastic hikers out there, for the much anticipated second edition of Afoot & Afield Portland/Vancouver. Those familiar with the first edition will find several changes and significant improvements. First of all, every map has been redone, updated, and significantly improved to be more user friendly. Most trips now have their own map while others are shown on a map with other nearby trails, and many more landmarks and details are shown to help visitors follow the trail. In addition, the organizational format and numbering system has been streamlined to make it much easier for you to find hikes in the area you are interested in visiting.

Easily the most important feature of the second edition, however, is that it includes 60 brand-new adventures to spectacular destinations in every corner of our region, almost all of which come with the bonus of solitude being a virtual certainty. Every Portland/Vancouver area outdoor lover, no matter how many years they have been hiking local trails, is guaranteed to find numerous great hikes that they have never taken and probably didn’t even know existed. Among these new hikes are trips to a truly superb waterfall on remote North Siouxon Creek in Southwest Washington, several trails exploring the sunny and flower-covered slopes of the eastern Columbia River Gorge, a hike to a virtually unknown clifftop viewpoint in the Clackamas River country that will absolutely blow your (hiking) socks off, details on how to find a new trail up previously closed Fish Creek Mountain, paths leading to remote and beautiful fishing spots in the almost unknown canyons of Roaring River and South fork Clackamas River, descriptions of little-traveled routes in usually crowded areas like Silver Falls and Oxbow parks, several newly constructed trails in the Coast Range’s Clatsop State Forest, and literally dozens more. In addition, every hike from the first edition of the book has been updated, and 10 of them have undergone major revisions due to trailheads being relocated and/or the trails themselves being completely rerouted.

With all these additions, the book now describes nearly 200 hikes within an hour’s drive of the city, so it is safe to say that nothing has been excluded. The goal was to include absolutely every local “wild” trail, making this book the comprehensive “bible” for all nearby hikes. You no longer have to own several different books or check several different sources to find a suitable trail or a description of a particular route you want to hike. If you can’t find it here, it either doesn’t exist or isn’t legally accessible. So, get out those hiking boots and hit the trails, my fellow pedestrians. You are fortunate enough to live in a city with almost unlimited options for enjoying your favorite activity in beautiful surroundings. And you now own a guide that details every one of those options. The outdoors is yours to explore and savor. See you on the trails!

Afoot and Afield: Portland/Vancouver

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