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Beans and Lentils


Beans and lentils (collectively referred to as ‘pulses’ or ‘legumes’) represent potential alternatives to grain at certain meals. Like grains, though, they are relatively rich in lectins and enzyme inhibitors that impair the digestion of food.15

On the plus side, there is evidence that these substances can be reasonably well deactivated through thorough soaking and cooking prior to eating. Also, another plus is that legumes are usually eaten in a ‘whole’ form, in stark contrast to the refined, nutrient-stripped forms of grain that are commonplace in the diet. Generally speaking, legumes are less disruptive to blood sugar and insulin levels than grains, too.

I’m not a particularly enthusiastic advocate of legumes on account on their tendency to cause digestive symptoms (such as bloating and wind), but I do believe they can be included in moderation in the diet as a potential substitute for grains and as an ingredient in, say, soups and stews.

A Great Day at the Office: 10 Simple Strategies for Maximizing Your Energy and Getting the Best Out of Yourself and Your Day

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