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CHAPTER-6 Deaths of Muslim Leaders


With the deaths of These Muslim leaders, there was panic everywhere in the Muslim world and to some extent in non-Muslim world. Within two days the deaths of two ex-prime ministers of Pastan, the ex-prime minister of Karan, ex-president of Kamalacia and high up of Kafelistine had jolted the Muslim world because only the Muslim leaders were murdered and not a single Non-Muslim. The second important thing was that they were the heads of ex-Governments. Everybody was saying something or the other.

During the recent massacre of Muslim leaders, Islamic countries were hit by anxiety. Different rumors were spreading. Within two days, 2 prime ministers of Pastan, ex-President of Karan, ex-President of Kamalacia and a high official of Kafelistine organization were killed and this thing had jolted the people of Muslim countries and these countries were gripped into terror.

Because in these assassinations, only the Muslim leaders were the victims and not a single non-Muslim was killed and secondly, the assassins were either the heads of state or important individuals, there were speculations everywhere. There was one thing common and that was that these people had talked frequently about Zulimistan’s policies and were active against Zulimistan. So it was not difficult to understand that Zulimistan has nefarious its glorious traditions and have killed them.

With the growing insecurity, there was a strange restlessness and chaos in Islamic countries. Everybody knew, who the real foe was, but who would take on with this and who would raise the voice, who would ask for justice; nobody had the courage. Everybody was worried about himself. Even there was a growing feeling among the Non-Islamic countries to live away from and to reduce their business with Muslim countries. Many non-Muslim countries closed their embassies in many Islamic countries by saying that terrorism was at its peak in these countries.

In short, things were bad and now this massacre had changed the world into Islamic and non-Islamic blocks. Economy had grown week, prices were touching the sky and other than few rich countries, conditions were deteriorating in the Islamic world. The World Finance Bank added fuel to fire by imposing strange sanctions like a rise in petrol, oil and gas prices to receive back its loans.

Banks had deployed their people permanently in these countries to safeguard their interests. The Governments in these countries were hopeless, helpless so they had to increase the rates. The people were fuming with anger and the prices rising terror had crushed the public. Some people believed that all the policies of the World Bank and its business loan contracts were made in consultation with Zulimistan, that is, how much interest is to be charged and how much loan is to be given to any Islamic country.

And how to entangle these countries in their net so that an Islamic country is always pressed under these huge debts and these countries become liable to be black mailed by Zulimistan whenever, in later stages, to get Zulimistan goals. Recent sanctions on Islamic countries and a tough attitude of the World Bank to receive back its loan was the result of Zulimistan’s instigation. Particularly, the adjacent countries with Zamaril were becoming weaker as compared with Zamaril and now were not prepared to attack and liberate Bait-ul-Muqaddas and occupied territories of Kafelistine.

On the other hand, Zamaril is becoming stronger and stronger. It has not only attained nuclear status but at the same time, whenever it wishes, kills the helpless unarmed Kafelstinees. It has been in the scenario of this region that here come fifteen to twenty F16 bombarding jets, indulge in carpet bombing and disappear easily leaving thousands of dead or wounded and sometimes difficult to count the dead people due to broken human pieces. Everybody knows this has been a routine of Zamaril since its unlawful existence. In this Scenario also, if some Muslim country raises its voice against Zamaril, Zulimistan starts blackmailing and the poor country is left speechless. Zulimistan is supposed to support its beloved Zamaril because it is its frontline state.

That’s why Kaflestinians had started with suicide bombing, because they were left with no choice. Zulimistan understands its basic liability to provide full protection and also guarding completely Zamaril’s interests against Islamic countries.

Zulimistan with its cunning planning had induced such circumstances in the Muslim countries, that they were entangled in their internal affairs. They could not extend moral support to the others and if any country tried to do so, it was not spared and was being replied instantly by Zulimistan’s cruel slap so that the country would never take courage to help its Muslim brother country. One neighboring country, Karaq, had attained some military power but nobody in Zamaril and Zulimistan liked it. They remained indulged in efforts to destroy Karaq’s army’s resources, to weaken Karaq, along with their greedy eye towards Karaq’s oil resources. They wanted to paralyze its economic resources to save Zamaril from any approaching danger from any Islamic neighboring country. Zulimistan had been successful to a great extent by doing so.

Zulimistan and its allies had started military attacks on larger scale and managed to destroy Karaq’s military power. Moreover, it had successfully imposed sanctions on Karaq that weakened its economic and defense capability rather completely paralyzed so much so that there was a shortage of life saving drugs and thousands of innocents died due to this. Everybody in this world knew it but nobody dare to speak against Zulimistan’s cruel policies which are always damaging to mankind.

So much so that certain so called international organizations who claimed to be the champions of humanity, had closed their eyes and never spoke a word, because they were funded by Zulimistan. Whenever a dog died in a non-Islamic country, these organizations made a lot of hue and cry. But in Karaq where humanity was in utter distress, mother died after giving birth to paralyzed children only because of the non-availability of life saving drugs. Nobody cared; nobody raised voice to support them in whole of the world.

Their only crime was that they were Muslims and Zamaril felt some danger from them.

At last, the ice broke and Masud Arab called Islamic Summit conference to save the Muslim world from these dangers. All preparations were being made. Not only the Islamic world, but Zulimistan, Zamaril and other non-Islamic countries waited anxiously about its outcome. Tremendous security arrangements were made for the conference.

The foreign secretary of Zulimistan arranged a news conference in response to Islamic Summit conference. In that conference, he very cunningly wished the Muslims world good luck and stated that they were fully aware of problems of the Muslim Block. Zulimistan hoped that the Muslim world would reach a successful answer to the problems of its people and if they need Zulimistan’s help, she will not disappoint them. He also stated that the president of Zulimistan had contacted the Muslim Presidents through telephones and conveyed his wishes. He also expressed his wishes for the success of this Summit conference.

Next day the media of the whole world covered the press conference of the Zulimistan foreign minister and the newspaper published full editorials to tell that how much Zulimistan cared about Muslim countries and always remembered its friends.

In the green lawn of Green house of Fugonton city (Zulimistan’s capital city), where people of international media are waiting for President David because he was to issue a statement about the Islamic conference. People are enjoying in gossips when announcement is made about President’s arrival. Everybody stands. President David in a blue suit, white shirt and red Tie seems to be fresh and starts talking.

“Dear Audience! Welcome: during the previous days certain incidents have taken place and certain incidents are going to happen in coming days, that’s why I have considered it important to tell the world.

During previous days we have finished our enemies who incidentally were ex-Presidents or Prime ministers of Muslim World. Now we have decided that any individual, belonging to any country or any position, if he is a terrorist, we will banish him and we would not wait for a moment in doing so. I want to make the whole world understand through you that people must listen and understand what we want. The previously taken steps were a part of the strategy to finish terrorists and to warn the world and that’s why we targeted those people and you all know that we killed two ex-Prime Ministers of Pastan country. It is co- incidence that the terrorists have been found in the Muslim world and it was natural that we had to react.”

All the people were listening attentively. He continued.

“You know, as you sow so shall you reap..? Until the time that Islamic world changes its life style and unless the Fanaticism and fundamentalism come to end, which to us are the basis of this terrorism and we finish these terrorists, we will not change our policies. We will chase these terrorists to their graves. We will bring peace to the world and we aim at providing peace so that everybody enjoys the life fully. We want to clear the world from these black sheep and we will do everything for this.

Now I come to the forthcoming Islamic conference. Be assured that we are fully aware of their declining economy but they themselves are to be blamed. I fail to understand why do they help the extremists?. Whenever you put your hand in the mouth of a loin you must be ready for the consequences. But we are concerned about them and want to help them but who can be helpful to one who does not want to help himself.”

The conference of President David had a mixed reaction. Already in the Islamic States, where there was confusion and chaos after the killing of three leaders (Ex Govt. Heads), the threats of President David added fuel to fire.

With a mixed feeling, the Islamic Summit continues, very hot speeches by Islamic leaders were in progress, discussions were going on, and after one day nothing seems to have improved. All Islamic World had its hopes with the Summit, but these don’t seem to be fulfilled.

All the participants were scared, every individual seemed to have prepared his speech with caution for the fear of annoying Zulimistan and its policies and vowed to offer their support against terrorism. The thing which was quite amazing was that nobody uttered a single word against the recent killing of these Islamic leaders. It seemed that all had been prepared to say something peculiar and they seemed to be justifying that and also trying to fulfill the hopes of their senders. As the days progressed, all the hopes died. All the presidents had joined their hopes with Zulimistan without bringing consideration whether their masses were with them or not. They only wanted to save their thrones, their lives and never bothered to save their masses at any cost; they never had any interest.

Where, there were presidents, there were certain members of ZSCIA whose aim was to meet these people from time to time during this conference and convey the feelings of President David to them.

At last this Summit also met the same fate as the previous Summits had met, which was held at Yemen before Zulimistan’s attack on Kafaghanistan and this Summit ended in favoring all Zulimistan’s Policies. This time, it also happened in the same manner.

In the Yemen Summit the Presidents had saved their thrones and had offered the lives of countless millions Kafghanistanees who died in the brutal bombing, became homeless, orphans, handicapped, destroyed and anything which was saved was the thrones of those individuals, who had sided by the Zulimistan Policies. And they had been in this habit of always protecting and working for supporting Zulimistan’s interests except very few Islamic countries who always worked in favor of their masses.

Not even a single president had bravely tried to convince and even to enforce Zulimistan to refrain from committing atrocities to those who had already withstood the Kazussian atrocities for over twenty years. No one tried to keep away Zulimistan from always blaming the Muslims for every crime in the world. So as the result of their approval of Zulimistan policies in Yemen, Zulimistan got a chance to attack Kafaghanistan and they really did it.

Who knows that after this conference, how many more Islamic countries will have to undergo the same fate…? So these Presidents saved their thrones but also offered in the bargain the innocent lives of Muslims in the whole Islamic world. As a result these Presidents will hear good news from President David that their governments would get a prolonged run because President David of Zulimistan will hold the remote in his hand.

Whenever Mr. David pleases or not, will throw someone out of throne or go the other way around, keep him on his throne and once he gets their job done, he will be found dead in a crash and nobody would know who did and why…?

Zulimistan knows well to pay its friends no matter what type of reward is…?

But the conditions have somewhat changed now because MFP is active and reaching its goal swiftly. This time Zulimistan and its allies will have to confront a different enemy. These people are the best brains of Islamic world. They work scientifically and perhaps this time Zulimistan will have to repay. This is the law of nature. Laws of nature are absolute, whatever one sows for others one day he reaps it. And now this time it is Zulimistan’s turn.

Dr. Jabran is working in his computer lab. His robot Sunny is placed on his table before him. Some other computer individuals are also doing computer work while sitting before their computer tables. There is pin drop silence in the lab.

At last Sunny breaks the silence;

“I think everybody is mum, nobody is talking with me, I will get bored and when I am bored, I feel sleepy but I don’t want to sleep because whenever I sleep I see nightmares….Oh my God! Please help me.”

But Jabran is trying to overlook him.

Sunny again reacts;

“Jabran, what do you think of yourself…? You don’t possess horns to disturb you so that by shaking them you get out of your deep dream.”

Nobody in the lab responds. Sunny presses some buttons on his body and starts flying and utters:

“I think everybody is too serious to talk.”

Then Sunny goes around the whole lab and then lands on the shoulders of Jabran.

Jabran speaks to robot Sunny;

“Oh my friend Sunny, Go to next room and see if the guests are awake, arrange their breakfast and also call me when all are ready.”

“As your pleasure Sir…” Sunny replies and pays respect to its creator Dr. Jabran and goes to another room while flying in air.

All in the lab continue their computer work.

After some minutes the Sunny returns back and tells the details to Jabran while sitting on the monitor of Jabran computer;

“All is ready; everyone is waiting for you in the guest room, please shut down your boring computer work and accompany me with your guests.”

“Ok, ok, don’t be panic I am closing my computer.” Jabran tries to please Sunny.

“Oh! You are as intelligent as you read my mood; otherwise I would had shut down your boring computer programs by my hidden power.”

Sunny laughs; “Hehehe,,,hehehe,,,,hahaha…”

Dr. Jabran closes his computer and walks towards the next room while Sunny is on his Right shoulder.

In the guest room, Mr. Gulbaz Sharif, Mrs. Bay Kabeera and Mr. Ayat Subhani are sitting on the dining table and all are in quite amazing mood. They had never thought that they would be saved by MFP, so as to save them from the cruelty of Zulimistan and Zamaril and they are now in the headquarters of MFP.

Three of them are discussing something when Jabran with his robot Sunny enters the room. Sunny starts flying in the room and also speaks to the guest;

“We welcome our honorable guests at MFP headquarters. Now you are about to meet Dr. Jabran who is head of SKW wing of MFP. SKW means ‘teach the lesson’ and its motto is that ‘the rod is the logic of ignorance. ”

Then Sunny sits on one corner and laughs;


Then sunny again repeats the motto;

“The rod is the logic of ignorance. The rod is the logic of ignorance.”

Then Jabran addresses to these guests. Each of them is looking at robot with great surprise. They would die in their huge surprising phase if no one would try to bring them out of this phase. Dr. Jabran comes into action and tells the true story of their rescue.

He tells them how he came to know about ZSCIA’s plan to kill them and how he managed MFP super Mujahids to save them in time and how all of them brought to MFP’s Head Quarters safely out of life threatening dangers without wasting a fraction of a second. Zulimistan and its allies are celebrating their so called success on unjustified murdering of these Islamic leaders, but they don’t know that not only you are all safe but also far away from their approach and all this is by the Blessings of Allah. Now nobody can harm them. After listening to him, their anxiety decreases.

Mr. Jabran adds:

“Let’s see how your houses were being attacked by the Cobra missiles and if you had been there, you would die and would be giving answers to Lord for your deeds.”

“Oh my God, How dreadful it seems!” Mrs. Bay Kabeera showed her surprise and her face was white with fear.

“Thanks Allah! We are all alive and safe.” Mr. Gulbaz stated his thanking views.

“You are great, Mr. Jabran; I swear I have yet to come across a genius like you. I have no words to thank you for your great services you gave to us and to our nations. When Karani people come to know about your achievement, they will run to thank you. You have done a great job and the whole Karani people are indebted to you.” Mr. Ayat Subhani also expresses himself enthusiastically.

“No, No Mr. Subhani, not only he has done great favor to Karan but also with Pastan people by saving us. Only Allah will repay him. But of course, we will also leave no stone unturned.” Gulbaz also showed his emotions.

“Come on! Why all of you are praising me so much?. I don’t want anything in reward. I only want God to be pleased and that’s all. I and my colleagues are trying to elevate the morale of Islamic community. We just want to bring harmony and unity to answer our enemies in the same coin so that the Zulimistan pays through its nose, as it has made a habit to tag and brand Muslim countries as terrorists and always blames them. God willing, we will try our best to counterattack Zulimistan as this country has always been trying to weaken the Islamic countries.

We want that Zulimistan should suffer the same damage and instability and weak economics which is being imposed by Zulimistan in almost all the Islamic countries by its aggressive planned policies. We will push back this wild cat into its jungle hole that is its real living place and in a such a way that it will remain within its own native home. We will enforce Zulimistan to think for only its own country and stay within its own limits and not interfere in others nations’ internal matters and also not to enjoy other economies by snatching and keeping in their own pockets. There will be time that Zulimistan will seek forgiveness, call its allies for help, but nobody would help her.” As he was saying this, his face was all bronzed. He continues his expressions.

“It’s that law of nature, its forever that you repay for your deeds, so Zulimistan will have to repay.

Will the sacrifices of millions of Kafaghanistanees go waste…?

Will the sacrifices of millions of Kaflestinees go unattended…?

Will those brutes be forgiven, who trampled the Crotians and Chechans…? Will those butchers be forgiven who raped thousands of Kashmiree youth…?

Have we forgotten those merciless attacks on Karaq by the Zulimistan, due to which thousands were either rendered homeless or became orphans or martyred…?

What is the reason that it’s always a Muslim who has been on the receiving end, disguised as Karaqee, Kafaghanistanee, Kashmeree, and Chechan…?

There has to be a reason that it is Zulimistan all alone who has committed atrocities, joining hands with Zamaril and sometimes its biggest partner Crowngland.”

Mr. Jabran was sobbing and narrating his grief. All the Muslim World shares this; everybody wishes for the Muslims to be united and regain their power. He continues:

“When everybody follows the same one God, one holy Quran, and one holy prophet, then why don’t they get united so that the enemies lick the dust and don’t get a chance to divide them…? The whole Islamic community has been divided and scattered in its own interests. Somewhere, to prolong their kingships, the interests of the Muslims are being scattered. And somewhere at certain places, democracy is being strengthened to cement their own places and the interests of the Muslims are being neglected.

In short, those Muslims who had no match in knowledge and skill have been left behind. To solve their problems, they have to bow before these imperial states and Zulimistan is using them. Dr. Jabran was narrating the whole truth and they were listening eagerly.

“Come forward, now I will show to you those missiles attacks which were on all of you.” Then he asks Sunny to come forward.

Sunny comes forward. Jabran pushes some buttons and a small screen appears.

Zulimistan Marine Star can be seen on that screen. The missile was running and moving rapidly towards its target.

Jabran tells them that he recorded these pictures of Mrs. Bay Kabeera’s home with his satellite. The cobra missile hits her home and destroys it completely.

The moment it blasts, Sunny falls on the table mockingly and says;

“I am feeling giddy; this blast has turned me upside down. But I enjoyed by going down and up.”

Everybody laughs at Sunny by its naughty movements.

Jabran stops Sunny and tells them that he is going to show now the films of Missiles attacks on Ayat Subhani and Gulbaz Sharif.

Sunny jokes once again and says;” Jabran, at least, we have to have censor board to edit these films so that I would not feel any giddiness, is it..?” Everybody laughs at Sunny again.

Jabran snubs Sunny and presses some buttons on sunny body. The Marine Staris seen again on that big screen and then the Missile striking with Ayat Subhani’s place.

He presses another button and now it’s Gulbaz Sharif’s turn.

In the meantime, an assistant from Lab comes and tells Jabran that Mr. Imran from Zulimistan is online and wants to talk to him. Jabran gets up and asks his guests to start with breakfast. Sunny also wants to accompany him but he asks Sunny to take care of the guests.

Sunny does not like but starts flying over the guests while in anger and starts uttering;

“Yep, yep, as I am a machine so you order me to obey you fully, and I have to obey you as you might change my software. If I would be a human being then I might be able to teach you a lesson.”

Everybody laughs. Gulbaz tries to lessen the sadness of Sunny.

“Friend Sunny, don’t be panic we are here to give you company, let’s talk to each other.”

Sunny stops flying and sits on Gulbaz’s shoulder and thanks him.

“Thanks Mr. Gulbaz, after all a friend in need is a friend indeed. Would that you would be my creator!”

Jabran also laughs at this time and goes to lab.

Jabran enters the lab and sits before his computer table, puts ear phone and starts chatting on net with Imran, who is online from Zulimistan.

Imran speaks that by the grace of God, he has succeeded.

“Well done, Imran!” Jabran appreciates his work.

Imran adds more that the basis of our foundation has been laid and very soon you will listen about its first meeting. He also told the name of the new organization is ‘Zulimistan Thinkers Association’ (ZTA).

“Excellent job my dear!” Jabran admires his work.

Imran asks Jabran about the Black Helmet. Jabran responds by saying that hundred percent job done.

“I will call a meeting of MFP and we will plan about future.” He adds:

“Well done Mr. Jabran. The whole Muslim nation congratulates you on this great achievement. We are really proud of you.” This time Imran appreciates Jabran’s achievements.

“I have done nothing but my job, so nobody needs to thank me.” Jabran replies.

“I am ready for action. My whole team is eager to play hell games with Zulimistan as it played hell games with other countries especially with Islamic countries. We have been praying for this Black Helmet device; we are thankful to God that you have succeeded. Now we will avenge the misery inflicted by Zulimistan and its allies on the Muslims.”

Imran announces.

“Yep, yep God willing…” Jabran agrees.

Then after some more discussions, Imran disappears from the monitor screen. Jabran removes his ear pieces and asks his assistant to bring Black Helmet. He brings it.

This Black Helmet is an amazing invention of Dr. Jabran. It resembles with an ordinary helmet. Whoever wears it and then pushes a button, certain rays are emitted from this which cannot be seen. Thus who wears this, disappears and cannot be seen by others and when he pushes the button again he is seen because the rays are stopped.

Black Helmet works in three limits. It remains stand by on Limit zero. In Limit one, the one who wears this, disappears but his reflection can be seen. And on Limit two, the person wearing this completely disappears. Jabran had been working on this for years and years.

Jabran thinks of a joke. He wears the Helmet, presses the button and disappears. He walks in the room where the guests are busy with robot that is entertaining them by cutting jokes. In this position Jabran picks up the glass with water of Mrs. Bay Kabeera and drinks all water and puts back the glass on the table.

Mrs. Kabeera quite amazed with this. She thinks that Sunny has done all this.

“Oh Sunny, Did you do this, very bad thing to be naughty with guests, it’s against humanity. You should be ashamed of it.”

She became angry with Sunny.

“No, No Mrs. Kabeera, I didn’t drink water. I only drink electron as electrons give me life.” Sunny clarifies the doubt of Mrs. Kabeera.

Gulbaz tells her that she might have drunk water and forgot while busy in talking with others. He says or rather advises her to come out of fear of those Bomb blasts.

“Perhaps you are right Mr. Gulbaz, I am wrong….” Mrs. Kabeera admits her mistake.

Jabran enjoys this all while remaining in limit two. Then he gives slap now on the head of Gulbaz who looks here and there in amazement and then re continues his meal. Now Jabran screams near his ears and this time it is the turn of him that he is completely out of his senses. He shouts while in surprising status;

“It looks…it looks that there is some ghost in this room, first I was in doubt but now……now….I am sure of it…”

Mr. Ayat Subhani does not believe of it and tries to make him understand;

“Give up this nonsense shouting, Mr. Gulbaz, may be you frightened while seeing the dreadful sight of your death in the movie.”

Before he could say more, Jabran now gives a slap on Ayat Subhani’s head. Now it is his turn to be in nonsense shouting. Jabran in limit two laughs while seeing his condition.

Ayat Subhani utters while gazing someone in the space:

“I think you were all right. There is really some ghost in this room.” Sunny flies towards next room and says;

“Oh, Oh run all from this room, some horrifying ghost has occupied this room, let’s leave and run otherwise you all will be engulfed by this unseen ghost.”

Sunny flies towards next room and all follow Sunny in this terrifying condition.

Before things could worse further, Dr. Jabran switched off black Helmet and became visible at zero limit of the device. All the three looked at him with great wonder. Jabran told them that it was he who did all these acts while in his invisible state.

He begged their pardon and explained that in fact he wanted to introduce his invention in practical manner. Then he explained more features of his invention in detail.

The Rise Of Peace

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